I guess they were confused when their hit count suddenly went crazy!
Posts by Matty
porn over at "JustJW's"
by professor in.
at least we're not that bad!.
That damn Golden Goal, happy man - I hate it. What's wrong with regular extra time?
Most people in the UK have a soft spot for the Swedes and I was particularly sad to see them go because I have swedish roots on one side of my family.
I'm hoping that Ireland (aka England B team) will beat Spain now. They're playing right now, so I'm off!
Why the watchtower will fall.
by sleepy inbecause every thing made by jehovahs witnesses is so shoddily made its bound to collapse.
our kingdom hall was falling apart all the time.
thats what happens when you use the untrained witness slaves to build everything in order to save money.they build a pile of crap.edited by - sleepy on 16 june 2002 7:7:51.
The "Quickly Built" hall was a masterstroke of propaganda. It was designed as a public relations exercise and it also helped to improve the unity and camaraderie at the congregations concerned. Many people came into the troof because of them. The actual logistics of getting a serviceable hall built professionally was an afterthought. Do you remember going to circuit assemblies and reading in the watchtower quotes similar to this:
"I have never bothered with these people before, but while they were building that hall, well, the love and the unity was dazzling. I've always told those people to get lost before, but now I'll greet them with a lot more respect and admiration, and probably ask for a study next time they call on my door!"
Some of the early halls like in Northampton and the Isle of Wight etc.. are getting on for twenty years old now, I would be interested in what kind of condition they are in now. Info anyone?
Ozzie's Weekend Poll #7
by ozziepost ini'm sorry that due to "technical difficulties', last weekend's poll did not appear, but thanks to all those who enquired about why it was not posted.
glad you're enjoying them!
so, time to put your feet up, so to speak, and have some fun with this weekend's poll.
Prisca, that was me as well, I just accepted it, didn't really think much about it, and just got on with my life as a Witness. I think most people in the congregation just accepted it too, I never heard any rumbles of dissention. I can liken this behaviour to switching on auto-pilot, coasting along - not making any assessments. I was a witness, and that was a given. It's a well-worn cliche, but all my friends and family are in a big bubble, unaware how stupid they are.
My dedication to all of you!!
by orangefatcat inthis seems very fitting for me to do on my fifth hundredth post.
i have dedicated to all of you, who have listened to me through my ramblings, my silly stages, my serious side.
my emotional periods.
terafera, agreed! OFC - Well, what else can I say, other than thank you for your wonderful posts again? Please don't hold back from expressing how you feel, because for every one poster that feels stressed about the way they've been treated; the injustice and lack of love of the WTBS, well, there are scores of people that feel exactly the same, but may find it more difficult to express themselves. Long may you reign!
"I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves." In what way have the WTBS fulfilled Jesus' words? I know my friends in JW.com have!
Edited by - matty on 15 June 2002 14:18:6
England v Denmark
by dmouse in.
not a bad start!.
first twenty-five minutes; england 2, denmark 0. come on england!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really Marilyn? Shocking. And what's more they are also responsible for the songs "Barbie Girl" (Aqua) and "Saturday Night" (Whigfield) - two heinous records that no Wedding Reception seems to be without.
England v Denmark
by dmouse in.
not a bad start!.
first twenty-five minutes; england 2, denmark 0. come on england!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lego, Carlsberg, Hans Christian Andersen, Bang and Olufsen... It's 3-0!!!!
Moving to the official JW site.
by Bleep ini will be going to the real jehovahs witnesses site.
anyone who wants to see the light go there.
no one will have bold letters trying to make a fool of themselves.
Stay bold Dutchie!
Anyways, Bleep, what exactly is the kind of site are you looking for? Just one where everyone agrees with everything you say? Jehovahs Witnesses are most welcome here to discuss their beliefs of course they are. However, using this forum just to do everyday style preaching is pointless and inappropriate. So many witnesses seem to use very simple arguments here, exactly the same that they use on householders on the ministry. It wont work!! There are a lot of incredibly studious posters here that find such cliched arguments comical. Someone for instance like Atreyu or MacHislopp would make most Jehovahs Witnesses eyes glass over. You cant kid a kidder, we understand you better than you understand yourself! Weve been there, done that, and bought the t-shirt. We are the champion grannies of the egg sucking world!
Edited by - matty on 14 June 2002 20:55:56
Moving to the official JW site.
by Bleep ini will be going to the real jehovahs witnesses site.
anyone who wants to see the light go there.
no one will have bold letters trying to make a fool of themselves.
Well do you answer questions, or do you just post your opinions and ignore questions? I can understand how that could be irritating.
Edited by - matty on 14 June 2002 20:23:59
Moving to the official JW site.
by Bleep ini will be going to the real jehovahs witnesses site.
anyone who wants to see the light go there.
no one will have bold letters trying to make a fool of themselves.
Bleep, just pick and choose who or what you want to reply to. We are all different, we have different tastes. There's no need to get all snooty just because a few here don't come up to your standards! You are nearly a 'Master' poster, don't quit now!