Probably just a PR stunt to help improve their reputation after the proposition 8 movie showed them in a pretty bad light. If you haven't seen it, it is probably worth watching. Makes me think twice about voting for a Mormon president.
But this really doesn't have a comparison to the JWs since they would never comment on something like this publicly.
I don't know if my area was unusual but knew a number of gay JWs and a few more I am pretty sure were gay. As far as I know it was always OK to be gay as long as you were celibate. But the same went for single straight people too. I didn't find JWs any more homophobic than the general public. If anything they were less so, I never new any JW that hated someone for being gay. As kids we made the usual jokes but even that wasn't with any malice, just stupid kids being stupid.
I'm sure they find gay marriage to be a sign of the times but to be honest I feel like the bible does condemn homosexuality and if you claim to believe the bible you would have to condemn homosexuality.
One thing I did find odd was how many JWs I knew didn't understand how you could be gay if you never had gay sex.