Interesting question. Those mags are so flimsy its hard to believe being asked to pay. Maybe for a book. Do they still offer large books door to door?
JoinedPosts by cobweb
Are donations still being asked for in the door to door ministry?
by ToesUp infor you guys and gals still in.
do you still ask for donations when placing magazines and books?
Talking of 'Old Timers'.....Valis BigTex OnaCruise etc
by ScottyRex inwhat happened to these guys.
i remember chatting and sparring with these guys years ago.
i read on here that onacruise passed away (craig) that was a shame he was a good man, and his ex wife kate.
The bloke with the cat pic was good ???
Your not thinking of Fred Hall? He was a troll from around that time and used to refer to himself as a cat. He used to be nasty sometimes but people used to tolerate him. I can't remember if he had a cat avatar.
Is it wrong to celebrate New Year?
by cobweb inlol, just kidding.. have a happy new year everyone!!!!.
My wife and I are hooked on European series screening on SBS TV
by smiddy inwhether they be norwegian ,danish ,french or whatever , having sub-titles doesnt bother us as their usually is a mix of english dialogue as well.. some examples : tracked ,the tunnell ,the bridge ,dicte ,borgen ,just to name a few.another one i`m watching now about the middle east the name just escapes right now .. anybody else watching these shows ?.
Love all the Killing, bridge, borgan stuff. There was also an icelandic drama called Trapped on bbc4 about 6 months ago, set in a small fishing port. It got cut off by weather and there were murders etc. Very good.
FYI: "Leah Remini's Anti-Scientology Documentary on A&E is scorching." Airs Tuesday the 29th, etc.
by AndersonsInfo inleah remini’s anti-scientology doc: former celeb wrangler admits how tom cruise was “surrounded” and isolated.
"leah remini’s anti-scientology documentary on a&e is scorching.
I'm loving this show. Leah Remini is so passionate it makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up sometimes, like when she talks about fighting for your family at the start of each episode. I've seen 6 episodes now including the q&a episode. I have heard awake witnesses using this show to get their jw partner to see the similarities and maybe wake them up too. Seems like a good idea as although the Scientologists take it to another level, the similarities are very much there. Information control, disfellowshipping, apostasy, believing they are doing something that will save the world etc.
It is interesting that so many high level people have left in the last 10 years or so. More than in the JWs. It used to seem like people were just too scared to speak up against Scientology and for good reason, but with so many books, films, and now this tv show coming out, it seems like they are becoming more vulnerable. Its hard to imagine that Scientology is going to do anything other than die a death after so much brutally negative publicity. Not necessarily from current members leaving but from noone joining.
While there is no similar 8 part Leah Remini tv show to deal with the JW organisation, there is an ever expanding ex-jw presence on the internet creating forums, youtube channels etc which will also be having a big effect, particularly on the young.
Gotta Love Leah Remini. Never heard of her as an actress but she is fearless, articulate and passionate. Its a powerful combination.
Have you ever known a holocaust denier? How did you feel about them?
by Esse quam videri ini sometimes did work for a lovely old couple who at times needed repairs done around their home.
my wife and myself spent time with them, having tea and crackers from time to time.
one day the husband and myself got into a conversation and he clearly showed himself to be a holocaust denier.
It is amazing to me that with the internet and availability of information, fringe ideas still exist.
The internet has made it worse in some ways. Wheras previously there was a lone cooky person, now that person can meet other people with the same idea and become an echo chamber or someone can get influenced into believing that weird idea by means of the social power of communicating with many others who accept it. Getting together with likeminded people can be a power for good and bad.
Having ready access to accurate information doesn't have any impact on conspiracy theorists. Their impulse is that mainstream truth is a lie - accepted facts are rejected out of hand, and they will believe anything that backs up what they want to believe.
Holocaust denial, Climate change denial, evolution denial. They all are coming together now and its because of unwillingness to accept evidence and fact. JWs have the same mentality and have a conspiracy theory too. The devil is out to get them and they can't trust anyone in the world who might be affected by him.
edited to add:
I blame it partly on the widespread acceptance of religious thinking. As a Christian its okay to put faith over fact and evidence. Its esteemed. With that tendency established its a hop skip and a jump to transplant that to other areas.
Have you ever known a holocaust denier? How did you feel about them?
by Esse quam videri ini sometimes did work for a lovely old couple who at times needed repairs done around their home.
my wife and myself spent time with them, having tea and crackers from time to time.
one day the husband and myself got into a conversation and he clearly showed himself to be a holocaust denier.
If you type into Google search 'did the Holocaust happen' the top result comess from Stormfront with headline 'Top 10 reasons the Holocaust didn' t happen. I just tried it.
Read this Guardian article about it:
2 words for truth in Russian, for wt writers too?
by prologos inny times article: "--- 2 words for truth in russian,--" pravda, the malleable truth, and istina, the unchangeable cosmic reality.
it looks like wt writers like that, or think like that.
wt is constantly changing the surface truth, but can not change the underlying reality, no matter how many groups they overlap.
In the current era of 'Post Truth', the Org fits in very well.
They say : "Don't research" ; "The Truth changes" ; "Reality is whatever we say it is".
All of which means Truth doesn't matter.
They denegrate facts.
I have been hearing the term gaslighting in relation to politics a lot and didn't know what it meant. I had to look it up. Its the same as what the witness do.
The Organisation should not be called 'The Truth' but 'The Post Truth'.
Question for those that have been Disfellowshiped for apostasy VS succesfully fading
by NikL inthere are quite a few here who have been disfellowshipped for apostasy.. then there are those that have successfully faded.. why the different outcome?
are the ones that got df more out spoken?
or does the discrepancy lie with the elders?.
If the reason you give for not going to meetings are connected to doctrine, jw history etc, then elders will deal with you on that basis. First they will try to make you see that whatever issue you have is not a problem. If you don't accept this then you get the 'do you believe this is god's organisation' type questions. Thats the road to being df for apostasy.
A safer road to take is one that doesn't connect to doubt over doctrine. You believe its the truth but..... Illness, depression etc. I'm sure there must be other things too that would work. They then have no grounds to see you as a spiritual danger.
If they were ever to do accurate re-enactments of the biblical attrocities - genocides, stonings etc, on their jw broadcast videos, they would have to give them 18 certificates.