Music is powerful. The reason I always break down in tears at 'Gladiator' when the woman says 'Who will carry him', almost against my will, is because the music comes in at that moment with its sad refrain and there i am balling again.
It is no wonder they chose to use work from movie composers, it is a very deliberate attempt to overcome and control viewers emotions. They might as well have written in the transcript 'Cry Here' like they would 'Applause' because its inevitable and witnesses will have little choice in the matter. That wouldn't have worked with 'House to house' playing in the background.
I was trying to think of a scenario where you could pretend to recognise the music and say 'Oh i know this track, its on the latest Audiomachine album, they did the soundtrack for a game I like called 'Call of Duty Advanced Warfare' lol. But the only legitimate time to hear the music would be at the actual assembly.