Maze - you have NEVER explained why all those scriptures you quote refer to the Watchtower organisation. You say it is Gods organisation but have NEVER proved it.
Jehovah's Witnesses conform to God's Word to give some evidence they are an organization approved by God and they display the fruits of God's spirit.
By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves." John 13:35
As for direct evidence, Jehovah provides evidence of his existence on an individual basis to those that are righteously inclined by means of his holy spirit. We're not out to prove anything to those that are hard-hearted practicers of sin and have rejected Jehovah.
You have never answered the question as to what unique teaching they had in before 1919, that are still taught today, would have made Jesus choose them.
It wasn't a unique teaching they had before 1919 that made Jesus choose them. The faithful and discreet slave through various trials and errors came to an accurate knowledge of truth and loyally submitted themselves to do God's will.
You have never answered what teaching and prediction can be proved correct in nearly 130 years.
The Biblical worldview as taught by Jehovah Organization isolates 6000 years of human history and reveals a perfect historical canon that substantiates the fact that God's Kingdom as a visible earthly organization ended before the foretold Messiah appeared in the first century C.E. and was reinstated after the end of the Age of Enlightenment in 1804. Jehovah's Organization has fulfilled Bible prophecy.
You have never reconciled that they thought the last days started in 1799, that Jesus had already returned to Kingdom power in the 1870's and that the final destruction would come in 1914 / 1915 (depending on how year zero was calculated).
What other conclusion could they have come to given the criteria that was evident to Charles Taze Russell and the early Bible students.
Critics of Jehovah's Witnesses will often zero in on the early development of the organization for any flaws without taking into consideration the environment that surrounded Charles Taze Russell and his contemporaries. There wasn't the kind of guidance as explained in Acts 8:26-31. Their vision of the future was clarified after 1925.
You have never explained why so many lost their lives due to policies that were just plain wrong.
Their policies were not wrong and there's not so many that have lost their lives. Those that have died while demonstrating loyalty to Jehovah will be resurrected. A blood transfusion is at most, a temporary fix to a much more serious problem: mortality and the illnesses and accidents that cut life short. Jehovah holds out an everlasting solution.
You have never expalined how the light keeps switching on and off.
There's have been some meticulous details that have changed over time but core Bible teachings the Watchtower Society has consistently taught over the decades never change.
You have never explained why if God is a God of truth the Watchtower society that is calls it'self the Truth, has been found to lie and decieve on so many occasion (including those above).
They haven't been found to be a lie even with your warped and distorted viewpoints.
How the fuck can call that God's organisation.
With your profane tongue you'll never understand. Clean up your mouth and correct your other malfunctions first, then come back and try and reason.
Let a rotten saying not proceed out of your mouth, but whatever saying is good for building up as the need may be, that it may impart what is favorable to the hearers. Ephesians 4:29