What kind of "fruitcake" is Maria Heller, and is this the positive kind of association that SL wants and needs? Gee Whiz????
JoinedPosts by MadApostate
Bill Bowen on Radio September 30
by Kent ini got this message from jim moon:.
talk show host meria heller (herself an ex-jw) has put out the following reminder of her upcoming radio program.
you can tune in on the internet at http://www.meria.net/.
by MacHislopp infollowing the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link : http://www.un.org/moreinfo/ngolink/brochure.htm).
The Feb 1919 Watch Tower statement,
"Truly this is idealistic, and approximates in a small way that which God has foretold that he will bring about after this great time of trouble."was published while JFR and his cohorts were in prison.
After JFR's release, in Sept 1919 at Cedar Point, JFR condemned the League Of Nations because the Federal Council of Churches had made statements very similar to the one which was published earlier in the Watch Tower.
There's nothing wrong with the phraseology that the "WTS has been bed with the UN/Beast", since that's what the "Great Harlot" does- spiritual prostitution. However, I'm guessing that more JWs would more identify with the symbolism that the "WTS is sitting on, or riding on the back of the image of the wild beast." At least it seems more appropriate language to those such as myself who "cut their prophetic teeth" via studying in the "Babylon The Great" book. Again, refer to pages 576 and on.
by MacHislopp infollowing the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link : http://www.un.org/moreinfo/ngolink/brochure.htm).
Since an "associated NGO" supposedly "shares the ideals of the UN Charter", I thought I would post the UN Charter's "PREAMBLE" and "PURPOSES AND PRINCIPLES":
to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and
to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and
to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and
to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, andto unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and
to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, andto employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples,
Accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives assembled in the city of San Francisco, who have exhibited their full powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed to the present Charter of the United Nations and do hereby establish an international organization to be known as the United Nations.
Article 1
The Purposes of the United Nations are:
1. To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;
2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;
3. To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and
4. To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.
Article 2
The Organization and its Members, in pursuit of the Purposes stated in Article 1, shall act in accordance with the following
Principles.1. The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.
2. All Members, in order to ensure to all of them the rights and benefits resulting from membership, shall fulfill in good faith the obligations assumed by them in accordance with the present Charter.
3. All Members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered.
4. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.
5. All Members shall give the United Nations every assistance in any action it takes in accordance with the present Charter, and shall refrain from giving assistance to any state against which the United Nations is taking preventive or enforcement action.
6. The Organization shall ensure that states which are not Members of the United Nations act in accordance with these Principles so far as may be necessary for the maintenance of international peace and security.
7. Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter Vll.
by MacHislopp infollowing the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link : http://www.un.org/moreinfo/ngolink/brochure.htm).
... however, affiliation with the UN in this capacity requires more than simply "having a demonstrated interest in UN issues" and "sharing the ideals" of the UN.
If you will review the last dozen or so posts, you will see that I was referencing Hawkaw's "bolded" remarks, not every conceivable way an NGO supports the UN.
I just posted the majority of info page from the DPI-NGO webpage, and I Italicized the points you quote, as well as many others.
Overblowing the relationship serves no purpose, except to establish a overreached position which the WTS can later partially knock down, and thus appear somewhat victorious. Since ANY COOPERATIVE RELATIONSHIP condemns the WTS, I feel it is better to take a conservative position. Then, if even more crap surfaces later, so much the better. I would rather my initial position have potential to strengthen, rather than potential to weaken.
I also do not wish this issue to become another RAND/WTS BOMB FACTORY, or a REES CASE GOING TO BE HEARD BY THE USSC JUST ANY DAY NOW, or a CIRCUIT LEASING PROFIT SCHEME, or OTHER similar overblown issue.
by MacHislopp infollowing the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link : http://www.un.org/moreinfo/ngolink/brochure.htm).
In My Opinion, these statements are too strong:
"So basically the ones listed on the UN home page have agreed to play by the UN's rules, even though they may not actually be a member of the UN? DO I have it now?
BW (member of the kind of dense class)"
"Not only have you got it right bw but get this ..... the NGO has to solicit the UN and then PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE to the UN."
I do not equate "sharing ideals" and having a "demonstrated interest in UN issues" with "agreeing to play by UN rules" or "pledging allegiance to the UN".
However, ANY COOPERATIVE RELATIONSHIP between "Jehovah's earthly organization" and the "Scarlot-colored Wild Beast" is obviously inappropriate, and actually demonstates that the WTS is not part of Jah's org, but rather is part of the "Great Harlot".
by MacHislopp infollowing the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link : http://www.un.org/moreinfo/ngolink/brochure.htm).
Maybe our enthusiasm about the UN/DPI-NGO relationship should be tempered by these excerpts from the DPI-NGO webpage:
What is an NGO?
A non-governmental organization (NGO) is any non-profit, voluntary citizens' group which is organized on a local, national or international level. Task-oriented and driven by people with a common interest, NGOs perform a variety of services and humanitarian functions, bring citizens' concerns to Governments, monitor policies and encourage political participation at the community level. They provide analysis and expertise, serve as early warning mechanisms and help monitor and implement international agreements. Some are organized around specific issues, such as human rights, the environment or health. Their relationship with offices and agencies of the United Nations System differs depending on their goals, their venue and their mandate.
