Forget the technicalities of your argument on child abuse a moment.
I'm throwing this out there. Do you think it is possible that there is some connection between your desire to defend the Org and the Org's rejection of you based on your sexuality. I wonder if you have a need to earn approval somehow. Maybe its unconscious. This to me would explain your passion.
OrphanCrow said something like this in your other thread and I think he's on the money:
OrphanCrow6 days ago
I truly feel like I am trying to talk to a person in an abusive relationship when I am replying to you, Richard. You display exactly the same kind of twisted logic to rationalize your experience
Maybe reflect on it a bit and don't dismiss it altogether. I really think it can't be good for you to be so in favour of an organisation that is taught to hate what you are. Because you are never going to be good enough for them. You need to be able to accept yourself. It doesn't matter how much you defend them.
I know i am going off piste with this comment and its a bit personal. Forgive me, but I just have the impression theres some deeper reason you are so determined to defend the org on tbe child abuse issue, to the extent that you are.