Did one person write the top half of this thread and someone else the bottom half?!?!?!
Sorry but this really was'nt worth two cents. You insult Americans at first and then turn around and praise them?!? Little indecisive there Josephus?
whoa i missed a good battle allright.. imho, .
america is vain, shallow, selfish, devious, unfeeling, a bit racist and would put a mcdonalds on the top of mt mckinley.
they tend too ignore others sensativities, are meanspirited, they insist on donating money (all the money) to irish terrorists and i dont like their clothes when they come on holiday.. however,.
Did one person write the top half of this thread and someone else the bottom half?!?!?!
Sorry but this really was'nt worth two cents. You insult Americans at first and then turn around and praise them?!? Little indecisive there Josephus?
there is a poster on this board with the moniker 'd8ta' that has called a female poster a 'bitch' and another female poster a 'whore' and yet you men let him get away with it.
this is disgusting!
is this what leaving jehovah does to people?
And you call me BITCH....................
Like thats a bad thing?
Bitch to me = STRONG
I AM a Bitch and proud of it !!!
patriot......the only country i would live in is new zealand....it is beautiful, it is a slow pace of life and it is pretty neutral when it comes to world factions......... i too knew people who lost their lives last years tradegy.....and a girls uncle who was on the second plane that hit..i went to 3 funerals becasue of it...it iwas horrible....and i sooooo surprised that uk has not been hit by these so-called holy warriors yet as they are so closely connected with the us.. anyway....talking about beer...a great bar in manhattan is the ginger man on 36th street between 5th and madison..you should check it out !
best get out of the country!"
o.k, now that i have your attention, things are getting very ugly in here, uglier than usual.
it is really starting to bum some people out, including me.
so with that in mind, i thought it would be nice to start a thread about something that feels good.
You guys are awesome, I feel better just reading your stories. And about my story, it was the way the manager and the the teller reacted to me giving the money back that made me glad to be alive and made my heart swell with happiness that I could restore some kind of faith in other people into their hearts. I actually cried when I opened my mail to find a thank you card, I never expected that so it was one of the nicest things anyone has done for me.
One of the other nicest things is when my husband tells me I'm beautiful first thing in the morning when I KNOW I look crap. I'll go look in the mirror and giggle at my "bed head" and then realize how fortunate I am to have someone think thats beautiful.
Edited by - MarchOn on 2 July 2002 18:3:51
o.k, now that i have your attention, things are getting very ugly in here, uglier than usual.
it is really starting to bum some people out, including me.
so with that in mind, i thought it would be nice to start a thread about something that feels good.
Since I started this thread I should contribute to it huh? Well a couple of weeks ago I made a bank deposit and when I got home I noticed the cash I had included with the check I deposited was still on my table but it showed on my statement that it HAD been deposited. I thought about the teller getting fired over their mistake and thought about the fact that I could really use that hundred bucks right now but my conscience would not let me keep that money. I took it to the bank and 2 days later received in the mail a thank you card and pens and key chains from the teller. Also the manager sent me his card and said if I ever needed anything t let him know and that they would of never known where the mistake was because it was cash and he said no one ever does what I did. That was worth more than a hundred bucks let me tell you !
P.s: I had people tell me what an idiot I was for returning that money but it really was 'nt mine.
o.k, now that i have your attention, things are getting very ugly in here, uglier than usual.
it is really starting to bum some people out, including me.
so with that in mind, i thought it would be nice to start a thread about something that feels good.
o.k, now that i have your attention, things are getting very ugly in here, uglier than usual.
it is really starting to bum some people out, including me.
so with that in mind, i thought it would be nice to start a thread about something that feels good.
O.k, now that I have your attention, things are getting very ugly in here, uglier than usual. It is really starting to bum some people out, including me. So with that in mind, I thought it would be nice to start a thread about something that feels good. What is the nicest thing you have ever done or the nicest thing someone else has done that made you happy to be alive?
i for one actually agree with the comments made by invisible, americans on the whole are a nation that dominates the world through bullying.. america is the big kid in the playground nicking everyones lunch money.. i live in the us but will move away soon.
what happened on 9/11 was unbelievably , god awful and so sickening that i cant watch those planes hit the twin towers without feeling nauseated.. this may hurt but.........america brought his on themselves.
the world has had enough of their politics their machoism and their greed.
<<<<I live in the US but will move away soon>>>>
i always hear at least two stories a year about someone i know who's left the "truth" goes back despite the trauma surrounding their departure.
this morning i heard yet another story.
a few years ago and elder's wife in my former uk congregation abruptly left the organization, surprising everyone and getting a big df in the process.
In most of the cases I know of that people went back into the org. it was when things were going very badly in their lives. Whether they had lost a loved one and thought of the promise of resurrection or they themselves were having health problems, depression. Of course world events play an active part of thinking, "I better get back in before its too late". How many people had that thought run through there mind after Sept. 11th? Even people that were never in the org. were talking about going to church or praying, things they had never dreamed of doing. Of course with all of the doom and gloom that has been drilled into our brains fleeting thoughts of going back sometimes happen and then when you calm down and think rationally about it you realize where it is all comimg from. Then there is everything everyone else has mentioned of reasons people go back. This is much like a divorce, why sometimes do people that have gotten divorced hook back up with each other ? When those thoughts of hooking back up cross your mind remind yourself that there is a very good reason you divorced to begin with and don't look back.
anyone have any funny virgin honeymoon stories?
none here- but my brother & his wife- both good witnesses got married- didn't get to complete the act for 6 weeks- his wife had no idea he was so big- and kept crying & was afraid.
just another "well educated" witness girl.
Well, I got the "talk" from my Mother on my wedding day. She went on and on about everything and even informed me that if my husband had to much to drink, he would probably not be able to perform. I was very surprised at this because he never had a problem with not being able to perform when he was drinking. Poor Mom sooooo naive.