Waiting -
I have notebooks full of these things! LOL
ok frenchy, you asked for it you got it!.
my pet issue is the conscience thing.
just whos' conscience are they talking about when they us this phrase "it's a conscience issue"?.
Waiting -
I have notebooks full of these things! LOL
ok frenchy, you asked for it you got it!.
my pet issue is the conscience thing.
just whos' conscience are they talking about when they us this phrase "it's a conscience issue"?.
Conscience is the inner voice that tells us when someone is looking ... Henry Louis Mencken
(How's that, Waiting? I'm a "quote-freak" too ...lol)
Frenchy - You are a very kind, reasonable person. I have to admit the "what-ifs" have crossed my mind regarding my son (i.e., what if he should die in an accident - who would do the funeral). He has many friends who would attend, and, yes, it would look very bad. I am thinking someone might do a generic funeral talk - you know, about the resurrection and paradise, etc. (Not very personal or satisfying, but better than refusing altogether!) I would think that would be a conscience thing ... no?
Anyway, good for you for being there for her!
i've enjoyed frenchy's poems so much, i thought since this forum seems to have hit a lull, i might share one that i wrote several years ago when my 17 year old son left home (and the "truth") - and broke my heart.. he is a very bright and introspective young man, a poet heavily into dylan, lennon, and all those anti-establishment heroes of oddly enough my generation.
minstrel song.
where are you now, o minstrel son -.
I've enjoyed Frenchy's poems so much, I thought since this Forum seems to have hit a lull, I might share one that I wrote several years ago when my 17 year old son left home (and the "Truth") - and broke my heart.
He is a very bright and introspective young man, a “poet” heavily into Dylan, Lennon, and all those anti-establishment heroes of – oddly enough – MY generation.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Minstrel Song
Where are you now, O Minstrel Son -
Child lost in the Wisdom of Youth?
Is there yet a hint of your presence
Still lingering within that Dylan-esque spirit?
Poet, Philosopher, Tunesmith -
Born a generation too late;
Reincarnate 60’s child -
A “rock” and an “island.”
Cuddle with me again just once -
Babble meaningless childwords in my ear;
Savor the joys of an innocent babe a while longer
Before you go off to slay Life’s Dragons -
(They will await you -
They know you are coming.)
Whisper to me once again the song of a firstborn’s love before you go;
Remember kindly the yesterdays of your youth,
They too had meaning -
Your poet’s heart is shaped of those who have touched you
Throughout your journey to this unknown destination.
The love of a firstborn I have reserved for you alone;
Only you can lay claim to it.
Never doubt its power;
It can overcome all obstacles, however great they may be.
It cannot be quenched even midst the ravages of fire and drought
It awaits you - knowing your growth will come full circle.
Then your minstrel song will be complete.
* * * * * * * * * * *
As a footnote, I might add that he has matured considerably and now, some 6 years later, we see him often and have fallen into a very comfortable relationship. He is publishing a poetry magazine in a college town about 100 miles from here, is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and has developed into a very fine young man.
is it possible to do all that is required as a witness?
if one were to put down on paper all that is required to carry out, both with secular work and a good spiritual routine, is it even possible to do all that one is "supposed" to do?.
a basic routine includes:.
Katchoo -
I can relate to what you said earlier about it "never being good enough." I learned the Truth at 18 and took to it like gangbusters - passing on all my college plans to pioneer. So, it wasn't till I hit 30 or so that I realized maybe I regretted passing on the college in my haste. I still crave it, but at 50 haven't either the time or money. It's not for career - just personal satisfaction. I don't regret the pioneer years. I was a very shy person and the Truth and pioneering pulled me out of that, and I have some wonderful memories. We have an elder in our cong. who is about my age, and actually got his college education right out of high school - while pioneering. Said it wasn't without its share of disapproving stares and comments, but he did it anyway. He's one of our most approachable, open-minded elders. Maybe because he was somewhat of a maverick in his youth ... Anyway, I can relate.
lately i have spent some time responding to various subjects on this forum.
at this time it seems a bit necessary that i address something about myself in the hopes that it will clear up some misunderstandings.
first of all, i am not a defender of the watch tower bible & tract society.
P.S. Don't get me wrong, folks. The final count is not in (in my book) on this blood matter. And I also have issues regarding child baptism (and consequent shunning when they manifest the "foolishness of youth" ...), birthdays (not that I care personally, especially as the years tick by!), and a few other matters; however, I am not interested in condemning or turning my back on the Organization that taught me about Jehovah God in the first place, and of his Kingdom, as well as the high moral standards (so lacking in the world today) I've learned as on of Jehovah's Witnesses.
lately i have spent some time responding to various subjects on this forum.
at this time it seems a bit necessary that i address something about myself in the hopes that it will clear up some misunderstandings.
first of all, i am not a defender of the watch tower bible & tract society.
. For instance, after Jesus’ resurrection but prior to his ascension his followers still had misconceptions about God’s Kingdom. (See Acts 1:6-8) Interestingly Jesus did not correct them right away. In fact, we are not sure just how soon thereafter that those disciples fully realized the heavenly aspect of that kingdom and how much in error their thinking was. So, here is the question, what were those Christians teaching? Was it completely accurate? Was it in complete agreement with what Jesus taught as the good news? Did it lead people to Christ?
Interesting ... So, in other words, Jesus's appointed apostles and disciples also actually manifested this same "blinking light", as many call it, ...??
Does this mean, then, that they are guilty of the same "crime" the Watchtower Society is being so maligned for by many on this board?
(I'll duck now ...)
lately i have spent some time responding to various subjects on this forum.
at this time it seems a bit necessary that i address something about myself in the hopes that it will clear up some misunderstandings.
first of all, i am not a defender of the watch tower bible & tract society.
You said:
There are others besides Jehovah’s Witnesses that are also encouraging the spread of the good news of God’s Kingdom.
What exactly IS that "good news" of the Kingdom that the others spread?
In addition, is it the "good news" of JEHOVAH's kingdom through Christ, or of some other God's Kingdom (i.e., trinitarian god, or duality - as the LDS believe)?
okay, i'm interested in what you girls, especially, think of this:.
eve's choice.
ah, now i know of fair eve's plight.
Since it ruined their health and cost them their lives, one might say that the apple* is the original "junk food"!
*apple (generic term for whatever THE fruit happened to be)
all is not well with the wts.
the elders are arrogant jerks, the gb has lost its grasp of reality, and the congregation publishers are right out of the stepford wives.. on the other hand, the big bad internet has arrived as our technological savior.
the free flow of information is the truth that sets us free.. everything we could possibly want to know is there.
TWICE now you have said:
I've taken it upon myself, as well as some others here to politely not answer the posts of stupid, ignorant,DENIGGERING, obnoxious, jerk offs.(Emphasis added.)
I HOPE you do NOT mean this term as it shows here! NOT a nice thing to say! I am going to ASSUME you meant "Denigrating"??? Please tell me you didn't mean deniggering ...!
English Dictionary - With Multi-Lingual Search No Entries Matching deniggering, Were Found in the AND Concise Dictionary
No Entries Matching deniggering, Were Found in the American Heritage Dictionary
Denigrate: to scorn or criticize someone; to attack or belittle the reputation, character or worth of someone