He IS a Twat.
And Yes,
JW are dumbasses.
Very easy. Clean and simple.
he comes on stage wearing his new nerd glasses so i thought he would say something smart, instead this.... "first of all i would like to thank not only god but jesus......" wtf!.
either he is a witness or has no idea about the christian trinity.......why didn't he thank the holy spirit too!!!
trying to work with jw's and their cd i notice that the harder i push their beliefs the more likely they are to hit back with some werid version of jw belives that exsists only in their own head.. its almost like they listen to the bs from the platform, run it through their head and then process it through their own filter and end up with a bastardised version of "the truth" that they feel comfortable with.. .
anyone else encountered this?
and whats your theory about it?.
highdose: You are spot on!!!
Yes, definitely that describes my personal experience with different Witnesses. Before I DA'ed myself (58 days ago) I "announced" my decision, beforehand to different family members and the "inner circle of friends". Just to prepare them for D-Day ....they tried to "convince" me to stay in with all kinds of arguments, amongst them (the more I explained what I don't believe anymore, the harder they tried to sell me the "Soft-Version" of the cult):
- "NOOOOO, we are allowed to go to University.....no fault with that. The Society NEVER said you can't...."
- "You can THINK whatever you like....just don't express it publicly. Most important thing is you love Jehober."
- "Videogames.....Movies?.....You can watch them ALL! ...Just don't tell"
- "We know the GB is sometimes wrong.....BUT, BUT the main thing is: this is J's Org....don't mind anything else."
(for the purposes of this post, i want to say that being angry, though a real emotion, is not healthy if it continues to fester inside you.
i think anger is reasonable if it helps you to move on from point a to point b. in addition, because of the real issues anger can bring, if you feel that after many years you are still angry over your jw experience, i strongly encourage therapy.
long term anger is destructive to the individual).
AllTimeJeff: very good thoughts!
This is another of those tricks the GB has up their sleeves. I was very, very stressed not to show any signs of anger, because of that exact statement. My wife and others started to use that against my new thought process ("You will become angry, unhappy and irritated apostate") Because I didn't wanted to "play into their hands" and make their "little prophecy" come true, I avoided anger at all costs.....reasoning and smiling.
Then I realized (epiphany!) one thing: To HELL with that statement! This is another form of control over ME and MY emotions. If I want to be angry, so be it. I can be as happy and as angry as I WANT! I don't care anymore what they think.
That is when I started to show my real emotions and it was damn relieving! My wife called my an "angry, bitter person"....and I've told her that I have reasons to feel that way - sometimes - at other times I'm a happy, relieved person, at other times I am just serene and thoughtful....finally:
"I am just a human that made some experiencies with other humans that think god uses them for some Mission Impossible and some of those experiences where good others where utterly sh&%$ and my emotions change, because that is what humans do - brain chemicals and brain electricity do these things." - I don't think too much about it anymore.
57 days out of the Borg.......and going
i was discussing with an elder today, and as usual the conversation drifted towards apostates and their line of reasoning, he angrily looked into my eyes with the scriptures in his hand and told me:.
(1) that apostates are destructive peddlers who shut the door of everlasting life on people as they are very sure they have no portion in there.
he quoted matt 23:13- 13 woe to you, scribes and pharisees, hypocrites!
I would say: The Watchtower Society is shutting the door to present life of millions, which is almost criminal...they steal the most valuable that humans have: time = the building block of Life!!! They have sucked my time and therefore robbed me of years of pure LIFE!
LOL Scully:
300 years later, Pope Pius XII described Galileo as a hero of research. And in 1992 Pope John Paul II "expressed regret" for the way the church handled Galileo way back when.
Time is the expositor of all false prophets and the avenger of all accused of heresy.
In the year 2311 Governing Body member, Brother R8Y10 will apologize and "express his regret" towards Simon and the members of this forum. We will all be dead, but at least they will apologize.
Isn't that a comforting thought?
it was a couple years ago that my wife awakened to the true nature of jwism.
today is our first overnighter (sans kids).
at home this morning we called in to the k hall, listened to about 2 minutes of the public talk, had a couple good laughs and continued with a leisurely brunch.
So, OpenMind I will join your "Happy Club"
It is now 55 days that my dissasociation has been announced.....the first FREE 55 days in my life....since I was 15 (=Baptism age).
There where very bad days...dark days, mostly because I miss my little Baby girl. Besides that, life without "ThE TrUTh" is good.
I actually met a wonderful girl. We have been going out. Today I was at a big shopping mall, and crossed my path with a "sister" (a very good friend of my to be former wife). If LOOKS COULD KILL.... (HER's not mine). I just felt sorry for her....because her marriage is so shitty, and she has to stick with a Organization that is all about Death & Destruction.
My girlfriend and me spent a very, very nice sunny day slendering around, hand in hand in inner peace. True inner peace. Feels good. Feels damn good!!!!!!!!
reason i ask is we have seen 2 threads this week about angels:.
1. the angels direct judicial committees; when someone is disfellowshipped, the angels are behind it.. so i am wondering why the angels can't seem to identify the pedophiles that are in the congregation, and when a case does come to light, as they did in california over and over, they can't seem to decide that the pedophile should be kicked out?.
do angels like child rapists?
imagine boarding a bus with your family for a long anticipated vacation.
the destination is a place that is promised to be beautiful warm and sunny.
as you are boarding the bus you are given a ticket stub with several paragraph's of fine print.
tvnz tonight, sunday, at 8:30pm.
in 2010 bryan bruce decided to apply his criminal investigative methods to the ultimate cold case : who killed jesus and why?.
seriously, half day in (already had an argument with the wife this morning about individuality in the organization in which she conceded that a lot of it is based on looks) and this is already getting on my nerves.
i'll post a rebuttal based on my annotations later in the week but one thing i got to get off my mind: saying the feminist movement (women going to work instead of staying home) and the diversity laws (allowing for homosexuality - but also religious freedom, racial discrimination etc.
) caused a lot of the problems in our world right from the stage.. there are less people here than last year - about 500 less..
seriously, half day in (already had an argument with the wife this morning about individuality in the organization in which she conceded that a lot of it is based on looks) and this is already getting on my nerves.
i'll post a rebuttal based on my annotations later in the week but one thing i got to get off my mind: saying the feminist movement (women going to work instead of staying home) and the diversity laws (allowing for homosexuality - but also religious freedom, racial discrimination etc.
) caused a lot of the problems in our world right from the stage.. there are less people here than last year - about 500 less..