Not just the women he murdered, but many of Peter Sutcliffe’s victims survived their horrific ordeal and are still around today. As far as I know, none of them are Jehovah’s Witnesses. So let me throw something in here that is 100% in keeping with Witness doctrine: Come Armageddon, these victims of Sutcliffe’s will be destroyed at Armageddon, for the apparent sin of not being a Jehovah’s Witness, whereas Peter Sutcliffe will be resurrected in a paradise earth. Maybe that’s something for the average JW to mull over and try to rationalize.
Posts by Matty
Serial killer JW hopes to go to heaven soon.
by Lost in the fog inguess that is the sort of person being attracted to the truth these days!.
How Did You Discover This Site?
by minimus ini’ve been here a long time.
i saw this site jwd/jwn.
i thought it was very lively and interesting.
The first time I went to this site was in the aftermath of 9/11, I was already wavering at that stage and I was clearly interested in all views regarding this catastrophic event, as many of the news sites like CNN and BBC were so overloaded they were inaccessible at the time. After that I revisited occasionally, amongst other resources I soon realized that I was in a cult and I should get the heck out. A few months later I joined this site. Its difficult to fathom that nearly 20 years has elapsed since then! -
Talking of 'Old Timers'.....Valis BigTex OnaCruise etc
by ScottyRex inwhat happened to these guys.
i remember chatting and sparring with these guys years ago.
i read on here that onacruise passed away (craig) that was a shame he was a good man, and his ex wife kate.
Actually, I think now that ScottyRex probably meant Brummie - terrific poster who had a smiling kitty as an avatar.
Talking of 'Old Timers'.....Valis BigTex OnaCruise etc
by ScottyRex inwhat happened to these guys.
i remember chatting and sparring with these guys years ago.
i read on here that onacruise passed away (craig) that was a shame he was a good man, and his ex wife kate.
I guess there could be lots of people that fits a "The bloke with the cat pic" description, but i like to think you are possibly reminiscing about me ScottyRex, as I was quite big in these parts many years ago (said in a Norma Desmond voice)!
Sad news of a former JWD member
by talesin ini received a facebook message from his account today - bas has passed away.. .
a lovely young man, who joined jwd after dating a canadian ex-jw as a supportive person.
just wanted to pass on the news.. .
I was hoping it wasn’t true, but I’m afraid it is. He was also a mod at the “Peak Oil” forums – here is the notice over there just to confirm:
And of course those of you who were once regular posters on Kent’s Watchtower Observer Forum will know him very well. I’m utterly devastated at the news, I don’t know what more to say.
RIP Bas.
We Just Had an Earthquake!
by White Dove infrom where we are in phoenix, it was barely detectable.
a neighbor said he felt his bed move.
i was sitting in a chair and felt like i was back on the cruise ship in wavy water.
It was the strongest one we've felt since coming to San Diego, it felt like a 5 from here and as I type whoa - there's an aftershock!
Why is the US so afraid of Social Health Care?
by eyeslice ini just don't get why the us is so afraid of social health care, and is so opposed to the canadian and british models.
the plain fact is that there are far more americans without access to health care than the combined populations of sweden, norway, denmark and finland.. a measure of the maturity of any society has to be how it sees fit to re-apportion its wealth.. we are quick to criticise african leaders who line their own pockets but leave the masses in poverty but cannot see that blindly following capitalist principles is much the same.
if we live in a wealthy society then part of that wealth has to be put back into society as a whole.. .
Great to see you too! Its certainly been a while since I posted here regularly.. I just gave Spice a kiss from you BTW!
Why is the US so afraid of Social Health Care?
by eyeslice ini just don't get why the us is so afraid of social health care, and is so opposed to the canadian and british models.
the plain fact is that there are far more americans without access to health care than the combined populations of sweden, norway, denmark and finland.. a measure of the maturity of any society has to be how it sees fit to re-apportion its wealth.. we are quick to criticise african leaders who line their own pockets but leave the masses in poverty but cannot see that blindly following capitalist principles is much the same.
if we live in a wealthy society then part of that wealth has to be put back into society as a whole.. .
This really shouldn’t be a party political issue – but it has certainly become that way. I find the attitude of many people I’ve read and heard in the last week or so truly shocking. People of both ends of the political spectrum should know that something is very wrong with the state of healthcare in the United States and should work together to fix it instead of indulging in childish name calling, misinformation and smears. It’s not going to happen though is it?
"Sermon Outlines" found a copy in a drawer
by Decided inmy wife was cleaning out a drawer and found this old booklet from my jw days.
i didn't remember ever seeing it before.
anyone remember it?.
Actually, Reasoning From The Scriptures was sort-of a replacement for the book Make Sure Of All Things rather than Sermon Outlines.
Sermon Outlines later changed its name to Bible Topics For Discussion. When they revised the NWT in the early 80's they integrated it within the new Bible and gradually as people's old green bibles wore out the Bible Topics booklet stopped being used.
I confess - I LIKE fruitcake
by Nathan Natas inwho, in your opinion, makes the best fruitcake?.
if you don't, you can send your doorstops to me.
i'll douse 'em in rum, brandy or bourbon and then have them with a cup of tea.. *hic*.
The general dislike of fruitcake seems to be an almost uniquely American thing - I don't really understand it. In Europe different styles of fruitcake are widely available and enjoyed throughout the year.