JoinedTopics Started by RADHESYAM
who saw/ is going to see the SMURFS movie?
by RADHESYAM inmy fiancee went today with his son.. just wondering how many of u went to see it or are planning to?.
i have no interest in another 3d mass marketed film per se - but its smurfs!!.
the rebellious part of me wants to go see it just because im free to do so!
My Letter to local Newspapaer - Your Feedback Please?
by cofty inmy local congregation has been in the news this week following a successful application for planning permission for a quick build.
a local vicar objected because the application described it as a building for "christain worship".. .
vicar fury at new home for jehovahs .
How many rules to JW´s have? Gregorson says 1,777
by Botzwana inhttp://thegoverningbody.org/holy-walls-and-the-winds-of-change-part-1/#more-1047.
is that true?
i have never counted them up but it would be so interesting to see considering the israelites only had 600....
Rick Fearon has been totally exposed!
by Iamallcool inwhy would he post a pic of byron brown, the mayor of buffalo, ny in this thread, http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/215638/1/former-jw-money-counter-at-district-conventions-tells-all .
The list of things that would never have occurred if the JW organization never existed
by thetrueone incoming off a topic that terry started recently concerning what if j rutherford never grabbed a hold of the wts.
corporation.. i thought it might be interesting to accumulate a list of things that would never have happened due to the wts/jws .
existence and expansion over the years.
Your top 5 most irritating doctrines/practices?
by cedars init's clear that virtually everyone on here is infuriated by wt teachings/doctrines/practices, but i would really like to know what is of most concern to people who frequent this forum.. here is my top 5, number 1 being the most significant/infuriating:.
the disfellowshipping practice - expanded to include family members (but not parents) who are old enough to leave home.
wrecks families and creates abject fear once people find out the truth about the organization.the blood issue - another unmerciful teaching, but one that costs lives.unquestioned authority of governing body - a handful of men make life-altering decisions as representatives of a larger group of people who they never see or speak to, and yet they demand unquestioning obedience on pain of being disfellowshipped.failed prophecy - the fulfilment of huge swathes of bible prophecy, including revelation, has been attributed to the events of the early 20th century, and the actions of a small group of men.two-tier christianity - faithful and discreet slave are anointed who go to heaven to whom ransom provisions apply directly, whereas remainder, or "great crowd" stay on earth and form a sub-class, only access benefits of ransom through fds.i realise that many of these issues are inter-related, but that's roughly how i would put them.
The bait has been hooked!
by educatingMyself inalreet geezaz!
;p. a sweet old lady from my old hall has baited to a nice email i sent, which is good and bad, as you can see in my posts here http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/211809/1/study-conductor-challenge-plus-hello i quite like the people at my old study hall, so i wanted to free a few minds from there.. but on the other hand i didn't want ruin a nice old ladys whole lifes beliefs.
i'm stuck in a conundrum.
The Honest JW Bible
by Essan ingenesis.
in the beginning, jehovah organized the universe.
now the earth was disorderly and unproductive and not at all upbuilding.
So It Begins...
by TimothyT inall i can say is lol!!!.
so... i have been outed... im gay, and at least one elder now knows!.
while i was at bingo tonight with jack i recieved a call from him.