Topics Started by Maze
When Was Ancient Jerusalem Destroyed? Part Two
by Maze inan excellent presentation of secular archeology supporting jerusalem's destruction in 607 b.c.e:.
when was ancient jerusalem destroyed?.
My Last Thread
by Maze inmy interest in posting here has deadened lately.
this will likely be my last thread.
initially i participated here because i was interested in sharpening my perception against opposing points of view.
Religious Reform
by Maze inas a bible based organization, how do feel jehovah's organization should be reformed?
the answer is quite simple in christendoms churches:.
1. reject false doctrines like the trinity and 'all christians go to heaven' and use of images in worship.. .
World Destruction
by Maze ini remember an alternative song released in the 1980's.. .
nothing has changed since then for the better, only for the worse.
will humanity bring the world to a permanent end if divine intervention wasn't a factor to take into consideration?
False Stories
by Maze inthis was mainly referring to religious mythology.
satan is the author and orchestrator of false religion.
pauls warning about false stories is part of his first letter to timothy, a christian overseer who was charged with preserving the purity of the congregation and helping fellow believers to remain faithful.
Presbyterians Approve Ordination of Gay People
by Maze in
presbyterians approve ordination of gay people.
after 33 years of debate, the presbyterian church (u.s.a.) has voted to change its constitution and allow openly gay people in same-sex relationships to be ordained as ministers, elders and deacons.
How does Satan influence society?
by Maze in
a satanic plot for a one world government.
the world conspirators: the illuminati.
Apostates and public interest
by Maze inin all my conversations with others discussing jehovah's witnesses teachings, people always make up their own minds without any outside influence, even on the internet.
for example, i was recently talking to this gentlemen here (hard-core atheist).
some of the conversation went down as follows;.
Undercover apostates...
by Maze ini've observed some forum users here that claim to be active witnesses (even claims to be ministerial servants or elders) while duplicitously supporting apostates online.
my contention is this; why attend meetings and/or participate in the preaching activity when the second you divulge your apostate thinking into the congregation, you'll be disfellowshipped?
while this action taken may seem to be harsh, the outworking of events wouldn't be much different in one of christendom's churches.