It is easy to make up things and attack the leaders of the two major countries in the World. I feel sorry for the people of Iraq, but the truth is that both the house and the senate and democrats and left wingers all voted for the war in Iraq. At least you should have some of the facts correct.
The Jihad is nothing new, the hatred for the all of the non-muslim world has been shown by these groups of Muslims and has been around for many years. Iraq just was a real great reason and a convienent battle ground for the US, UK and the rest of the world after 9-11. After the Afgan attack to find Bin Laden, Iraq was a great place to stage the war against the extremist groups, and pay close attention to where most of them are, in Iraq fighting the US & UK.
As for as helping save lives, the US and allies went into Somaila and was attacked by everyone in the country women children and friendlies. Their mission was to save to locals from the war-lords and they got a face full of bullets from the ones they were trying to save for their concern. I would be very reluctant to be in favor of any further intervention in a Moslem land. The Moslems don't want non-Moslems in their countries, regardless of the reason.
The US and the UK are not pulling out of Iraq with the current leadership in place. There is always a non-war group working in the background regardless of the war or location. If the Left Wing does win and the US pulls out of Iraq, it will leave Iraq just where it was in the begining and a ruller like the current Iranian leader to become a dictator. The Moslem world wants leadership by the church and this will always lead to radical movements.
The US is not a perfect country but the balance of power the is dictated by the constitution is a great way to keep a radical idea from turning the US into a Moslem like state and doing harm to others.