Over 1,500 NGOs with strong information programmes on issues of concern to the United Nations are associated with the Department of Public Information (DPI), giving the United Nations valuable links to people around the world. DPI helps those NGOs gain access to and disseminate information about the range of issues in which the United Nations is involved, to enable the public to understand better the aims and objectives of the world Organization.
How do NGOs and DPI cooperate?
The Department of Public Information and NGOs cooperate regularly. NGOs associated with DPI disseminate information about the UN to their membership, thereby building knowledge of and support for the Organization at the grassroots level.
This dissemination includes:
Publicizing UN activities around the world on such issues as peace and security, economic and social development, human rights, humanitarian affairs and international law;
Promoting UN observances and international years established by the General Assembly to focus world attention on important issues facing humanity.
When did the DPI relationship with NGOs begin?
The importance of working with and through NGOs as an integral part of United Nations information activities was recognized when the Department of Public Information was first established in 1946. The General Assembly, in its resolution 13 (I), instructed DPI and its branch offices to:
"...actively assist and encourage national information services, educational institutions and other governmental and non-governmental organizations of all kinds interested in spreading information about the United Nations. For this and other purposes, it should operate a fully equipped reference service, brief or supply lecturers, and make available its publications, documentary films, film strips, posters and other exhibits for use by these agencies and organizations."
In 1968, the Economic and Social Council, by Resolution 1297 (XLIV) of 27 May, called on DPI to associate NGOs, bearing in mind the letter and spirit of its Resolution 1296 (XLIV) of 23 May 1968, which stated that an NGO "...shall undertake to support the work of the United Nations and to promote knowledge of its principles and activities, in accordance with its own aims and purposes and the nature and scope of its competence and activities".
"What are the Criteria for NGOs to become associated with DPI?"
Organizations eligible for association with DPI are those which:
Share the ideals of the UN Charter;
Operate solely on a not-for-profit basis;
Have a demonstrated interest in United Nations issues and proven ability to reach large or specialized audiences, such as educators, media representatives, policy makers and the business community;
Have the commitment and means to conduct effective information programmes about UN activities by publishing newsletters, bulletins, and pamphlets;
organizing conferences, seminars and round tables; and enlisting the cooperation of the media.
"What is the procedure for NGOs to become associated with DPI"?
An NGO that meets the established criteria should send an official letter from its headquarters to the Chief of the NGO Section, Department of Public Information, expressing interest in association with DPI. The letter should state the reasons why the organization seeks such association and should briefly describe its information programmes. This letter should be accompanied by at least six samples of recent information materials produced by the applying organization. Letters of reference from UN Departments, UN Programmes and Specialized Agencies, and/or UN Information Centres and Services (UNICs and UNISs) will greatly enhance consideration of the application.
Correspondence should be sent to:
Chief, NGO Section
Department of Public Information
Room S-1070L
United Nations, New York, N.Y. 10017
tel: (212) 963-6842
fax: (212) 963-6914/2819Once the application process is completed, the DPI Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations will review applications at its scheduled sessions. Applicants are notified immediately of the results of the Committee's deliberations. Associated NGOs are then invited to designate their main and alternate representatives to the Department of Public Information.
Please note: Association of NGOs with DPI does not constitute their incorporation into the United Nations system, nor does it entitle associated organizations or their staff to any kind of privileges, immunities or special status.
"Do DPI NGOs have a representative mechanism?"
Yes. An 18-member DPI/NGO Executive Committee is elected by the DPI/NGO community to act in an advisory and liaison capacity to channel information and to represent the interests of NGOs associated with DPI. This Committee is made up of NGOs from different parts of the world whose representatives in New York are elected for a period of two years. The Executive Committee collaborates with the DPI/NGO Section on events, programmes and initiatives of mutual interest, including organization of the Annual DPI/NGO Conference.
The DPI/NGO Executive Committee is not part of the Department of Public Information. NGOs' association with DPI is independent of their relationship with the Executive Committee. DPI-associated NGOs are encouraged to maintain regular contact with the DPI/NGO Section.
"How does DPI assist NGOs?"
The DPI/NGO Section at United Nations Headquarters provides a number of services to its associated organizations.
For example, the Section:
Organizes and coordinates, in collaboration with the DPI/NGO Executive Committee, the Annual DPI Conference for Non-Governmental Organizations.
