You stated:
Actually, the name was changed to WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY OF PA in 1884 when it was incorporated. Prior to that it was Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society.
As one of the preeminent WBTS historians, maybe you could be so kind as to scan copies of the 1884 "articles of incorporation", which someone of your stature no doubt possesses.
Then, maybe you could also explain why the alleged name change was not mentioned in either of the two Zion's Watch Tower articles below which address the incorporation:
Zion's Watch Tower:
ZION'S WATCH TOWER TRACT SOCIETY, though it has already done a great work, and in the hand of God has been a power in publishing the truth, the influence which is being felt already on both sides of the Atlantic, has never yet had legal incorporation. Nor was such incorporation considered necessary by its friends, it having already all the powers necessary for the present work and similar to that of nine-tenths of other small societies.
But a new phase of the question has arisen. It seems tolerably certain that some of the saints will be in the flesh during a great part at least of the "time of trouble," and if so, there will be need of printed matter, tracts, etc., as much then, perhaps, as now, and possibly will be more heeded, for when the judgments of the Lord are "in the earth the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness." (Isa. 26:9.) Should those at present prominently identified with the work not be the last to be "changed," some interruption of the work might result; but this may be obviated by having a legal standing, granted by a State Charter.
Another matter also has been considered: Two or more who had already contributed to the funds of the society, suggested that as age was coming on and opportunities for earning a living decreasing they could not now give more largely without endangering penury and leaving themselves a burden on their friends, which they could not see to be the Lord's will; yet they are desirous that in some way they might be able to put the Lord's money (consecrated to Him) into His work. This naturally suggested the idea that there might be many others similarly situated and with similar ideas. Such moneys or other property donated by "Will" to the society it might be unable to receive or dispose of, unless it had a charter.
From all these considerations it was deemed best to apply for a charter; and this has been done. We expect that it will be granted without delay, and in that event you will learn more concerning the matter in our next issue.
Zion's Watch Tower:
A charter of incorporation for Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society was granted December 13th, 1884. In accordance with the same, Certificates have just been sent to each contributor to the Fund, whose donations (all told) amounted to Ten Dollars or more. Each ten dollars representing one voting share.
The certificates are neatly printed and bear the Society's seal upon the face. On the reverse side is a brief statement of the object and past efforts of the Society, the time and mode of electing its officers, etc. The Incorporators are the Directors, named below, from among whom the officers indicated have just been elected for the year 1885:
C. T. RUSSELL, Pres.,
M. F. RUSSELL, Sec. and Treas.,
W. I. MANN, Vice Pres.,
It was my understanding that the name of ZWTTS was not changed until ~1896 to Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, with "of Pennsylvania" not being added until ~1955/6. But then, you are the WBTS history expert. I honestly would appreciate your correcting my errors. It goes without saying that documentation wold be appropriate.