funny but not a news story.
He does seem like a good pope though.
here's the link :
funny but not a news story.
He does seem like a good pope though.
we had an elderly pioneer/ms in our hall and he used to like to rattle the elders.
he liked using the "n" word in his comments.
he one time started to comment about the "ni##er pool" that he would observe among the poorer blacks.
I had one that claimed the bread of laziness was the bread you bought at the store. You should be making it yourself.
And if I remember correctly he said something about putting a woman over your knee and giving her a spanking (and not in the fun way)
In his defense he was old school and one of the few people that lived what he believed.
Now that I think about it, he is pretty much the only JW I have any respect for.
I know he will get whatever reward is out there for the faithful.
how much would a well-off witness be expected to donate?
my wife has just withdrawn a few hundred pounds from her account and refuses to tell me why so i suspect she plans to donate it as she hasn't donated for a while because she knows i don't want our money going to the organisation.
is it likely that she is feeling under pressure to make a large donation?.
I do think you should know where the money is going. I was just picturing the the conversation that would be going on in a JWs head. As you pointed out if you are not a JW there's no trust and everything you do is suspect.
They do preach that the wife should be even more obedient to the husband to win him over. Maybe you could use that to get the the elders to back you up. It might be worth a shot. Use the sneaking around to make them feel guilty.
It’s eye opening to see the other side of the conversation for a change. Makes me wonder what the truth was behind all those evil husband stories I used to hear when I was in. To think I actually believed that being a dub made for better families even when one was an unbeliever.
The birthday comment was more wishful thinking.
how much would a well-off witness be expected to donate?
my wife has just withdrawn a few hundred pounds from her account and refuses to tell me why so i suspect she plans to donate it as she hasn't donated for a while because she knows i don't want our money going to the organisation.
is it likely that she is feeling under pressure to make a large donation?.
Putting on my therapists hat here: It sounds like you need to have a discussion with her on how much is OK. It is just a fact of life that she is going to want to donate. Better if she tells you how much so you can make compromises than if she sneaks around and gives even more.
Saying "I have told her she doesn't see any more of my money until she tells me what she is using her money for" sounds like something a controling person would say. That will never wake her up to TTATT. It will only make her did her heels in deeper.
And who knows maybe she is out buying you a big fat birtday present with the money.
why do the jw's insist that jesus was crucified on a stake??
the practice by the romans back in that time was to use a cross.
i've even heard of some witnesses say it was due to "lack of wood.
That was one of my questions when I started to wake up. Not whether or not Jesus was on a cross or a stake but why does it really matter?
Why was there long section explaining why it was a stake and not a cross in the back of the green bible? It isn't like it was christians that were killing him.
this is a follow up to my previous thread.
so we had our co visit and we were quizzed about the "problem" of higher education as well.
I will say, the Mormons prove that going to school won't shake you from your cult like beliefs. But in my opinion they aren't any better than the JWs and may be worse because they have the money to aggressively pursue their agendas. Anyone who thinks the JWs stance on gays is bad should take a look at the “8: The Mormon Proposition” documentary.
Any group where members kill themselves based on the actions\teachings of the church is dangerous. That includes any religion making a member feel so bad about who they are that they commit suicide.
I know this thread isn't about the mormons but I couln't let that comment pass without adding my 2 cents.
why does the watchtower place a harsh burden on it's low-paid and low-skilled army of witnesses?
the district conventions don't really add much value, you have witnesses making minimum wage with both husband and wife working while the elite witnesses can afford to burn a ton of cash making the poor witnesses feel worse about themselves.
i remember, some of the really poor witnesses would bring their own "cooker" to the motel to make "top ramen" and mac&cheese" while the company men had the elites take them out for "surf and turf" and other great feasts, the poor witnesses get the shaft was they are told how lucky they are to financially struggle to afford to pay for their hotels.. .
"God watches over drunks and fools."
Not sure which I was but I don't remember it ever being a burden and I certainly wasn't well off.
This was years ago and I probably spent $2-300 on the whole event. I would also have been sharing a room with three other friends. We always managed to get the list of hotels a day or two early so we could get the one of our choice. I always like the one closest to the convention center. My dad never cared about the hotel list and just called and used his points to get a better rate at the hotel of his choice.
When I was younger and went with my parents we used to stay a ways outside the city in a cheap dumpy Motel. I think we may have even camped on a few occasions.
when our cong turned on us like a mob of angry villagers with pitchforks there was no one in our corner.
our crime mainly being we were not local and the local "hood" did not like outsiders.
the circut o/seer (also not local) was very familiar with mafia style antics of the local body and its problems but was at a loss as to what if anything could be done about it for fear he too may end up in the river with cement shoes (metaphorically of course).. the guy while being sympathetic to our plight basically said "be warm and well fed"and set off to a new assignment interstate.. well he rang up out of the blue to see "how we got on" and to "find out if any action was taken by the branch to investigate ".
In time you will start to recognize it for the blessing it was. (by their fruits you will recognize them)
(astronomy picture of the day) shows the sizes of 12 exo planets (compared to earth), that have been found to be in the habitable, liquid water 'goldilocks ' zone of their sun-like stars.. may be it is more than a 'world-wide brotherhood' and sad that we have to be the lucky ones with satan confined here.
Hey we knew they had to be there, where else would the Mormons go when they earned their own planet to rule over.
i don't have anything good to say about these people.. if you can get past all of the ambient abuse.. if you can get past all of the twisted lies and shameful history.. if you can get past all of the familes destroyed and children damaged from the blood and 2 witness policy.. if you can get past all of the real estate laundering and for profit lies; it is all about the money.. if you can get past all of the hypocricy and bitterness.. if you can get past all of the gb megalomaniacs.. if you can get past all those things.. i still can't find anything good to say about this shameful group of ignorant people.. shame on each and every one of you controlling liers.. shame on each and every one of you who aid and abet this continued ambient abuse and ridiculous fraud of an organization.. shame on you..
It is a McReligion
Just listen obey and you will get the reward. No thinking involved or even allowed.