Did you ever stop to realize that we humans are nothing more than dirt? Think about it. We are composed of all the foods we eat and the beverages we drink. Everything that we consume comes from the ground, from crops grown in dirt. The meat which we eat comes from animals which are composed of everything they eat and drink.
It's always been fascinating to me how you can plant different seeds in the same exact dirt and get such a different and broad variety of fruits and vegetables. For example: the same dirt which produces orange carrots also produces red peppers or green cucumbers! The same dirt which produces sweet corn also produces blazing hot peppers or sour apples! God is truly amazing!
The best source of fresh vegetables is to drive out to your nearest farm. Most of the vegetables sold in stores have been sprayed with toxic pesticides. At a minimum, always wash vegetables before eating them.
I knew a woman who lived on French fries and a small handful of the type same foods all the time. All her upper front teeth rotted out. She was badly malnourished. Today's crop growers don't rest the soil every seven years as the Bible teahes America's soil is depleted of nutrients. Americans are dying of cancer at an alarming rate. Many doctors believe that a lack of nutrients is the cause, due to our abandonding bible based crop techniques.
God is so wonderful! He created us all out of the very dirt of the earth and gave us life. It's beyond imagination to fathom a Being so powerful that He can simply speak life into existence.
I am thankful that I realize that I am nothing, but Jesus is everything. I am just dirt, loved by a wonderful Savior! We are all mere skeletons covered with flesh, and our time on earth is but a vapor, and then its gone forever. Oh, that men would seek the Lord.