Wow, mate, that sounds like fun, but I think you will need another holiday to get over this holiday - you're gonna be worn out!
Have a great time Trucker!
at last,theyve arrived,holidays,yee haa,no more work for two and a half weeks.. im off touring the uk on my motorbike,visiting friends in lancashire and scotland,and if theres time the shetland islands,about a 2000 mile round trip,if i it rains,which it more than likely will,and i get wet on the outside,i fully intend to get even wetter on the inside,hee hee.. so to all my new found friends,catch you all in a couple of weeks.. take care,.
i will try to send you all a postcard.
Wow, mate, that sounds like fun, but I think you will need another holiday to get over this holiday - you're gonna be worn out!
Have a great time Trucker!
i need a vent guys, i hope you all don't mind!
i'm not sure what has happened to me today of all days, but i just can't fight back the tears.
i guess it must be the pretence fatigue kicking in.
Thank you termite, you're a diamond . And thank you da_luvvin_bruvva too (in case y'all wondering I knew DLB & DLS before they dumped da troof). Thank you YoursChelbie and everyone else for your support and suggestions. I feel so much better today, although I should be working now instead of looking at!!!
Xander said:
Aside from here, do you have any friends that are not witnesses?
Xander, not really, but I'm working on it. Because of my previous attitude to my workmates for instance, I'm not really in the "clique". They've gotten used to me saying no so often over the years I just don't get invited out with them anymore. They've noticed a difference in me, but I think they are still a bit freaked out by my change in attitude. I don't want to appear too desperate to be friendly, that kind of demonstrative behaviour tends to put people off you!
ok we've had this before , but lets do it again.
what do you think are more appropriate titles for jw books?
heres mine, .
ISAIAH'S PROPHECY I - Shite for All Mankind
ISAIAH'S PROPHECY II - Yes, Isaiah's back, and this time he's pissed!
if...... you had to choose just one to have for the rest of your life, which would it be?
affection or sex?
by affection here i mean snuggling, kissing, hand holding, all the little things.
I'll have anything that's going please if you're offering.
i need a vent guys, i hope you all don't mind!
i'm not sure what has happened to me today of all days, but i just can't fight back the tears.
i guess it must be the pretence fatigue kicking in.
Hey, I'm feeling better already! How much lurve can one person take! Thank you so much for your kind words, you are all a godsend. This site is a godsend, goodness knows where I'd be without you all. One things for sure, when I read some of your experiences, and think of the damage and pain that you've been through, it just makes me so embarrassed that I still represent the lousy cult! I can't see it dragging for much longer now, it's just a question of damage limitation.
I see myself as a Hyacinth Bucket of the Witnesses, I'm just Keeping Up Appearances to satisfy other people's sensibilities.
i need a vent guys, i hope you all don't mind!
i'm not sure what has happened to me today of all days, but i just can't fight back the tears.
i guess it must be the pretence fatigue kicking in.
I need a vent guys, I hope you all don't mind! I'm not sure what has happened to me today of all days, but I just can't fight back the tears. I guess it must be the pretence fatigue kicking in. I really hate being a phoney, I wish I could tell my family how I truly feel instead of bottling it all up inside me. Seeing all my friends again at the convention last week didn't help much either. These are the same people who will shun me when I leave. I'm uncomfortable with feeling sorry for myself, I keep thinking that there are so many people around that are worse off than me, but this doesn't seem to make me feel much better!
I tend to use the analogy of battered wife syndrome for the Watchtower Society so people can understand why it's so difficult to leave something that is hurting you. How on earth can you stay one minute longer in an organisation that has literally destroyed your life? I do because it IS my life, and everything I have ever loved and cared about is there still within it.
When I was at the meeting yesterday I looked around and thought "If I have to go through this much longer I'm just going to go insane!" I had a bit-part in the service meeting demonstrating how to do a presentation to someone who can't speak English, using the "Good News For All Nations" booklet! I can do a reasonable sort of greeting in six languages, now that's a decent skill! I can talk crap to many different races! It's crazy really, I feel like I'm on a bicycle and I've stopped pedalling, but I don't know how to stop it and get off, I'm just freewheeling down a hill waiting to crash into something! I just go through the motions and nobody seems like they've noticed any difference in me.
I've spent all of my life up to now sincerely thinking that the Witnesses had the truth, and I was going to live forever, and that it didnt matter if I put life decisions off, I would be able to do everything I ever wanted to do in the new system. Well, reality has dawned and I've now realised that I've got to get off my butt and start living!
Does any of this sound familiar to you? I would be interested in hearing about what you did when you were at the stage I'm in right now.
i was having a chat with my apostate kid brother yesterday about witness beliefs.
he finds that talking about jw's stimulates his mind almost as much as watching paint drying.
i told him that our mother was about to be imprinted yet again by the territorial wt savages, this time in the re-iteration of that loving practice known as disfellowshipping.
The last couple of weeks? Whoa, now that's really interesting.
The way that they are distancing themselves from the policy is self evident, but I thought they would chicken out of going the whole hog and scrapping the doctrine. But I guess that's what they did with transplants some time ago, but that was before the world went litigation crazy.
i was having a chat with my apostate kid brother yesterday about witness beliefs.
he finds that talking about jw's stimulates his mind almost as much as watching paint drying.
i told him that our mother was about to be imprinted yet again by the territorial wt savages, this time in the re-iteration of that loving practice known as disfellowshipping.
I have not heard of any pre assembly meetings for long term witnesses, that sounds very interesting. Well, taking blood is now an act of disassociation, which is just a play on words, it means just the same thing as it always did as far as I can see. Examples of the blood stance are still being related at the meetings and at the conventions. If there is any change it hasn't filtered to the R&F yet.
I really doubt if the policy will change.
Edited by - matty on 9 August 2002 10:16:31
i'm interested in exploring a few things.
to try to keep these two topics separate, i'm going to attribute the letters a and b to them.
a for 'who's on the board?
I am an A1
How bout this:
B8) JW are deeply frightened of the outside world, thinking that everyone who is not a JW is "out to get them". They do their level best to cocoon themselves and their family from outside influence.
Cheers finnrot!
My explanation for dinosaurs was always the stock one: that they were used by God to trample the earth down ready for humans. Apparently their sole responsibility was to squash all the vegetation down with their big huge feet so that Adam and Eve could walk around unhindered. Amazing isn't it?