I did a 5 min bible reading at a circuit assembly.
It's odd because I don't remember feeling nervous but I don’t remember even one second of the experience almost like I blacked out for it or something.
was it being able to join the theocratic ministry school?
being a regular pioneer?
"handling microphones"?
I did a 5 min bible reading at a circuit assembly.
It's odd because I don't remember feeling nervous but I don’t remember even one second of the experience almost like I blacked out for it or something.
just browsing the jw survey website and looked at the above article.
i am constantly being amazed by the disgusting bs the gb spew out.
this time it's about all the people "slain by jehoover and how the bodies would lay end to end of the earth......and the birds of heaven called to clean up the slain.
Makes me glad I never realy paid attention at the meetings.
even now I tend to be oblivious to things going on around me, I can't tell you how many dates I have missed out on becuase I didn't know the girl was flirting with me till 5 days later.
Not sure if it was because of not being able to deal with the JW stuff or not, but it certainly seems to have protected me from the imagary described in this post.
jw's are suckers.. they got fooled.. they devoted their life to a fraud.. they have been ambiently abused.. they have been used for the money.. they are stuck in a sick mindset.. with sick people.. in a sick temple.. and (the real estate fraud) makes money off the sickness.. i say run away fast.. get your family.. get your friends.. get your kids.. run as fast as you can.. don't look back.. eventually you will heal.. eventually..
Seems fitting
is it the pedophile thing, ngo, generation change, blood issue?
what do you think it is?.
Wow there is such a thing as resurrection (this post)
Does anyone think the borg is any less effective now than they were when this post was started?
I've been out for way over 8 years so I have no clue what it is like anymore. From reading the posts here it seems like they are getting quite desperate and it might be starting to wane.
i was just reading thelisteners post from an earlier thread, and it got me thinking just how little time dubs have to associate togther.. it seems to be more and more the fact, that the only time dubs see each other to "associate" - if you can even call it that - is at meetings and conventions.. even at conventions though, the dubs are told not to go outside for lunch, regardless of whether it is a nice day of not.
(note, this may not be true at all conventions).
where is a jehovah's witness supposed to get this period of refreshment so he can do more?
I think I must have been part of the cool clique, we did lots of things. I even had to make decisions on which trips to take. I hung out with people from all over my state. I bet I knew and spent time with people from 10 or 15 different congregations.
One that we did regularly and I am suprised we never got counceled on, for a weekend every year a large group would rent out an entire motel on a lake.
There were a few elders on the trip and I don't think anything bad ever happend. If I remember corectly we even had the WT study on Sunday mornings. It was a blast. One year we found a dead body in the lake and had to turn to the bible to see if it was ok to swim there that day.
So sad that things like that aren't the norm. Honestly the expiriences I had there were really what I would have thought the new system would be like.
I'm pretty sure that the FDS will even ruin the new system with their rules.
Speaking of Clique I found an interesting definition when spell checking it:
Clique - In the social sciences, the word "clique" is used to describe a group of 2 to 12 "persons who interact with each other more regularly and intensely than others in the same setting".
i only ask because i hardly ever see them out on the ministry.
it is a very rare sighting to spot them actively engaged in the house to house ministry.
or out on the street work, in the marketplace, etc.. the other reason i ask is because they are constantly pictured as being on the preaching work.
I haven't seen any in ages. Last few I remember were in the Subway holding up watchtowers not talking to anyone.
Must have been before the cart because they were just sitting there holding up the WT.
I always see girl and boy scouts in front of my supermarket and it makes me wonder why the JWs never set up camp there.
If a store allows one group to set up their wares they have to let them all so they wouldn't be able to say no to the dubs.
I have said it before, if they really believed that everyone on earth was going to die soon and that they were the only ones that could help, they would be a lot more passionate about their preaching.
Deep down inside even they know it is BS
not sure if this has been posted but the jwsurvey site received the videos in english from someone.. this crap is pathetic to watch.
how to counsel someone who is suicidal... really.
Just finished the second video, how awful. Where are the videos on how to show love and compassion for a sinner?
I wonder if they feel like there has been too much "forgiveness" going on in these matters in the past?
I thank god for my disfelloshipping, i'm pretty sure it is the only thing that could have saved me from that cult.
Maybe if you didn't have to sit down with 3 people grilling you, you might feel more comfortable admitting to your mistakes.
And what idiot doesn't know to say you hurt Jehovah before you mention other people.
there are a few people who are fb friends that constantly brag about themselves, their looks, their accomplishments, their bodies, their job---etc.. one particular person is too close to ignore but it's never ending.
i am thisclose to telling her, to please stop it.. any thoughts?.
They might if I wasn't even more awesome than they are!
not sure if this has been posted but the jwsurvey site received the videos in english from someone.. this crap is pathetic to watch.
how to counsel someone who is suicidal... really.
What a joke
Wonder what the point of all the votes being unanimous is?
look what i just found.... "the jehovahs witness convention, christian congregation was approved for a $30,000 grant to offset the cost of renting veterans memorial arena july 4-6 and july 18-20.".
i wonder how much are they charged for that event or if it ends up being close to free since the city will say it will generate revenue for the city.
Maybe these are types of things protesters should have on their signs
I did a little looking and the convention rentals i found info on were around $1500-2000 a day for 10000 seat arena. I wasn't able to find anything for this place. But even if it is double that,for six days (2 weekends) they are still breaking even or better.