The bible does not indicate that other beings (non spiritual) were created, therefore I believe your interpretation is false.
JoinedPosts by StopTheTears
Wicked angel was driving the UFO the wise men saw
by Franz inif an angel was in a ufo that led the astrologers (the 'wise men') to the young child jesus in that house (mt 2:11), then it must have been a wicked angel.
we have these pagan astrologers (greek, "magoi"; see de 18:10-12 and isa 47:13,14) traveling along and they see a "star".
(how convenient; astrologers.....stars.....) does it lead them directly to jesus?
Your LEAST favorite movies?
by Judge Dread ini was trying to watch this movie with will smith titled "seven pounds".. i got an hour and 15 mins.
in and i just had to turn it off.. what a waste of time.. so what are some or your least favorite movies?
or some you just couldn't finish, they were just so bad?.
Gladiator. It is littered with offensive antifamily propaganda and a level of vulgarity not seen outside of a brothel.
Misunderstanding of prophecy
by StopTheTears ini am constantly amazed at the gross spiritual apathy and blasphemy of men and women, supposedly "christians," who possess a woeful ignorance of the true meaning of the kingdom of god.. .
as shocking as it may seem, millions of people who consider themselves perfectly knowledgeable of the prophetic scriptures are today working earnestly in a misguided effort to help satan and the beast of revelation establish their latter days global kingdom.. some years ago, while attending a prophecy conference in florida, i encountered a sincere but deluded woman proudly wearing a necklace bearing the so-called star of david, the six-pointed star.
she had no idea that this star secretly represents the number 666, that occultists universally call it the hexagram, and that satanists regularly use the six-pointed star in their satanic rituals and invocations.. .
I am constantly amazed at the gross spiritual apathy and blasphemy of men and women, supposedly "Christians," who possess a woeful ignorance of the true meaning of the Kingdom of God.
As shocking as it may seem, millions of people who consider themselves perfectly knowledgeable of the prophetic scriptures are today working earnestly in a misguided effort to help Satan and the Beast of Revelation establish their latter days global kingdom.
Some years ago, while attending a prophecy conference in Florida, I encountered a sincere but deluded woman proudly wearing a necklace bearing the so-called star of david, the six-pointed star. She had no idea that this star secretly represents the number 666, that occultists universally call it the hexagram, and that Satanists regularly use the six-pointed star in their satanic rituals and invocations.
The true Kingdom of Zion is, in fact, the New Jerusalem, a heavenly city and habitat built by God without human hands. What's more, citizenship in Zion is based not on race and blood. A person must be chosen by the King of Zion and must be born again into this Kingdom (John 3:3). Citizenship in this marvelous Kingdom is the privilege of believers.
We are all dirt
by StopTheTears indid you ever stop to realize that we humans are nothing more than dirt?
we are composed of all the foods we eat and the beverages we drink.
everything that we consume comes from the ground, from crops grown in dirt.
Did you ever stop to realize that we humans are nothing more than dirt? Think about it. We are composed of all the foods we eat and the beverages we drink. Everything that we consume comes from the ground, from crops grown in dirt. The meat which we eat comes from animals which are composed of everything they eat and drink.
It's always been fascinating to me how you can plant different seeds in the same exact dirt and get such a different and broad variety of fruits and vegetables. For example: the same dirt which produces orange carrots also produces red peppers or green cucumbers! The same dirt which produces sweet corn also produces blazing hot peppers or sour apples! God is truly amazing!
The best source of fresh vegetables is to drive out to your nearest farm. Most of the vegetables sold in stores have been sprayed with toxic pesticides. At a minimum, always wash vegetables before eating them.
I knew a woman who lived on French fries and a small handful of the type same foods all the time. All her upper front teeth rotted out. She was badly malnourished. Today's crop growers don't rest the soil every seven years as the Bible teahes America's soil is depleted of nutrients. Americans are dying of cancer at an alarming rate. Many doctors believe that a lack of nutrients is the cause, due to our abandonding bible based crop techniques.
God is so wonderful! He created us all out of the very dirt of the earth and gave us life. It's beyond imagination to fathom a Being so powerful that He can simply speak life into existence.
I am thankful that I realize that I am nothing, but Jesus is everything. I am just dirt, loved by a wonderful Savior! We are all mere skeletons covered with flesh, and our time on earth is but a vapor, and then its gone forever. Oh, that men would seek the Lord.
