It doesn't look like anyone else does this apart from me; as you can plainly see I clearly have an erudite and sophisticated sense of humour!
"A pair of tights
our God has promised
By means of Christ's
Millennial reign..."
(4 God's Promise of Paradise)
"...The seven genital times have ended;
Their kings have had their day..."
(14 "Be Glad, You Nations"!)
"...There is nothing lacking
We've sent God packing
What more from him do we now need to ask?..."
(19 Joyful All Day Long)
"...Kiss my bum, let God be angry
And you perish in the way..."
(168 Recognizing Earth's New King)
(Edited to change formatting!)
Edited by - matty on 7 July 2002 9:31:16