NON: Have you ever heard bitter divorcees relate their experiences about their former husbands or wives? Most of the time, if it is a wife telling the story, her former husband could not do anything right. He was a terrible father, lover, provider, cook, gardener and he smelled funky and was abusive. In other words, he was a total loser.
One wonders how the woman ever became attracted to such a loser or did he just change over time?
MARCH: He changed over time, who would marry him as described above?!?!
NON: While the awful depictions of husbands are sometimes true, I think the negative depictions are oftentimes exaggerated. Could everything have really been bad all the time? Maybe. Then again, maybe not.
MARCH: No, they were that good, I just felt like getting divorced, nothing better to do!!!!
NON: Peeps on this board sometimes remind me of bitter divorcees. Once they were supposedly happy Jws who had that first love and joyfully engaged in meeting attendance and the preaching work. Then something happened. What took place? What was responsible for the change in attitude? How did the organization go from THE org to THE borg? You tell non. Are you folks being a little hypercritical in this place?
MARCH: I am a bitter exwife and a bitter exjw. Your being a bit presumptuous about the joyfully engaged in meetings and preaching. What took place? Both the ex old man and the borg pretended to be something they were not. They looked real good til they hooked ya and once they hooked ya, ya got to see em for what they really are. My ex used to tell me I would never do better then him, hmmm sounds like the borg. So your right Non, I was once "supposedly" happy but now I am bitterly happy! Hypercritical? No, I no longer pretend to love either.