JoinedPosts by StopTheTears
Did Life Originate By Chance or Intelligent Design? Or is There a Third Option?
by JimmyPage inwhen discussing the argument of how life originated the wt always boils it down to being chance vs. intelligent design.. no scientist in their right mind believes it happened by chance.
nor do most scientists believe that life is a product of god.. there is a solution that the wt completely ignores and that is... natural selection.. how many here who believe in a creator have honestly examined what natural selection really is?.
(i've been reading "the god delusion" by richard dawkins and was very surprised when i came to the chapter that actually mentions the watchtower society's arguments for intelligent design.
Evolution Teaches That Humans are Animals, So Bestiality is Ok!
can anyone translate this Watchtower video?
by StopTheTears in
George Jefferson -Sherman Hemsley has passed....
by yknot in .
sherman hemsley, whose cantankerous george jefferson cracked up millions of faithful tv viewers each week, first going toe-to-toe with archie bunker on all in the familyand then sparring with his beloved weezie on the jeffersons, has died.. the sad news was confirmed by police in el paso, texas, where hemsley lived while not working in los angeles.
no immediate word on cause of death, which was originally reported by tmz.. the emmy- and golden globe-nominated actor was 74.. .
A tragic loss.
Apparently he had quite a wide ranging career but I will always remember him best as 'Benson' in the early 80's.
Churches are dying
by StopTheTears inmost churches today are apostate.
using corrupt bibles, singing worldly christian rock music, teaching psychology instead of preaching the word of god, endorsing godless political leaders, et cetera.
i recently visited a baptist church where the pastor wore blue jeans to the pulpit, spoke psychology instead of preaching, the music was worldly, the niv was their bible, most of the women wore pants, and the only invitation given to lost sinners was to follow jesus.
Most churches today are apostate. using corrupt bibles, singing worldly Christian Rock music, teaching psychology instead of preaching the Word of God, endorsing Godless political leaders, et cetera.
I recently visited a Baptist church where the pastor wore blue jeans to the pulpit, spoke psychology instead of preaching, the music was worldly, the NIV was their Bible, most of the women wore pants, and the only invitation given to lost sinners was to “follow Jesus.”
Many people followed Jesus in His time in hopes of receiving food or a blessing, but they weren't saved. Judas was one of Christ's very Apostles, but he was lost and went to Hell.
America could be brought back to God if preachers would start preaching again!
America is going to hell in a wheelbarrow while hundreds-of-thousands of dead churches all across America sit idle and do absolutely nothing about it. The hearse pictured blow is more than appropriate for the average church in America today. Rigor mortis has set in! How can churches just sit back and remain silent?
rededicated to jesus
by StopTheTears injesus i redeicate my heart andlife to you.. jesus forgive me for the thingsi have done, said or thought that offfended you.. jesus i admit thati am a sinner.
i believe that you died one the cross and arose the third day.. jesus i want to follow you and be your child agin.
help me jesus to follow you.
Jesus I redeicate my heart andlife to You.
Jesus forgive me for the thingsI have done, said or thought that offfended You.
Jesus I admit thatI am a sinner
I believe that You Died one The Cross and arose the third day.
Jesus I want to follow You and be Your child agin.
Help me Jesus to follow You.
Jesus I am not intersted in the enemy's ploys.
Jesus take over my life and kick the enemy to the curb.