$$$Just wondering if you were an active JW there NON???? The way you talk sounds like you are kind of defending them.$$$
Non is a jw. He defends the Bible and jws.
$$$And what happened with most of us is that we did start to see the "truth" after a while of being brain washed. Just like with marriage and dating, no one shows their true self up front.$$$
I disagree. There are some individuals who try to reveal their actual attributes when they date others for the purpose of marriage. Psychologically speaking, we are talking about personal disclosure (the act of A revealing himself to B). But the act of disclosure does not thereby exhaust the mystery of human existence. No one knows himself fully except God. So often it is not a matter of hiding undesirable traits. A person is a mystery to himself.
$$$The front is put on to impress and grab and then once they are secure that they have that person then the true colors come out and the love slowly dies. Look at it.$$$
As I look back in time through the recesses of my mind, I find that what the jws first told me is still the case today. But I investigated the religion long and hard before I accepted it. I saw the good, the bad and the ugly.
$$$If someone is studying with the Witnesses then everyone in the congregation will do everything that is needed to help that person studying, but after about a year of being baptized, if you are not a pioneer then they start looking at you to fault for some reason or another. Then the problems just start happening.$$$
I think you are exaggerating to a certain degree. Some congregations are warmer than others. And human dynamics being what they are and since we existents are metastable, things ever change. It is called human dynamics.
$$$Tell me your story. Why would you post something like that if you know how it is, and if you are still an active JW then what are you doing on this site anyway. You could be disfellowshiped for any dealings that you may have with apostates!!!!!! Think about it!!!!!!!!$$$
I use Scripture as my guide. Whatever consequences flow from my decisions based on the Bible will be handled by me with fortitude and courage.