Tell the elders that you have been stumbled by the stumbling because you have broken no scriptural law by talking to the young lady and there is nothing in the literature that says two people can't speak at the Kingdom Hall in front of a bunch of other people. Should not everyone be especially kind to this young lady so she feels welcome? Express much dismay over the whole situation.
I pity you man. What someone else said on this thread is so true. It's hard to find someone in your age group that is still single. If they are single there is usually a pretty good reason.
I hope you continue to come to this website. I have been out for around 20 yrs., not d/a or d/f, just faded, but there were times when my family tried to "shun me" into coming back. It didn't work and I have lived a fun filled, very happy life and am now married to the man of my dreams. My family loves me to death and they don't treat me badly any more. Good luck on your journey!!!