Here's a clue from the recent S.A.D. (great acronym) we just had, Br. Suiter D.O. subing for bethel speaker, his opening words of final talk
"Friends here is where you get to think ......but just for a little while...... (then he goes into his talk not related to this topic)
That pretty much sums it up when it comes to these kinds of major changes in WT doctrine or "new light" the rank & file are not allowed to think or ask questions about goofy crap like this for fear of being marked as apostate so they just go along with the flow.
I don't anyone who would try to explain this at the door as many can't even do the fuzzy math for the 1914 scam.
Ray Franz was a true prophet in his book C of C he stated they GB would eventually have to deal with 1914 date and "generation" mess and he was absolutely correct.