Feminism? No way
by StopTheTears inmy mother was a hippy who kept a pile of erica jong and germaine greer books beside her bed.
(like every other avowed feminist in those days).
needless to say, she didn't feel the need to do the cleaning and we lived in an unkempt home.
I AM married. But my husband is not a christian man and it is too late for me to have children.
Feminism? No way
by StopTheTears inmy mother was a hippy who kept a pile of erica jong and germaine greer books beside her bed.
(like every other avowed feminist in those days).
needless to say, she didn't feel the need to do the cleaning and we lived in an unkempt home.
What happened to the Husband you just married and refuse to have sex with?..
Feminism? No way
by StopTheTears inmy mother was a hippy who kept a pile of erica jong and germaine greer books beside her bed.
(like every other avowed feminist in those days).
needless to say, she didn't feel the need to do the cleaning and we lived in an unkempt home.
My mother was a hippy who kept a pile of Erica Jong and Germaine Greer books beside her bed. (Like every other avowed feminist in those days). Needless to say, she didn't feel the need to do the cleaning and we lived in an unkempt home. But she did give me the "values" that i was equal to man and could even pursue sexual liberation.
Now at age 46 those "values" leaveme cold. I want children and a christian husband. But they are not to be seen
I was led to beleive thaat was old fashioned. To that end I sacrificed my womanly duties before the altar of feminism. You can search for all the excuses you can findbut if you are a young woman the biggest mistake you'll ever make is to pursue a career. God created you to be a "help mate" for your husband. (genesis2:18) and a mother to the children.
I implore you do not wait until itis too lateifyou are a young woman. Make the right choice NOW by seeking gods will and purpose for your life.
Why did Jesus come to Earth as a man?
by StopTheTears injesus lived in heaven as a spirit person before he came to earth.
god used him as his chief spokesman.
that is why jesus is called "the word.".
StopTheTears probably posted this and will never enter the thread again. They had better not have an elder know about their posting this otherwise that Love that Jesus showed by the congregation will shun him for not following the KM
I am not a JW and do not fear any man. My relationshop is direct with my Lord.
Now, why did Jesus perform miracles when on the earth? When on earth Jesus cured the sick, fed the hungry, and calmed storms. He even raised the dead. Why did he perform miracles? He felt pity for people who were suffering, and he wanted to help them. His miracles proved that he was God's Son. They showed what he will do for mankind when he extends his kingly administration.
Why did Jesus come to Earth as a man?
by StopTheTears injesus lived in heaven as a spirit person before he came to earth.
god used him as his chief spokesman.
that is why jesus is called "the word.".
Jesus lived in heaven as a spirit person before he came to earth. God used him as His chief spokesman. That is why Jesus is called "the Word."
God sent His Son to the earth by transferring his life to the womb of Mary. So Jesus did not have a human father. That is why he did not inherit any sin.
By disobeying God's command, the first man, Adam, committed what the Bible calls "sin." So God sentenced him to death. Jesus was a perfect human just like Adam. Unlike Adam, though, Jesus was perfectly obedient to God under even the greatest test. He could therefore sacrifice his perfect human life to pay for Adam's sin. This is what the Bible refers to as the "ransom."
Jesus died and was resurrected by God as a spirit creature, and he returned to heaven.Since then, God has made him a King. Soon Jesus will remove all wickedness and suffering from this earth.
How Do You Feel About Your Country?
by sizemik inthere is such an international flavour on this board .
and i really love that.. as an xjw .
how do you feel these day's about your country .
How do I feel about my country, America?
In 1962, prayer was banned from the public school system. Teachers were thereafter forbidden from leading students in prayer. In 1963, the Word of God was banned from America's public school system. Teachers were no longer allowed to read the Bible at the beginning of each school day. Then in the 1960's, the myth of evolution began to be widely taught in our public schools. The consequences have been devastating to America.
As we listen to the news each day decades later, we are hearing about the most horrifying things happening. We are now paying for our rebellion against God.
Americans want to spit on God, murder babies by abortion, fornicate, dress and act like whores, promote witchcraft, watch immoral sex and violence on TV, glorify wickedness in places like Las Vegas (actually nicknamed 'sin city'). but then freak out when someone actually does what they've enjoyed watching on TV a thousand times. America is a sick society.