Most churches today are apostate. using corrupt bibles, singing worldly Christian Rock music, teaching psychology instead of preaching the Word of God, endorsing Godless political leaders, et cetera.
I recently visited a Baptist church where the pastor wore blue jeans to the pulpit, spoke psychology instead of preaching, the music was worldly, the NIV was their Bible, most of the women wore pants, and the only invitation given to lost sinners was to “follow Jesus.”
Many people followed Jesus in His time in hopes of receiving food or a blessing, but they weren't saved. Judas was one of Christ's very Apostles, but he was lost and went to Hell.
America could be brought back to God if preachers would start preaching again!
America is going to hell in a wheelbarrow while hundreds-of-thousands of dead churches all across America sit idle and do absolutely nothing about it. The hearse pictured blow is more than appropriate for the average church in America today. Rigor mortis has set in! How can churches just sit back and remain silent?