I will be there, of course, clapping the speaker every five minutes like a performing seal, flapping my theocratic front flippers…
Posts by Matty
Summer Conventions...Will you be there?
by JonnieMae injust wondering if any of you will be inside the convention walls, or outside heckeling as the witnesses drive up.
just wondering.
JWs at my door....return visit tomorrow
by mpatrick ini just had two nice jw women knock on my door...i invited them in and listened to their brief presentation and accepted the watchtower and awake.
they couldn't stay(had a bible study they had to go on)so they said they will be back tomorrow...i am playing the naive daughter of jw parents of whom i have had debates with in regards to jw doctrines...that way i don't seem to be totally oblivious to their teachings, yet not an "evil apostate"!.
i was taken off guard, so i am glad they are coming back....any suggestions on how to approach these two women without blowing my cover?
Don't automatically assume that a Jehovah's Witness at the door will always resolutely refute anything that is anti-Watchtower, this just may be an opportunity for you to get some stuff off your chest. I doubt if you will make them run away if you throw some difficult questions at them, but it’s probably not a good idea to press them too heavily on the UN or paedophilia straight away!
I often wonder how many witnesses are just like me, still active but biding their time for the right moment to off and leave? One of them might be just like that, or just at the doubting stage – you might be able to tell in their body language when you ask the questions. It’s difficult though when there are two people, because one will try and impress the other in their teaching; phoniness breeds phoniness.
There is always one that talks more than the other - if you address the one that doesn’t talk so much more than the other this might throw them out a bit!
Thank you for the support
by Erica ini can't find the words that would express how grateful i am for all the support, not only for all of you to back me on the dateline show but for my trial as well.
i don't think i would have had the courage to go through the trauma if it wasn't for all your prayers and encouragement.
dateline was a huge help for many and i know this because i have recieved quite a few calls, one from a current jdub who wants out for the safety of his 16 month old baby, i was so excited that he lifted the veil and saw it for the pure truth that it was.
Thank you so so so much for dropping a note Erica. Well, all I can say is that if someone is so dumb that they sincerely think that innocently wearing a piece of jewellery that most normal people would think absolutely nothing of, suddenly makes that person either someone not to be believed, or it makes them into some kind of antichrist, then you can clearly see how warped someone’s thinking can be when they have been indoctrinated with hatred and superciliousness. It really should make people think on whose side are they are actually on, do they with certainly belong to an organisation that actually represents God’s interests here on earth?
Your courage has inspired so many people here, and words cannot really express how much you mean to us because of all the pain that you have been through, and the bravery that you have shown. Well, speaking out in the way that you did will definitely prevent many others from experiencing the suffering that we all know is rife in the organisation that we were once proud to represent.
Matt -
Question about WT study.
by jerome ini read a thread recently where syn was discussing a watchtower book study.. is it really true that they ask you the questions at the end of the chapter and make you restate the a few sentences directly from the few paragraphs that you just read as the anwser?.
was syn neglecting anything of importance that would be needed to make a more accurate assesment of the situation?.
because reading back something that youve just read dosent sound very challenging.
When I said that droning on and on is not encouraged, I forgot to mention that some brothers and sisters ignore this advice and go off on a tangent, sometimes accidentally answering both the a and b question, and also the question in the next paragraph. My dad is one of them.
Question about WT study.
by jerome ini read a thread recently where syn was discussing a watchtower book study.. is it really true that they ask you the questions at the end of the chapter and make you restate the a few sentences directly from the few paragraphs that you just read as the anwser?.
was syn neglecting anything of importance that would be needed to make a more accurate assesment of the situation?.
because reading back something that youve just read dosent sound very challenging.
Droning on and on is not encouraged, and so answers tend to be pretty short and pretty much from the paragraph, although reading straight from the paragraph is not encouraged either. You just have to change the words ever so slightly to make it sound like you understood the reading.
Older ones here will remember when the question was read before the paragraph was read. It was tough in those days for those who didn't prestudy!
