I guess something like this is just too tempting for some folk!
Posts by Matty
Can A Witness Eat Organically Grown Food?
by Englishman ini wonder if jws are aware that organic food is grown in soil that is improved by enriching the soil with manure, fish-meal and dried blood?
lots and lots of dried blood?
JWs are totally haemophobic; they are conditioned into thinking that blood must always be ceremoniously poured onto the ground – but make sure it isn’t anywhere near those vegetables!
5000 Members By Next Week?
by stevieb1 init only seems a short while ago when we were congratulating this board on achieving it's 3000th member.
now it seems were are closing in on the 5000 mark.
if we spread the word we could reach 7000 members by next year i'm sure!
Whoo-hoo - we did it!
"Jehovah animals" are they now? Where did that phrase start?! I just have one cat at the moment, but in the new order I will be able to cuddle a panda and a lion and lie on a chaise lounge eating grapes, or have a small child sitting on my shoulders grinning inanely. That’s paradise!
Isn't that the cheese spread that comes in tubes? It looks like toothpaste, but I wouldn't recommend brushing your teeth with it. Maybe there's a scare about that it might not be kosher! I remember when I was growing up some brothers and sisters started a rumour that they put blood in meringues. Yes meringues!
JW's relationship problems?
by Matty inthe relating to non-jw's thread made me think a lot about myself and where i am and what im doing now.
i have to figure out where im going wrong!
has anyone had similar experiences to me as far as relationships with non-witnesses are concerned?.
Harmony, I'm at the early stages of a slow fade. I've got to the stage where I'm refusing invites to JW social occasions. I figure that it’s not good for me to be too close to the brothers and sisters now. I don't want to be missed that much. I'm basically doing in the congregation what I'm told to do in the world! This makes me feel sad because I haven't substituted that socialising elsewhere yet.
My family moved to a different congregation a while back, and this was my opportunity to withdraw a little. I think my old congregation where I had lots of “privileges” would be surprised at how I’ve gone into my shell. I don’t “reach out” particularly now, and so I would be surprised if I was considered for appointment. But at the end of the day, I do what I’m told to do, and am a regular publisher, and I’m still on the School, nobody has noticed that much except that they might think I’m not as zealous as I one was – well, nobody has said anything anyway. The "oh my god, what am I doing??" thoughts are a constant feature – do they ever go away (?) – I was hoping that they would before I make the big break! Taking a class on a meeting night sounds like a good idea – that would get me meeting new people and will give me an excuse to miss a midweek meeting!
I hope I will laugh about this one day Dave – when you take a step back, it just seems so silly – but I’m glad there’s some people around like you that know what I’m going through!
Witnessing Door-to-Door
by ozziepost intoday's christianity today carries this article about the familiar "house to house".
christianity today, week of april 22. do evangelicals still go door-to-door?.
successful evangelism strategies have added new components to the traditional model of home visitation.. by todd hertz | posted 04/24/2002.
I could stay a JW forever just to keep my family happy if I didn't have to go on the "work" - but the one thing I can't cope with is the door-to-door ministry. It used to be because I was too nervous of doing it, but now its because I don't believe myself what I say!
Yes, it always terrified me when I was growing up, and I feel no different now. I always thought that my nervousness was because I wasn't relying enough on the spirit, and I was bad for not trusting in Jehovah enough for him to help me - wasn't he supposed to make you always said the right thing? Despite praying earnestly, I was always lousy at it! I mainly arranged to go out with chatty brothers and sisters that didn't let me get a word in edgeways, so I didn't have to do so many doors myself! Did anyone else feel that way?
Strangely enough giving talks in the KH is and always has been a piece of cake for me - I'm always praised for them - but how can you feel nervous about giving talks at the KH, unlike the ministry there's no prospect of being abused or heckled by your audience!
Lots of the threads here talk about giving witnesses a hard time when they call on you - please don't do this to them, just be polite - you see, the man at your door could be me, or someone like me!
Do JWs circumcise?
by Imbue inthis came up in chat of course.. you can get as personal as you like.. crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
It's not something that is done much in Europe. I don't know of any case of a JW family getting their kids circumscised for religious reasons. Isn't it more of a cultural rather than a religious thing in the US? Is it true that American women are so used to men being circumcised that they think that an uncircumcised man is, I dunno, unclean or something?
JW's relationship problems?
by Matty inthe relating to non-jw's thread made me think a lot about myself and where i am and what im doing now.
i have to figure out where im going wrong!
has anyone had similar experiences to me as far as relationships with non-witnesses are concerned?.
Hey, I'm back! Thanks to everyone who's posted, I've got a lot to think about now!
Hi darkhorse, your friend might possibly be having problems with her faith, but its likely she doesn't want to give a bad impression of her religion, so if she's anything like me she probably won't want to talk about it. You kinda get used to bottling things up in a witness family. I only talk about my family's faith to one friend at work at the moment, but I always feel really guilty afterward if I say anything negative about JWs.
Yes, I am Mr emotional baggage - and I imagine it must show. Do you think guys have it more difficult? Women talk over things with each other, whereas if I started talking about my life as it is to another man, the very least he might think is that I was very peculiar! Us guys only talk about soccer and beer!
Anyway, inexperience and naivety might be thought of as cute in a girl, but it's not particularly impressive in a guy is it? Is that a bit of a generalisation? Am I just searching for excuses for all my disappointments and just blaming my strict JW family upbringing for everything? I tend to blame all my hang-ups on it, but maybe I would be like this anyway even if I wasn't brought up "in the truth".
One things for sure - I don't want my family blaming anyone other than myself to for the decision I have already made but not expressed, but sometimes I think that I'm just looking for some wonderful soulmate that will give me a reason to get out, and stop myself from sitting on the fence, because I'm too much of a coward to do it on my own.
JW's relationship problems?
by Matty inthe relating to non-jw's thread made me think a lot about myself and where i am and what im doing now.
i have to figure out where im going wrong!
has anyone had similar experiences to me as far as relationships with non-witnesses are concerned?.
Thank you peaceloveharmony for your kind words - I need a bit of hope here!
I must admit I'm still a bit confused about it all to be honest though... it's late in the UK so I'm off... so see ya folks!
(Hopefully I'll get a few more thoughts from my pals across the ocean when I look at this thread tommorow...?!)