Reborn First, the name is MANN that should have given you a clue of my sex. I don't know what you are drinking in your coffee but maybe you should leave that shit alone.
I see you are good with putting questions out there but I have a few I would liked answered if you don't mind.
1 Every xjw site has the same common denominator. They all have a big problem with the end of the world not coming durning certain dates in history.
Can any of you explain the scripture Matt 24:44? Do you under stand the importances of that scripture? Read the scripture and take note of the word "you too". Tell me what you think it means.
2 In the year books and other literature I read so many jw's sold their homes and other belongings.
Do you understand this scripture Isa 26:20 .Jehovah is telling his people to into their interior rooms and shut the doors. Why would anyone sell their homes after reading a scripture like this?
3: I have also heard stories of Jw's buying everything they could get their hands on because in their greedy little minds they believed they would not have to pay off the bills, (I mean the end of the world was coming). Where does it say in the scriptues to buy all you can just before the war of God comes?
One person said, "the jw's can't answer any bible questions without the wt literature." I have yet to meet one xjw's who will take the blame for their own greed during this time. They make all kinds of excuses and when that no longer works they try justifying their actions. All the blame is placed on the society. The real truth is; it was the greed that put them in debt. What were they thinking? "I'm going to the new world but I want to make sure I take a brand new dodge ram with me" LOL LOL
4: Do you think the society is made up of perfect men? if not why does it surprise so much when they make mistakes?, why does it surprise you when they are caught with their hands in the cookie jars?,
5: If Jehovah said, he's going to clean out his temple first (which is a clue that there's one religious group he approves of) would not exposing hypocrisy at the very top be part of the cleansing work?
6: (englishman) Do you believe that the apostles who were inspried men of God could no longer make mistakes? if you read that in the Bible show me the verses.
7: What do you think will come from the dateline special that is coming? What do you really believe will happen with the jw's? Do honestly believe it will put an end to the society?
8: Do you really believe the JW's are not God's choosen religion? How often do you treat Jw's bad just because they are part of a group you hate? Are you really that much different?
Just a few let's see how you do.