When I came back last year that was one of the things I asked and my sister said they changed their thoughts on that and don't teach it anymore, the answer being that it is impossible to reach everyone before the end so Jehovah will judge their hearts at arma. Will scout around for any w/t that says it.
It is true as I have used this in front of other witnesses and at the doors, when the householder bought it up it was said "no we don't teach that, it is up to God to judge the heart condition" so it is definatetly a changed view.
This is a quote from a very recent WT (May 15, 2006 -- "Are You Prepared For Survival?" -- paragraph 8) :
"Just as Noah and his God-fearing family were preserved in the ark, survival of individuals today depends on their faith and their loyal association with the earthly part of Jehovah's universal organization."