Dear friends,
I just wanted to update you. I am doing better emotionally...(it's just that over the last weeks this has been "building up")
The pressure that my relatives (and wife) put on me is too much....some of you think that maybe I have been to "mean or direct" with my wife. Some comments were just "snippets" of long winded conversations. Believe me, over the past five years
I have tried all kinds of approachs (naturally preferably the "soft approach" like many have suggested. It's only that "you go soft" and "they hit you hard" trying to "rescue my lost soul".
My wife said the other day that she will stick to this marriage only because she needs to "rescue me", so that Jehovah doesn't loose one of his own! I told her that sometimes I have the feeling that I am married to the Watchtower Society itself and that this feels like the STASI or something. I get menaced that I will be handed over to the elders....that is why I made that "cutting comment". Out of frustration with the circular thinking!
One more point. I wrote what I wrote or came here to see different points of view, but I think that the biggest way of "moving on" is to just do WHATEVER I THINK is best! My new friends (non JW) are right: I have to stop worrying about what OTHERS think - this is what keeps me inside the Borg. So, I will go "cold turkey" on this....wasted five years trying to "convince" wife and relatives....only to get a shitstorm of "persecution" and problems (even at my workplace!)
No, I will pick whatever advice I like and do something were I USED my OWN thinking. I like the idea though of "creating distance", "become stronger" only to "come back to save my baby girl" That sounds like a suitable plan to me and fits my own feelings.
I will keep you updated and very much appreciate your thoughts and comments. Thanks. Thanks and Thanks again!
Once I am "out" I can come back here and tell some of the "Inside Stories" that might interest many of you