You just don't seem to "get it", or to be able to see the "big picture".
A group of Anti-WTS unknowns have ALREADY bombarded DPI with emails of unknown quantity and quality. DPI has ALREADY decided to review the WTS's "status".
It's hard to criticize the "bombardment" at this point. Due to the timing of the world crisis, and the fact that DPI is currently "sensitive" because it may have granted "associative status" to NGOs with terrorist connections, DPI probably is more willing now than at any other time to review, for possible deletion, the "status" of its NGOs.
A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. Although it possibly would have been better that this attack on the WTS's "status" be made at some later time, the fact remains that such an attack did need to be made at some point in time, and DPI's "attitude" probably will never be more receptive than it is right now.
Keep in mind that the WTS is the best judge of how beneficial such "status" is. They are using this formal association with the UN to influence governmental, social, and other regulatory attitudes all over the globe. Go to any "human rights" website you wish, run "JWs" on their search engine, and chances are that you will get multiple hits.
Yes, it would be "a positive" if JWs could continue to go to the UN Website and see the WTS listed as being "associated" with DPI. However, the question is whether the value of having such available to the small minority of JWs willing to access such is large enough to offset the downside of the WTS continuing to receive the benefits it is reaping worldwide as a UN NGO???
Whether the UN "disfellowships" the WTS, or the WTS "disassociates" itself, neither event changes the fact that the WTS VOLUNTARILY associated itself to the UN for TEN YEARS. I'm sure that dozens, if not hundreds, of copies of the NGO roster have been saved for future reference and posting on anti-WTS websites. Any JWs who will not believe such are the kind that wouldn't be phased even after seeing such on the UN website.
The fact remains that the WTS voluntarily carried on an "illicit affair" with the "beast" for at least 10 years.
Put yourself in the shoes of "Loyal JW Elder". How would you feel if you picked up the newspaper one morning and read these headlines: "JW Elder's Wife Ends 10 Year Long Affair With Local Satanist". Do you think the Elder would say: "Well, since I didn't know anything about the 10 year long affair until today, and since my wife is no longer blowing the satanist, I'll just carry on as if the affair never happened."
While I have no doubt that there are some JW Elders stupid enough to reason such, I also have no doubt that there are many Elders who would terminate the marriage.
Getting back to the upcoming review by DPI. The horse is already out of the barn, so let's make the best of the situation. If we don't, we may not get another opportunity for many, many years because the DPI will later reason that they have already conducted such a thorough review.