Raw Pain
by Cassiline inrecently a poster left here, shortly after i found the reason why.
while listening to this person i could not only hear the feelings of raw pain i could feel them as well.
this hurt.. for this person exposed them self on the forum as a silentlamb not only for support, camaraderie, friendship but also to share their own thoughts and views.
You are a darling C. I think sometimes some of the established posters can be a bit mean to newbies. A lot of us newer ones here are pretty traumatised, and we can seem a bit stange with our ideas at first; we might even contadict our own posts - it just reflects the confused state we're in!
Perhaps some want to vent all the angst they have stored up within themselves for a very long time, and it doesn't come out quite right, but just be patient with us please!
welcome my friend christine
by airwlk149 inok chrissystar434 is my best friend christine.. she was never a jw- she studied with me for awhile just to hang out.. anyways- she is really shy- so go ahead and talk to her first.. welcome chrissy!!!!!!.
Welcome Chrissy and Adam. Your friend Katie is a diamond, and we all love her to bits here.
E-mail The Producers of Larry King Live
by Seven inplease visit cnn's larry king live site at http://www.cnn.com/cnn/programs/larry.king.live/index.html and submit a show topic on the order of the dateline segment.
maybe they'll consider it with enough requests.. thanks,.
This is one show that we know is shown worldwide live, not just in the US.
The two witnesses and Susannah
by Bang inin the second century a mural was drawn from the susannah story on the walls of the roman catacombs - all the early texts included the story of susannah.
the reformationists/protestants took it out of their bible - i assume the anti-catholic wtbts have also.
catholics have kept the story in the bible, it's a part of daniel.. it's a story of the 'two witnesses' - elders.
There very little reference to this story anywhere in the 1999 CD ROM. This is pretty much it:
Insight book 1 page 121 Apocrypha
…three additions to Daniel: The Song of the Three Holy Children, Susanna and the Elders, and The Destruction of Bel and the Dragon. The exact time of their being written is uncertain, but the evidence points to a time no earlier than the second or third century B.C.E.Insight book 1 Page 577 under “Daniel”
Daniel’s Writership. Daniel is referred to by Christ (Mt 24:15) and alluded to at Hebrews 11:33. It cannot be demonstrated successfully by the critics that one or more later writers of Maccabean times had to do with the writing of all or parts of the canonical book of Daniel. However, three additions called “The Song of the Three Holy Children,” “Susanna and the Elders,” and “The Destruction of Bel and the Dragon” are Apocryphal and are by a later hand. These and other writings that claim Daniel as the writer or that set forth unusual feats or teachings by him are more in the realm of fable, revolving around the great fame of Daniel, and are not reliable.However, I do have a book called "Equipped for Every Good Work". It was published in 1946, and was the predecessor to the “All Scripture” Book. I remembered that it had information about the Apocrypha, which the later book didn’t have.
Equipped for every good work Page 95
The Jerusalem Bible is popular with the WBTS, because it's not in archaic English – and it’s deemed as pretty accurate, and a bonus is that it uses the name Yahweh all through the Old Testament.Susanna and the Elders. This thirteenth chapter added to Daniel tells of the lust of two elders for the virtuous Susanna, who regularly walks in her husband’s orchard. One day they surprise Susanna alone in the orchard and propose illicit relationship. She refuses despite their threats to falsely accuse her of impure conduct with a young man. The threats being translated into action, Susanna is condemned to die. At this crucial point Daniel intervenes and by questioning separately the two elders exposes their false testimony. Innocent Susanna lives; the two elders that framed her die. The author was a Greek speaking Jew.
The two witnesses and Susannah
by Bang inin the second century a mural was drawn from the susannah story on the walls of the roman catacombs - all the early texts included the story of susannah.
the reformationists/protestants took it out of their bible - i assume the anti-catholic wtbts have also.
catholics have kept the story in the bible, it's a part of daniel.. it's a story of the 'two witnesses' - elders.
Susanna and the Judgement of Daniel is in Daniel Chapter 13. Protestant bibles, including the New World Translation finish at chapter 12. I can scan it in from the Jerusalem Bible if you wish.