Get yourself an education and start thinking man.
I am a woman.
if you are a professed atheist, i ask you the question: do you believe in aliens?
could not god be an alien?
how do you know that there is no alien life?
if you are a professed atheist, i ask you the question: do you believe in aliens?
could not god be an alien?
how do you know that there is no alien life?
If you are a professed Atheist, I ask you the question: Do you believe in aliens? Could not God be an alien? Yes, He most certainly is an alien. The dictionary defines the word “alien” as: “coming from or existing outside the earth or its atmosphere.” God is not of this world. The Bible teaches that God created the universe, which means that His presence transcends this universe.
It is contradictory for any Atheist to profess a belief in the existence of alien life while denying the existence of God. If you believe that aliens may exist, then you certainly must concede that one of those aliens may be God.
Some people believe that the Pyramids of Egypt were built by aliens; but the Bible teaches that slave Israelites built the treasure cities of Pithom and Raamses for Pharaoh (Exodus 1:11). Evidence shows that it was mankind, and not aliens, that built the Pyramids of Egypt.
Perhaps you do not believe in alien life at all; but that would be speculation at best, because neither you nor anyone else can make such a claim with any confidence. How do you know that there is no alien life?
So whether an Atheist believes in alien life or not is irrelevant to the fact that no one can say with any certainty that God does not exist. This logical reasoning proves that there is no such thing as a TRUE Atheist, only those who choose to reside in their ignorance of something they do not know for certain. Any honest person must admit that there could be a God.
The fact that Atheists refuse to even consider the possibility that God exists is self-incriminating evidence against them, because they are willingly ignorant of the possibility that alien life may exist in the universe or beyond.
Clearly, Atheists are biased against the Truth of God’s Word, without any logical reason or justification for their prejudice. Logic dictates that alien life certainly may exist, and that means God.
i am just a nobody who knows a somebody (the lord jesus christ).
i am no great christian, just a woeful sinner saved by god's grace who's trying to keep afloat on the stormy waves of life.
i am nothing without god, he is everything.. .
Who am I? I am just a nobody who knows a Somebody (the Lord Jesus Christ). I am no great Christian, just a woeful sinner saved by God's grace who's trying to keep afloat on the stormy waves of life. I am nothing without God, He is everything.
Without a doubt, the greatest concern of mankind today should be the destiny of his soul. Nothing will matter 100 years from now, except what you did with Jesus. Nothing will matter 100 years from now, except whether you died forgiven in the Lord or unforgiven in your sins. The Bible clearly teaches that anyone who dies in their sins will go to Hell forever (Revelation 20:11-15). Only through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ can there be any escape.
know what you're thinking, "What makes you think you're so right and all the other religions in the world are wrong?" The answer is very simple friend. If you'll study the AUTHORITY upon which each religion was established, then you WILL find the TRUTH.
I triple-dog dare you to show me the "Immaculate Conception of Mary" doctrine in the Bible. You cannot. I triple-dog dare you to show me anything in the Bible indicating that Mary was a co-redeemer with Christ. You cannot.
It pains me to make enemies but I must tell people the truth. Satan wants you and your loved ones to burn in Hell. It all comes down to whether or not you believe the Bible is God's Word. I believe the Bible so much that I am compelled, burdened day and night, to warn people about the coming judgment.
is there really a god?
is there really a divine creator or did the universe around us just "evolve?
" what an incredible thought to even imagine that there could be a supernatural being so powerful as to create a universe.
Is there really a God? Is there really a Divine Creator or did the universe around us just "evolve?" What an incredible thought to even imagine that there could be a supernatural being so powerful as to create a universe. Wow! Now that's a scary thought! Do I really have to stand in judgment before this Creator? I'm scared to even think about it, what would I say? What manner of being could create a world?
Then again, what if there is no God? Could the universe surrounding us have just "happened?" Could it be that all of the planets are aligned in perfect balance just by chance? Could it be that the sun is a perfect distance from the earth by chance? The planet Mercury's hot side reaches a scorching 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Yet the planet Pluto is so cold that it has an atmosphere composed of gel.
Then again, what if there is no God? Could the universe surrounding us have just "happened?" Could it be that all of the planets are aligned in perfect balance just by chance? Could it be that the sun is a perfect distance from the earth by chance? The planet Mercury's hot side reaches a scorching 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Yet the planet Pluto is so cold that it has an atmosphere composed of gel.
Even if we try to imagine there is no God, the universe around us is a constant testimony of God's presence, power and goodness. There must be a God.
I have a question for you...How big is the universe? Can the universe have an end? Is this possible according to the laws of science? Some people say that the universe is expanding. The Bible teaches that the universe is a fixed size. Psalm 147:4 reveals that God "...telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names." There is a certain number of stars and only God knows EXACTLY how many there are. As a matter of fact, God has named every one of them.
the destruction of the babylon of the future takes place in one hour and the kings of the earth wail over her demise.. .
this indicates the worlds leaders are not expecting america's judgment and destruction.
this destruction comes suddenly and without warning.. .
