The reason I remember was that Gargamel was the Devil, and he was bad because he mixed potions and spells. I really liked that show too. My mom threw our Smurf glasses and my Smurf underwear away when we got home from the meeting one day. There were also stories of the dolls coming to life, etc.
JoinedPosts by Mamacat
by marked inokay, what's the deal with the smurfs?
i've heard mention here and there about some 80s rumours regarding demonized smurfs (or something) that got jws in a panic.
i remember when i was a kid my aunt telling my mother about smurf dolls with blood on them walking around, i think.
Which did you think was worse, df'd or da'd people?
by pennycandy inas a jw, when i'd find out someone got disfellowshipped, i'd shake my head and think, "what a selfish person.
choosing immorality (it had to be immorality) over jehovah.
i hope i never make such bad choices.
I don't remembering anyone in our congregation ever formally DA'ing themselves.
Disfellowshippings weren't too common either, but usually there was a "gasp" from the audience when one was announced, even if the rumors had been flying for a month or so about the person. I think it made it seem worse that they never told the reason. Almost everytime, people speculated it was about sex...and maybe it wasn't at all.
I always thought it seemed unfair that you couldn't speak to those DF'd. It wasn't really emphasized that they did something was always being said "You know you can't speak to them." My neighbor was DF'd when I was small for smoking. She had always offered me cookies or to come over and talk to her. She was an older woman. Then, all of a sudden, I couldn't speak to her anymore, but she would still say HI to me. I felt so embarrassed to not say anything! I remember telling my mom "Well, Daddy (non-JW) smokes, and I can talk to him." -
Are There Current JWs Who If They Became XJW's, You Still Wouldn't Trust?
by xjw_b12 in.
i was noticing, how the great majority who are fading, or are df or da, and post here, seem to go through a sincere personality change for the better.. it is of course a very humbling experience to find out how wrong and judgemental we were.. but is there a witness or two, who even if they posted here, you wouldn't trust them or like them.?
I could forgive certain past behaviors from most people, but never anything like pedophiles, etc. There are some people that are just plain rude no matter what their beliefs. Then, there are those that were just following what the GB said and that is why they shunned, or tattled on others or crammed their ideas down your throat. I think that is different.
Then, I think of someone like my mom....she is very submissive and modest. I am fairly sure that is her personality, and that it has nothing to do with her being a JW. Even if she were no longer a JW (I can hope), she still would not be the type of person to kick back with and have a drink or laugh at dirty jokes, etc. -
I told them I was going to church, but in reality I...
by poppers inwhen i was still living at home as a young adult i managed to attend mass every sunday, mostly out of guilt, for the catholic church was good at making you believe that not attending mass without a valid reason was a mortal sin - an offense that would send you to hell for certain.
i usually went to the church in the next town over since it had the latest scheduled mass in the area.
one particular weekend my sister and her husband were visiting and on sunday they drove to that neighboring city to go to mass, so they declared.
The last District Convention I even went to...I was 16, and it was held in Philly. I met a nice brother there during lunch, and we were having a great, friendly conversation. His family didn't care where he was, but I had to sit with my mom and grandma. I picked a stupid fight with my mom after lunch and told her I was going to go sit by myself. HA HA
Him and I skipped out and took a nice walk in the city. Then, we hopped on the subway and went over to where Lollapalooza was playing. We couldn't get in, but we could hear the music. Then, we went back at the very end of the session, and of course, I acted like I had been there the whole time. My mom kept asking me question about the different talks, and I faked it. lol
I bet if I told her that, even now, she'd be mad at me about it. lol -
Gas price in your area?
by JH inhere in quebec, ordinary unleaded is 94.4 cents a litre.
(that's the cheapest gas!!!).
there are 3.78 liters per american gallon, so this would give $3.57 a us gallon..... what's the price of gas in your area?
My Book of Bible Stories
by Taylor S. ini just got my hands on a copy of my book of bible stories ... (1978).
at first i was excited when a friend pulled it out of his bag, said he'd gotten it as a kid.
then i started flipping through, looking at the pictures, feeling the memories spin in my brain.
Taylor, thanks for posting the picture for me.
This whole book is just slanted. My scanner is broken...but here is more
"Where do people learn a lot about violence and improper sex and spirits and ghosts?--Isn't it from watching certain television shows and movies, playing computer and video games, going on the Internet, and reading comic books? Does doing these things bring us closer to God or closer to the Devil and his demons? What do you think?--" p.61
They just killed about everything kids like in one sentence.
P 225
"Do you see why it is important to love your brothers and sisters?-- If you do not love them, whose children would be imitating?-- Children of the Devil. You wouldn't want to be that, would you?-- So how can you prove that you want to be a child of God?-- It is really by loving your brothers and sisters.
Children of the Devil? Ugh. -
My Book of Bible Stories
by Taylor S. ini just got my hands on a copy of my book of bible stories ... (1978).
at first i was excited when a friend pulled it out of his bag, said he'd gotten it as a kid.
then i started flipping through, looking at the pictures, feeling the memories spin in my brain.
I'm not sure how to put a picture in my post. Here is the url to a picture I took of the cover
It was published in 2003. It has dashes where the parents are supposed to pause and wait for the child to answer the posed question. It tells stories about the miracles Jesus performed, but it also has chapters on lessons ie
"Is it right to fight?"
"Should we Brag about anything?"
"Why we should not lie?"
"Do all parties please God?"
"Never become a thief"
"Our friends should love God"
The most disturbing chapter to me is "Jesus' Power over the Demons"
It talks about demons coming to earth to have "sexual relations with the pretty women on earth." Then, it goes on to say "The demons like it when a boy and a girl play with each other's penis or vulva. We don't want to the make the demons happy, do we?---
One chapter "How Jesus was protected" talks about sex again, but it also does tell children about sexual abuse and how it is wrong and that they should tell if someone does it to them. -
To what extent did you let others know that you were a JW?
by JH ini remember the elders telling us that we had to let everyone know that we were a jw.
does your boss know that you're a jw?
does your teacher know?
By high school, I was no longer telling anyone that I was. A few from elementary school remembered, and if it came up, I just would say "Oh, my mom is, and she makes me go with her."
Now I rarely tell anyone that I ever was or that my mom is. When religion comes up, I try to stay out of the conversation. Years of being ostracized in school makes me scared to talk about it.
Weird experience....last year, I was looking for a part-time babysitter, and I called a few registered sitters in my area. One called me back, and we went to meet her. I immediately thought she looked familiar, and then when I saw her 6-year-old daughter, I was sure who she was! I had went to elementary school with her and hadn't seen her in almost 20 years! She remembered me too, and you know what she remembered about me? That I had been a JW. The label doesn't seem to ever go away. -
Follow the money......
by mjl inhas anyone ever tried to follow the money the wtbs collect?
it's almost as bad as watching a shell game in new york city.
here is one of my biggest problems... the building fund.
You can look up the addresses here in a property database search and see the info from the deed. I looked at our old hall, and it is listed as being owned by the
I remember when the hall was built, and we had a ton of money in the building fund because when we sold our old hall, we shared with another for awhile. Also, this was a 2 congregation hall, but it seems the other congregation sold out to this one (at a price of $0 to get their name off the deed) I think it would have to not have a lien on it in order to change the deed, but I am not sure.
Later, I can get out my phone book and look up more KH addresses and see if this is the normal way for them to be listed.