This international forum brings together senior UN System officials, prominent international NGOs, academicians, public opinion makers and international media to discuss issues of global concern;
Organizes weekly briefings for the NGO community at the UN on a range of global issues. The speakers for these briefings are senior United Nations System officials, Member State delegates and NGOs with expertise on the particular issue addressed at the briefing;
Provides ground passes which grant a main and an alternate NGO representative access to all "open" meetings of UN bodies; to DPI photo, film and audio libraries; to the Dag Hammarskjold Library; and, as observers, to the meetings of some 22 NGO committees organized by the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Status with ECOSOC (CONGO);
Coordinates joint DPI/NGO information programmes;
Conducts a yearly orientation course for newly accredited NGO representatives;
Publishes the DPI/NGO Annual Directory, which lists all associated NGOs alphabetically, by region and by subject of specialization;
Maintains the NGO Resource Centre, which offers:
- access to current UN documents and press releases;
- regular mailings of UN information materials sent to the Headquarters of all associated NGOs;
- a video lending library with an extensive collection of UN films; and
- a continuously updated selection of United Nations System publications.To contact the DPI/NGO Resource Center:
Room L-1B-31
United Nations, New York, N.Y. 10017
Phone: (212) 963-7233
Fax: (212) 963-2819An excellent source of information on DPI/NGO activities is the United Nations' World Wide Web site. The address is http://www.un.org. DPI/NGO information is found in the icon "general information".
In addition to collaboration with DPI at Headquarters, the NGO community is encouraged to maintain regular and close contact with the United Nations Information Centres (UNICs) and United Nations Information Services (UNISs) worldwide to access United Nations information and organize joint projects.
"What are the responsibilities of NGOs associated with DPI?"
Since the founding days of the United Nations in San Francisco, NGOs have made valuable contributions to the international community by drawing attention to issues, suggesting ideas and programmes, disseminating information and mobilizing public opinion in support of the UN and its Specialized Agencies. Association with DPI constitutes a commitment to that effect. Associated NGOs are expected to devote a portion of their information programmes to promoting knowledge of the United Nations' principles and activities. In addition, they are expected to keep the DPI/NGO Section abreast of their activities by regularly providing samples of their information materials relating to the work of the UN. These are also made available for perusal at the DPI/NGO Resource Centre.
Recognizing non-governmental organizations as important actors in the international arena as we enter the 21st Century, Secretary-General Kofi Annan remarked "..we must forge a fundamentally new partnership with civil society. We must reach for a new synthesis between private initiative and the public good, which encourages entrepreneurship and market approaches together with social and environmental responsibility." (Message to the South-South Conference, San Jose, Costa Rica, January 1997).
by MacHislopp infollowing the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link : http://www.un.org/moreinfo/ngolink/brochure.htm).
Misc quotes and facts re UN and NGOs:
"The United Nations once dealt only with Governments. By now we know that peace and prosperity cannot be achieved without partnerships involving Governments, international organizations, the business community and civil society. In today's world, we depend on each other." --Kofi Annan, UN Secretary-General
There are 2091 NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC.
There were 1681 NGOs associated with DPI as of 12/98. (Likely close to 2000 by now.)
There is an approximate 552+ overlap between DPI and ECOSOC.
"While ECOSOC and DPI are the two most widely used fora for UN-NGO cooperation, other significant contributions by NGOs to the UN system are executed through other agencies (including those listed above), whether in the form of local development coordination, humanitarian assistance, or other technical aid. Some UN agencies have independent accreditation programs for NGOs, and some formally allow NGO representatives to sit on their Executive Boards or other advisory committees (e.g., UNICEF, whose board consults with representatives of the 123-member NGO Committee for UNICEF). In some cases, UN bodies assist NGOs by supporting their work in the field, such as the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), which gives over 15% of its assistance to NGO projects."
by MacHislopp infollowing the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link : http://www.un.org/moreinfo/ngolink/brochure.htm).
"The only way to be an NGO is through the DPI. That's what an NGO IS."
That statement is WRONG, and the source of BW's confusion.
See my post above.
by MacHislopp infollowing the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link : http://www.un.org/moreinfo/ngolink/brochure.htm).
The label "NGO" simply stands for "non-government/al organization". It is self-defining- an organization that has no governmental ties. The definition that the UN places on its own use of the term "NGO" is found in some of the earlier posts to this thread.
There are obviously thousands of "NGOs" in the world, but only about 2000 which have sought out and obtained a "formal relationship" with the United Nations.
Keep in mind that the UN is an organization formed to bring together only "Governments" as "members".
However, the UN also recognizes that "non-government organizations" play key roles in the world's goings-on. Since NGOs can't be "members", the UN has set up a system which establishes a "formal relationship" between the various UN Sections and those NGOs who have same/similar interests.
The DPI Section of the UN uses such language as "association", "affiliation", and "partner". NGOs such as the Watchtower Society are said to have "associative status", which is exactly what other religious organizations have with the DPI. (Note that some other religious orgs also have NGO relationships with other UN Sections, which may require less or more involvement.)
However you slice it, the WTS has an "established formal relationship" with what it refers to as the "scarlet-colored wild beast", WHICH MAKES THE WTS A MEMBER OF THE "GREAT HARLOT" CLASS, WHICH THE WTS LOVES TO DEPICT AS SITTING ON THE BACK OF THE BEAST.
(see the Babylon the Great Book, page 577.) -
by MacHislopp infollowing the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link : http://www.un.org/moreinfo/ngolink/brochure.htm).
Your comments about the Writing Staff member is why I suggest asking for the names of current and former MAIN REPRESENTATIVES and ALTERNATE REPS.
Those are the only people who are given credentials to attend meetings and access UN info.
Having those names may allow further tracing of activities.