The purpose of the New World Order is to bring Lucifer down to earth and enforce worldwide worship of him as God. Satan's right hand man on earth whom the Bible calls the False Prophet, will implement and enforce worldwide worship of Lucifer as God. The Bible refers to them as beasts because that is exactly what they are.
Most know Lucifer as one of these last days beast's as the Antichrist. The occultic groups call him "the One" or the "God of Light." Some say Lucifer will just arrive as himself masquerading as an angelic being, others declare it will be a human political or religious figure who dies and then comes back to life and then visibly descends to earth from heaven .
The New World Order is about dictatorial control. Not just here in America or over America, but an order which will govern over the entire world as a 4th Reich. It is about worldwide government and control over the masses. The New World Order IS about religion. It is about worshipping Lucifer.
the destruction of the babylon of the future takes place in one hour and the kings of the earth wail over her demise.. .
this indicates the worlds leaders are not expecting america's judgment and destruction.
this destruction comes suddenly and without warning.. .
Now, why does God destroy America? He is avenging the blood of His people that were murdered on the land in internment camps for refusing to accept the "new world order" and worship the image of the beast .
Scripture also indicates America is steep in the idol worship of Baal and Marduk and becomes a land of rebellion against God (Jer. 50:2,21,24). The people are insane over their graven images such as culture, society, Hollywood, tv, radio, music, sports, art, books, magazines (Jer. 50:38).
America was evangelizing the world with her false gospel. At that time they will be proclaiming that the False Prophet is Jesus and that the Antichrist is God. Remember the counterfeit Jesus and God come before the real One does. The global government they are establishing will also be "God's kingdom on earth". Yahweh is punishing her for her false gods, false religions, oppression of the people, and for weakening the other nations.
the destruction of the babylon of the future takes place in one hour and the kings of the earth wail over her demise.. .
this indicates the worlds leaders are not expecting america's judgment and destruction.
this destruction comes suddenly and without warning.. .
The destruction of the Babylon of the future takes place in one hour and the kings of the earth wail over her demise.
This indicates the worlds leaders are not expecting America's judgment and destruction. This destruction comes suddenly and without warning.
I have gone through all of the passages that speak of her coming destruction and the one aspect that comes through the loudest to me is that at the time everything is continuing as normal. People are buying and selling and going on with life.
How insane is this?Because by the time America the Babylon is destroyed thousands, perhaps Millions of believers in the Most High God have been picked up out of their homes, off the roads, out of airports, out of the stores, taken to camps and murdered and eliminated through not only martial law, but for refusing to worship the image of the beast as stated in Revelation 13:15.
So as you read this, don't weep for America. The America we grew up in, the America we thought we were fighting to establish for Him, has long been gone. And by the time the Lord's judgment is come on this land it will be for justice! Of course if it happened today it would be well deserved. But there are many more abominations to come in this country and then His final judgment will come.
The destruction of America in One Hour takes place some time during the last half of the Great Tribulation and before the Battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Yahushua, Jesus Christ.
looking through the internet i learned that everything i have ever know to be true is a lie at the beginning of time god and his celestial family created the earth and the heavens.
they are the greater force and also the fallen angels that are prophesized in the bible.
they sped up the evolution in people separating them from monkeys.
looking through the internet i learned that everything i have ever know to be true is a lie at the beginning of time god and his celestial family created the earth and the heavens.
they are the greater force and also the fallen angels that are prophesized in the bible.
they sped up the evolution in people separating them from monkeys.
When He revealed this to me in 1996 or 1995, things began to make sense. For years Yahweh would always tell me I reminded Him of David. One day He said to me, “You remind Me of your "grandfather".” And I asked, “Which one?” And He said, “David.” When He said that, I was not just shocked. I was completely floored! I had seen royalty terms all over my Bible Code, but I had no idea I was related to King David. He told me to go into the codes, and I would find it. Sure enough, I did.
The codes also explained the boldness and lack of fear I had developed in fighting against Lucifer and his new world order.
Over the years, God has revealed to me through the codes His records and the plans of mankind. I have learned how to use the codes to unravel daily events and find the truth in them about what is really happening and in the process, expose the media and government lies that are being told to the public. I have also learned how to expose the events that are planned for the future by Lucifer, including the organizations, governments and secret societies working to bring him into power.
looking through the internet i learned that everything i have ever know to be true is a lie at the beginning of time god and his celestial family created the earth and the heavens.
they are the greater force and also the fallen angels that are prophesized in the bible.
they sped up the evolution in people separating them from monkeys.
They have great artists, so i see nothing contradictory about disagreeing with them but admiring the art.