I think you need to find a peaceful place with all this. Don't forget practically everyone here has suffered a great deal at the hands of JWs. We've all felt as you do at one time or another. I've been disfellowshipped for no good reason, for over 20 yrs. I blame my mother's breast cancer and my father's massive heart attack on JWs - because it broke them having to decide between me and my JW siblings. However a friend once told me that I have to think about all the good things in my life that HAVE gone well. How blessed I am that my husband came out of the Org with me and how I got out before they had a chance to stuff up my kids (hey that's my job!). They say the best form of revenge is to live well. I wish this for you. Certainly as time passes their ability to hurt you gets less. It never goes away completely. But no one has a perfect life. Try to learn to accept that JWs are your cross to bear.