Do you mean the book of Enoch? The book of Enoch is an apocalyptic book written from the 4th century BCE. It took the name Enoch but that is a common trait of apocalyptic literature to reference an earlier well known biblical figure.
JoinedPosts by cobweb
Why is Enoch referenced in the bible but his book omitted?
by Ursula inwhy is enoch referenced in the bible but his book omitted?.
So how did JF Rutherford function...?
by HowTheBibleWasCreated inevery picture i have seen at him at beth shirim and other private places are with a bottle of alcohol.. while for me personally i couldn't care less anymore.... for jw's this is low moral character.
so i'm an going to guess he was a functioning alcoholic... how did that work with his closest workers?
was he gay too?
Every picture I have seen at him at Beth Shirim and other private places are with a bottle of alcohol.
How many pictures have you seen like this?
I know there are a lot of reports of Rutherford's heavy drinking and bad character. Jim Penton's book goes into this I seem to remember, and there is the Olin Moyles court transcript which reinforces this impression. There are enough sources of information for me to be convinced. But I don't think i have seen pictures of Rutherford with an alcohol bottle, besides the one posted. There is a youtube video with him gurning a bit at Bethsarim but there no bottle.
Are you sure you haven't misremembered the photos because they fitted the image you had about him?
My mums dying she refuses blood transfusion...the horror.
by Witness 007 inmum has a mild form of lukeimia if she took blood like normal people she could live to be 100. but no, anointed sisters dont compromise jehovah wont allow it.
so here i am moving to sydney for one month going to hospital everyday putting my life on hold to watch my mother die slowly.
watching her gasp for air, struggle to breath.
So sorry for your loss.
boyfriends jehovah witness mom
by whatisthis12 inmy boyfriend is an ex new jehovah witness and today i got a message from one of his friends asking if i could delete a comment he wrote on one of my pictures because my boyfriends mom is harassing him about it.
he also basically told me that she has people who added me just to view my profile and let her know!!!!
she also sends him messages and pictures from the watchtower.
Just to add: his mum will likely be feeling extremely threatened and panicking. Threatened because if your boyfriend is disfellowshipped, which seems a real possibility, she will lose her son. She will never be able to talk to him again, text him even. That prospect is going to make her a bit crazy.
boyfriends jehovah witness mom
by whatisthis12 inmy boyfriend is an ex new jehovah witness and today i got a message from one of his friends asking if i could delete a comment he wrote on one of my pictures because my boyfriends mom is harassing him about it.
he also basically told me that she has people who added me just to view my profile and let her know!!!!
she also sends him messages and pictures from the watchtower.
This does sound like par for the course.
Practically, I think you should lock your facebook settings down so people u don't trust aren't spying on u. Also, its up to your boyfriend to ask u to take off the comment - you shouldn't have to deal with his friends putting pressure on you. I thought all his witness friends were shunning him anyway.
The most successful teaching of Jehovah's Witnesses and an amazing new book on the divine name
by slimboyfat injehovah's witnesses have had to revise their chronology and various doctrinal interpretations due to events and scholarly corrections.
but the one teaching where they have been consistently ahead of the curve is the importance of jehovah's name.. .
i'm going to run through a (necessarily selective) timeline of jw events and scholarly publications that demonstrate the phenomenal success of this teaching in the last days.
I remember being struck when the Divine Name brochure being studied with this comment:
Thus it is evident that the original pronunciation of God's name is no longer known. Nor is it really important. If it were, then God Himself would have made sure that it was preserved for us to use. The important thing is to use God's name according to its conventional pronunciation in our own language. The Divine Name, p. 7
I thought: 'if the pronunciation of God's name isn't important, why are we making such a big deal about calling God Jehovah. If someone called him Yahweh we would be saying they are wrong but that is baseless.
Additionally, if the organisation's logic in the Divine Name brochure is that if God cared about the pronunciation of the Divine name he would have preserved it, so it doesn't matter how it is pronounced, then surely the same logic should apply to the name itself, which was absent from the earliest manuscripts of the New Testament we have. By the same logic, If it ever existed in the NT, it would have been preserved if God if he thought it was important. It was not preserved however, therefore it was not important. That should naturally follow. But that is not the case, and in the 2008 Watchtower they say:
The manuscripts of the New Testament that we possess today are not the originals. The original manuscripts written by Matthew, John, Paul, and others were well used, and no doubt they quickly wore out. Hence, copies were made, and when those wore out, further copies were made. Of the thousands of copies of the New Testament in existence today, most were made at least two centuries after the originals were penned. It appears that by that time those copying the manuscripts either replaced the Tetragrammaton with Kuʹri·os or Kyʹri·os, the Greek word for “Lord,” or copied from manuscripts where this had been done.*
Knowing this, a translator must determine whether there is reasonable evidence that the Tetragrammaton did in fact appear in the original Greek manuscripts (The Watchtower August 2008)
The most successful teaching of Jehovah's Witnesses and an amazing new book on the divine name
by slimboyfat injehovah's witnesses have had to revise their chronology and various doctrinal interpretations due to events and scholarly corrections.
but the one teaching where they have been consistently ahead of the curve is the importance of jehovah's name.. .
i'm going to run through a (necessarily selective) timeline of jw events and scholarly publications that demonstrate the phenomenal success of this teaching in the last days.
Pretty candid discussion in their main publication on the topic The Divine Name that will Endure Forever
I notice you didn't link to the site to read that publication. I just went over there and its not available. I don't think it was replaced was it? Are they still publishing it? That was the most thorough treatment of God's name that I ever came across. As I recall, it was studied once in the 80's in the book study.
The most successful teaching of Jehovah's Witnesses and an amazing new book on the divine name
by slimboyfat injehovah's witnesses have had to revise their chronology and various doctrinal interpretations due to events and scholarly corrections.
but the one teaching where they have been consistently ahead of the curve is the importance of jehovah's name.. .
i'm going to run through a (necessarily selective) timeline of jw events and scholarly publications that demonstrate the phenomenal success of this teaching in the last days.
Would almighty God have allowed this group of Christians to champion his name at this crucial time if they did not enjoy his blessing and support?
I mean no disrespect, but your position on JW's does seem to vacillate quite wildly between some of your posts. Your comment above suggests you still believe the JW's are God's organisation and that this is the time of the end. Its hard for me to comprehend that you could still believe that after being on this site for 13 years. It's none of my business of course. Its just puzzling.
Documentary "The Dark Truth of Religion" - Does modern Christianity have ancient Egyptian roots?
by 4thgen inrecently we watched a documentary entitled: "the dark truth of religion".
from the quality of the video, it appeared to be made several decades ago.
it reminded me of a type of movie that they would show in a college class about the history of world religions.
On the specific subject of the evolution of the Jewish God, I think the information in this video is pretty consistent with current scholarly thought. Its a bit home made but short and to the point.
Documentary "The Dark Truth of Religion" - Does modern Christianity have ancient Egyptian roots?
by 4thgen inrecently we watched a documentary entitled: "the dark truth of religion".
from the quality of the video, it appeared to be made several decades ago.
it reminded me of a type of movie that they would show in a college class about the history of world religions.
I didn't watch your video - it all seemed a bit ott with the music etc. If you want an even handed neutral scholarly freely available academic course on the Hebrew bible, you could do a lot worse than checking out this:
Its a Yale undergraduate course. You might find the 24 part course a bit dryer than the video you posted but it is high quality information. Its a bit of a gem in my view as there is a lot of trash out there.