Posts by Mackin

  • DevonMcBride

    London Bethel Raided by Police

    by DevonMcBride in
    1. social
    2. humour

    can anyone confirm if this is true?

    i received the e-mail below:

    panorama was shown 14th july and we heard shortly after that the police were very interested!

    1. Liberated
    2. amac
    3. gumby
  • Mackin
    Last thing I heard John was on vacation in New Zealand, so I somehow doubt whether it was him.

    Nope, John's not been to New Zealand Since the Panorama program aired. He was here earlier in the year though. Or was that Paul??? No, I'm pretty sure it was John.

    Hillary, you do mean the John from England don't you???


  • Mary


    by Mary in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    even though we were all raised with the firm doctrine that absolutely nothing happens to you after death, (except for those baptized before 1935 of course), does anyone here think that maybe something does happen after we die?

    i've seen some programs about people that have reported having near death experiences.

    while this doesn't offer proof, i find it very strange that one individual, during her nde, repeated a conversation she heard on an entirely different floor in the hospital while she was clinically dead.

    1. Mary
    2. Mackin
    3. Swan
  • Mackin

    You mean I'm alive now?

  • sleepy

    Is there anything that could make you go back?

    by sleepy in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    is there anything that could make you go back?.

    what do you think, is there any change of belief or change of circumstance that could make you return to the jw fold?.

    i cant see anything that could make me go back,but i was thinking mabye some of you religious types would go back if they changed some doctrinal things,or if they stopped banning blood.. how about if a family member was dying and hoped to see you in paradise would you go back for a while just to make them feel happy?

    1. termite 35
    2. outoftheorg
    3. Had Enough
  • Mackin

    And BTW, no, I'm never going back. Wild horses couldn't drag me.


  • sleepy

    Is there anything that could make you go back?

    by sleepy in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    is there anything that could make you go back?.

    what do you think, is there any change of belief or change of circumstance that could make you return to the jw fold?.

    i cant see anything that could make me go back,but i was thinking mabye some of you religious types would go back if they changed some doctrinal things,or if they stopped banning blood.. how about if a family member was dying and hoped to see you in paradise would you go back for a while just to make them feel happy?

    1. termite 35
    2. outoftheorg
    3. Had Enough
  • Mackin
    How many witnesses out there today believe every bit of teaching that comes from the tower and would believe the exact same thing if there was no tower? Not many. 99% of witnesses put there personal true feelings aside , and just blindly accept what there told, because Jehovah will straighten things out in the future.


    What you say is true. Also many are "locked in" to the JW system that does not allow any deviance of thought. And to express any kind of different thought would almost certainly lead to DF'ing. Because the cost of leaving (or bring thrown out) is so high, a huge majority choose to "put up and shut up."
