bonovox, I'm sorry if I offend. Most people here see Jehovah's Witnesses as fair game, but those of us here who still respect God can often be affronted by the language used by others. These others are people who are still upset by the way they were treated while they were still "in the truth", so they lash out, they condemn everything they have been taught, including God himself. If we try and see it as an insult to the witnesses perception of God rather than an insult to God himself, it puts it into perspective.
Likewise some people find Life of Brian very funny, some people don't, it depends how you see the point of the movie - either as just something designed to offend, or a satirical jab at religion.
I have my limits too, I wouldn't say some of the stuff Naeblis does!
Posts by Matty
``Jehovah'' This, ``Jehovah" That: Respect...
by Room 215 ini know, i know, the jws love to boast about ``honoring jehovah'' and having ``restored the divine name to its rightful place.
'' but my question is: is such casual off-hand use of the divine name really respectful?
i mean, the vast majority of us well know the names of our parents; but just how respectful would it be to go around referring to them as ``harry'' and ``alice?".
``Jehovah'' This, ``Jehovah" That: Respect...
by Room 215 ini know, i know, the jws love to boast about ``honoring jehovah'' and having ``restored the divine name to its rightful place.
'' but my question is: is such casual off-hand use of the divine name really respectful?
i mean, the vast majority of us well know the names of our parents; but just how respectful would it be to go around referring to them as ``harry'' and ``alice?".
Joanna, too true. Witnesses love the exclusivity of the name, and they feel they are the only ones using it as it really should be used!
If it's used elsewhere they kinda feel like it's been stolen from them! My ears prick up when I hear the name Jehovah from a secular source, or another religion; its a typical dub reaction!
My favourite non-dub reference:
"Look. I, I'd had a lovely supper, and all I said to my wife was, 'That piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah!"
"Blasphemy! He's said it again!"
``Jehovah'' This, ``Jehovah" That: Respect...
by Room 215 ini know, i know, the jws love to boast about ``honoring jehovah'' and having ``restored the divine name to its rightful place.
'' but my question is: is such casual off-hand use of the divine name really respectful?
i mean, the vast majority of us well know the names of our parents; but just how respectful would it be to go around referring to them as ``harry'' and ``alice?".
I thought God's name WAS Harry!
"Our father who art in heaven Harold be thy name."
Tissues or Hankies ??
by Prisca in.
time for a bit of fluff, methinks..... which do you use - tissues or hankies?.
i use tissues, cos i don't see any reason why i would want to put something i've blown my nose on in with the rest of my laundry .
During hay fever season I produce more than my fair share of drippy snot, so regular tissues or hankies just don't cut it. That's why I use kitchen roll, particularly Bounty 'The stronger soaker upper' for my boogers. It's guaranteed to withstand a nasal hurricane.
What makes you smile?
by WildTurkey inwhat brings a smile to your face?
i cant help but smile when my wife laughs, or when my kids play outside.
i also smile when my boy, who is 15 wants to talk to me.
Aww! Bless you! To be honest, I struggle to think of things that makes me smile at the moment, I have more than an inkling on how you must feel right now.
But we're all in it together, and can give each other support when we feel stressed out. Never hold back from venting here!
Apostate=Point of no return?
by happysunshine injust a quick question.
i was wondering what the difference between a df and and apostate is from a jw perspective.
is there ever a point of no return in the societies eyes?
Hey! I've got serious deja vu here. Why have you asked exactly the same question twice, didn't you like the last lot of answers?!
Technicaly, Apostate=Point of no return?
by happysunshine injust a quick question.
i was wondering what the technical difference between a df and and apostate is from a jw perspective.
is there ever a point of no return according to current jw doctrine?
In Matthew 12:31-32, Jesus says "On this account I say to you, Every sort of sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the spirit will not be forgiven. For example, whoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the holy spirit, it will not be forgiven him, no, not in this system of things nor in that to come."
Whether so-called Apostasy counts as speaking against the holy spirit, is a matter of conjecture. It's a bit like those naughty Sodom & Gomorrah people - will they or won't they - the GB can't make up their mind from one year to the next.
The current understanding of the unforgivable sin is that God, not us simple folk here on earth, will finally determine if someone has sinned against the holy spirit or not. They don't define clearly what constitutes this category of sin.
So, what kind of sin is unforgivable, no matter if the sinner is repentant? Well, behave yourselves, and you won't ever find out! It is a very vague interpretation of a vague scripture.
Edited by - matty on 17 June 2002 19:28:19
devil in church
by carolbell ini was watching my daughters children last year.
thy were going to vacation bible school.
my son who is a j.w.
Debbie, that is just so true!! I also remember seeing nuns and priests and vicars as really menacing because of what I was told about the churches of Christendom being from Satan.
Witness parents have got to realise that children have vivid imaginations, and if you start talking about Satan and the Demons being in churches, coupled with reading them tales from the "My book of Horror Stories" book, then you are just asking for trouble!
I recall dreaming about what I would do in the new order, and one of the first things I remember that I wanted to do was, not to cuddle a lion, but to knock down the local Anglican Church!
Is It Fair To Discipline Born-Into-It's?
by Englishman ina born-into-it teenager or maybe someone in their early 20's, gets df'd for an unspecified offence.
later the df'd person protests that df'ing is unscriptural and inhumane, only to be told "you knew the score, you knew what would happen, it's your fault".. but is it?
maybe it might be fairer for a converted person to be df'd for breaking the rules, after all, a converted person has joined the jw's willingly and has therefore accepted the witness rules.
obi, joanna, you are absolutely right of course, but it just aint gonna happen, because decision doesn't come into it. I honestly can't see any issue as to when a Born-Into-It is actually baptised. You are going to get exactly the same emotional press-ganging from your family at 20 as you get at 10. As far as I see it, baptism for Born-Into-It's seems to be a formality that is rarely given much thought. It's a very different scenario to someone who makes a conscious decision for themselves to be baptised.
The Brazilian 1970 world cup squad was the greatest world cup squad the world has ever known. England hasn't played Brazil in a world cup finals game since that fateful day in Mexico. Frankly, if this world cup is as good as the one 32 years ago then I will be happy even if Brazil beat us again, but I hope they won't!