ChainedNOLonger- Whoa, it still shocks me to see such attitudes from other moms. From my mom, it seems normal, but from others? Anyway, I am sending you hugs! Vent a little, cry as much as you want, and then remember that she's not truly worth it if she won't love you unconditionally.
JoinedPosts by the_raisin
For those without Mothers
by Lady Lee inmothers day can bring up many issues for some of us.
for some their mothers have passed away and the opportunity to say i love you in person is forever lost.
for others our mothers are lost to the borg.
Did anyone try to go to the high school prom ?
by Pitchess Co-Gen ini remember being a high school senior and wanting to go to prom ( i graduated from high school in 2003 ), but prom was forbidden when your a jw teen.
i even said to my parents if i took a witness girl would it be ok; they actually said yes.
i found a girl ( yes she's a witness ) to go with me, but here's the kicker she agreed to go.
Nah, I was the original hipster and knew prom was going to be laaame (well, my prom at least. And it was, judging from the pics). I think that night I hung out with my closest friend and ally, we ordered pizza, and pretty much talked about what we would do if a zombie invation occurred. It was a pretty good night :D.
Happiness after almost a year!
by fade_away inthat book: "the secret of family happiness" is missing the part that teaches you to live happy with your family.
"but if you do marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned.
but those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and i want to spare you this.".
fade_away, I am so happy for you!!! Congrats on the happy marriage, and pllleeeaaaseeeremember, that somedays won't be so great, there WILL be fights, and one day that honemoon phase will end (or maybe not? lol it did for me), but no matter what, YOU HAVE EACH OTHER. It's hard work, marriage is, but trust me, don't give up. Keep going. Keep working. Keep hoping. Because it truly is worth it when you're down and you have someone so close to pick you up!
For those without Mothers
by Lady Lee inmothers day can bring up many issues for some of us.
for some their mothers have passed away and the opportunity to say i love you in person is forever lost.
for others our mothers are lost to the borg.
I would love to tell her that no matter what she says or doesn't say, what she does or doesn't do, she does not deserve me as a daughter. If I ever did anything to hurt her, I didn't mean it in a way that was harmful, but it was my way to 'retalliate' for all the painful things she did to me, or made me go through. No matter how much you deny it mom, we are very alike, way more than any of your other children, and so I know why you don't talk to me, or why you post pictures of my siblings for everyone to see, while making sure I am always cut off or never mentioned... It is because you want to forget me, your one big mistake, and you want to hurt me deeply, since that was how you used to hurt me before, by ignoring me.
Guess what mom? My mother in law may not give lots of hugs, but she has a listening ear. She may be old fashioned, but she has a HUGE heart. She too suffered at the hands of an abusive mom (because that's what you are). And so tomorrow, I will be among her children, celebrating her, gifting her with all the love I would've gladly given to you had you treated me differently. And no, I don't miss you. I don't miss the cruelty in your words that were so subtly hidden, or the disgusted faces you made when people compared our similar looks. I don't miss your lies, your deception, your cheating on my dad and blaming it on me (a huge WTF till this day). I don't miss how you prefer my sister and brother to me, or how you poisoned our minds against my dad's first children with his ex-wife (they're actually pretty nice people). I don't miss all those years you spent calling me 'psycho' 'mental headcase' 'liar' 'mistake' 'abomination'. Nope. I don't miss them at all.
Just so you know, life is hard, and I may not be rich, I may have fights with my boyfriend and his family here and there, I may be sad sometimes.... But I don't feel like I am completely loosing my mind and you being there to remind me that I am crazy. I may go through hard times, but I will always fight till the end, with or without you. But preferably, without you.
I hope I never see you again. Though I may love you, you are poison to my soul. Also, please, get tested. Sleeping around like you do could have some terrible consequences.
most depressing song ever
by will_the_apostate inwhats the most depressing song you have ever heard?
i would go with either johnny cash - hurt or gary jules-mad world.
Needle in the Hay- Elliot Smith. Aaaaah makes me teary :(
I love gays :)
by freeflyingfaerie insome of my favorite people are~.
after leaving the religion, my lesbian couple friends were the most compassionate people, and i will always love them!.
i am heterosexual, but find gays to be absolutely fabulous!!.
freeflyingfaerie- that's a pretty good guess. But naaah it's just something my little sister said about me once and it stuck. "No, you're a raisin!" "But I just said you were the baby!"
I love gays :)
by freeflyingfaerie insome of my favorite people are~.
after leaving the religion, my lesbian couple friends were the most compassionate people, and i will always love them!.
i am heterosexual, but find gays to be absolutely fabulous!!.
freeflyingfaerie- and i'm sure the gayz love you too!!! lol, true, there's always a nasty gay here and there, but everyone's different, and more often then not, they(we? i'm openly bi) are very understanding, them having gone through some unspeakable terrors due to their sexuality. You're pretty awesome!
Anyone else believe in the Ancient Astronaut theory?
by sinis ininteresting link:.
I actually do believe in it, though I am also not going to start looking at old paintings, or old coins, and start 'seeing' things. I mean, in some examples, like the above that unshackled provided, it seems pretty obvious what it might be. But one just never knows. I'm just a curious cat, and it makes sense to me that an ancient civilization reached our ancient civilization. I also think the history we are being fed is BS. Come on people, you really believe our ancestors were dumb? Nah, those people probably had the same technology as us. And it KILLED THEM. That would be a twist!
Eating Disorders and the JWs
by the_raisin inhey everybody!
so i was wondering something... am i the only who realized that eds ran rampant throughout the witnesses?
i remeber dreading the conventions and memorials because, as every young girl involved knew, we all covertly checked each other out and snarked on each other's bodies.
Hey watersprout, I totally get you!!! The mentality behind the punishment, now that's the most damaging! I am happy to hear you are doing much better!!! I hope that one day I will be able to look back and be able to tell the younguns to keep looking forward :D (my eating dissorder morphed from 'typical weight obsession' to just wanting to hurt myself. I lost the weight, I am perfectly fine with my weight, but now, if I relapse, it's because I have this intense feeling of need to hurt myself. It's the worst.)
JWs who do a "disappearing act" because of damaging gossip and trouble in the hall
by LongHairGal ini know of a few jw friends who from time to time have to do a disappearing act from their hall.
one jw finds a "reason" to leave town to visit relatives and another jw would go to "visit" another hall in a nearby vicinity.
in all honesty, they are fleeing from the strife in the kingdom hall when they are in the spotlight.
I agree with everybody who says gossip destroys people's lives, and that gossip amongst the JWs is the most vicious. Whenever they made announcements like somebody was being DFd or Censored or even if their name was just named for whatever reason, after the meeting EVERYONE was abuzzed with the gossip, even the younguns.
I also noticed the dissapearing act, though I didn't understand it. I just assumed the brothers or sisters just changed congregations. Changing congos was so common, nobody batted an eye about it. Though the gossip was always rampant.