Yet, RR prefaced his contestible statements with these words:"there is nothing on paper," "it is 'rumored'," "it has been rumored," "there have been rumors," "I was told of a story of Rutherford," "I did not say I believed Russell was poisoned. Someone else made that assertion, I merely carried it over with my thoughts."
Why do you then DEMAND evidence from him, when he clearly showed he could not produce any?
None of RR's "hedging" that you quote are in reference to the 2 issues
that I questioned:
-RR's statement that Wordworth financed the FM, and
-RR's statement that Russell dismissed JFR from Bethel in 1915.
I think you are over-reacting, MadApostate. If you have a personal grudge against RR for whatever reason, that shouldn't taint your arguments.
NICE redherring and misdirection! Again, why is your nose up RR's ass?
I first was aquainted with RR by reading his posts here at JWcom, and I finally got tired and fed up seeing him repeatedly trounce truth/facts!
All your "opining" about Woodworth goes directly against his sworn trial testimony. Reread the transcript!
PS: Take a firm grip on each of RR's cheeks, exhale, push hard, and your head should pop right out.