JoinedTopics Started by Cameron_Don
Thank You From Captives of a Concept
by Cameron_Don ini wanted to thank so many who have taken the time and effort to read and recommend captives of a concept over the past decade.. for those who have not seen it, there is an interview on youtube that may have helped some witnesses begin the process of getting the sense of the way the watchtower religion actually works....
don cameron.
My JW mom is now willing to "listen" to our side...Need advice pls
by 2pink inmy husband and i (both born in jws with extended family all "in" except for one of my sisters who left when we did) left the church 5 years ago.
we did not fade, we just didn't believe it anymore, told our families so and left.
obviously, big drama in our family after this, messy feelings, etc.
Need To Upgrade Captives of a Concept?
by Cameron_Don incaptives of a concept is based on the governing bodys pre-2012 interpretation of the most important scripture in their theology matthew 24:45-47. the book shows that when that interpretation is compared to the organizations history that relates to it, it becomes evident that the watchtower society has never been gods organization.
see chapter 3. their old interpretation was that the society had been so faithful and discreet about what they had provided in the way of spiritual food at the proper time that jesus appointed rutherford and his associates over all his belongings in 1919. therefore the society has been gods organization ever since.. their new interpretation is that the society had been so faithful and discreet about what they had provided in the way of spiritual food at the proper time that he appointed rutherford and his associates over his domistics in 1919. and therefore the society has been gods organization ever since.. notice that it doesnt make any difference which interpretation is used.
in order to qualify for the belongings appointment in verse 47 or the domestics appointment in verse47 the society had to have been faithful and discreet about what russell and rutherford had provided in the way of spiritual food at the proper time down till 1919.. but as captives of a concept clearly shows, they had not been either faithful or discreet which is why raymond franz expressed it this way.... it would be an insult to christ jesus to say that he (appointed) the society (over his belongings or domestics) on the basis of what it had been teaching as of 1919.. and so even though captives of a concept focuses on the pre-2012 interpretation and the belongings appointment in verse 47, what it says also applies to the post-2012 interpretation and the domestics appointment in verse 45.. and therefore the conclusion of either interpretation remains the same.
Why Did the Governing Body Change Their Interpretation Of Matthew 24:45-47?
by Cameron_Don insome have wondered if "captives of a concept" had anything to do with why the governing body changed their interpretation of the most important scripture in their theology at their annual meeting on october 6, 2012.. this is because the book places great emphasis on the societys interpretation of matthew 24:45-47 and then holds them to it while examining the organizations history to make sure that went on in its history fits their interpretation.
this comparison is essential to the societys claim to being gods organization.. their previous interpretation came from their former most imminent bible scholar president frederick franzs in his "gods kingdom of a thousand years has approached.
" their history comes from their "jehovahs witnesses proclaimers of gods kingdom.".
Connection Between Captives of a Concept and the Governing Bodys New Light?
by Cameron_Don insome have wondered if captives of a concept had anything to do with why the governing body changed their interpretation of the most important scripture in their theology - matthew 24:45-47. of course there is no way of knowing.
but since some of the changes deal with matters that are brought out in the book, it does seem fair to wonder.
the book makes the major point that according to their former interpretation the only way the society could be gods faithful and discreet slave organization today is if they had received jesus belongings appointment in 1919. .
The Governing Body Rewrites the Organizations FUTURE History
by Cameron_Don inits bad enough when the governing body rewrites the organizations past history.
but last october they also began rewriting the organizations future history relative to the appointment over all of jesus belongings mentioned in matthew 24:47.. for many decades they had insisted that jesus made that appointment back in 1919 because the society had been so faithful and discreet about what they had been teaching down till 1919. .
but as shown in captives of a concept they had not been either faithful or discreet about what they had been providing in the way of spiritual food down till 1919. therefore under that scenario there was no possible way the society could have passed a food-at-the-proper-time examination at that time.
Playing Around With the Most Important Scripture In Watchtower Theology - Again
by Cameron_Don inmatthew 24:45-47. .
old light: jesus appointed rutherford and his associates over his belongings in 1919. verse 47. new light: jesus appointed rutherford and his associates over his domestics in 1919. verse 45. why the change?
what difference does it make?
Still Waiting For the Governing Body To Explain Their New Light
by Cameron_Don inregarding the governing bodys new light relative to matthew 24:45-47, recently said the following:.
this new light certainly poses a problem for the governing body.
perhaps this is another reason why they have not yet published a sober and scriptural xplanation of this new light.
24,000 Partakers This Time?
by Cameron_Don inhave any been keeping up with anointedjw.coms gentle efforts to help the governing body, and all the rest of jehovahs witnesses, come to realize that there is just one hope for all christians the heavenly hope.
it will be very interesting to see how effective their efforts will have been at the up-coming memorial of christs death. is expecting that the number of those who will partake of the emblems may double from 12,000 to 24,000. .
How the Governing Body Solved Another Problem
by Cameron_Don inthat interpretation had caused a problem that the governing body was never able to satisfactorily explain.
they needed to be able to show that there has always been a functioning faithful and discreet slave in one form or another ever since.
but they were never able to provide any evidence for the existence of an ongoing 1900 year-old slave prior to the appearance of the watchtower society.