This reminds me of a time many years ago when a guy got arrested for DUI and couldn’t make bail. One of the elders actually mentioned him and his family by name during the announcements. He said he was in jail for DUI and that his wife/kids could use any support we could offer. His wife and kids were at the meeting, the announcement was obviously unexpected and she burst into tears and left pretty much instantly. My wife and I were friends with her and she was actually in our driveway when we got home. Apparently she had confided in this elder guy at her husband’s request, she didn’t ask him to keep it quiet but assumed the fact that she talked to him in the back room was obvious enough. My wife and I were able to help get him out of jail, he was a good guy and made a stupid mistake. Anyway, I tried throwing a fit on his and his wife’s behalf about the announcement but they didn’t seem to care stating that his arrest was public record anyway. The elder apologized for sideswiping her like that publicly but nothing ever came of it OTHER… than the husband getting DF’d because he told the elders to stick it when they tried pulling a JC on him over the issue. Turns out he had like 3 beers, was not drunk but got nailed anyway. Gotta love the laws.
JoinedPosts by Blind_Of_Lies
Elders breaking Confidentiality - I want this thread to be dirtyy
by usualusername ini was taught at the mts school that no elder has ever broke confidentiality.. .
did my instructors lie to me?.
uun .
Are JW's dfing those who buy holiday items now?
by AK - Jeff ini don't bother too often these days with things jw.
the other day, in a chat with an old friend [also xjw] she stated that on a forum somewhere it was being ststated that jw's have ruled that those who would be found purchasing items that are considered 'holiday items' - turkey around thanksgiving, valentine candy, fireworks around the 4th [just a few examples] could face a jc.. any truth to this?
has the watchtower taken such a stance in writing?
It really depends on who you are, who you know and what the popular opinion locally is.
Here is an example.
In some “liberal” states or cities a brother/sister cannot own a hand gun and in some cases any gun AND have privileges in the hall. I have heard of extreme cases where JC’s have been formed when it is found out that a brother owns guns. There really is no written rule (last time I checked) that is for or against owning a firearm. Local opinion dictates. I happen to live in a conservative area and most of us happen to hunt. I myself have never hunted an animal but I do collect firearms. I have my own reason for doing this. A few years back a family moved to our area from somewhere in California, the congregation there had a moratorium on guns in general. Being the nice guy I am I invited him over for a meal with my family. He got the “grand tour” and that included my den where my guns are displayed in their locked cases. I have all kinds of them, from modern guns to antique muskets and the like I have hand guns and legal machine guns alike. This guy FLIPPED out, he accused me of living a double life and left shortly after. This happened on like a Friday night, Sunday meeting rolled around and as I had expected I got called into the back room. The elders were on my side but this guy just didn’t quit he took it to the CO, the CO wrote Brooklyn (maybe the elders wrote the letter but the CO wanted it, I can’t remember) Brooklyn basically said as long as I wasn’t going on people hunting expeditions that I could have my guns and still offer them free services such as mowing the kingdom hall lawn and running microphones however if my guns were at risk of stumbling members of the congregation then I would have to be dealt with. Long story short, that guy didn’t get invited over again.
I remember years past where MySpace was forbidden from the stage by name, it was never mentioned in articles by name but it was described with the WTBTS’s amazing methods at being just inaccurate enough to let someone have an excuse but still empowering people to be snoopy and judgmental. Gotta love it.
Anyway, at that time I had a myspace and as an adult with a myspace it really blew peoples minds. Then along comes faceboook, I log into facebook and HOLY COW the same elders who glared me down for MySpace had Facebook accounts, fragging morons.
Elders breaking Confidentiality - I want this thread to be dirtyy
by usualusername ini was taught at the mts school that no elder has ever broke confidentiality.. .
did my instructors lie to me?.
uun .
Let’s see here…
My employer was the PO of a hall that I had recently moved from. We ended up working alone together for a about a week. During that week I learned more about the people in that congregation than I had learned in years of knowing them personally.
Among the list of things I found out about: Serious mental illnesses, marriages with problems, I knew every sexually active teen in the hall (that he knew about), I knew who had been privately reproved and why, I knew about a couple couples who were swingers, who had booze problems, who thought they had “demon problems (see serious mental issues), he even told me about an ongoing issue with several congregations thinking they had apostates among them. OF course each of these things he told me I had the strict instructions to keep confidential.
In all my years of being a witless there is only 1 disfellowshipping that I still don’t know why it happened. The guy was a drifter and outsider and had a good reputation as a ladies man and partier, I’m sure it was one of those two things but the real word never really came through. The funny thing is the guy has been to like 1 meeting in the past 10 years.
I personally know of JC’s where only one (or two in some cases) knew of the “sin” going into the JC and by the time it was over the juicy details had been spread around the cong. In a couple cases these “leaks” meant that the issue went from being privately reproved to publicly reproved because the congregation knew about it.
The comment about Elder’s wives is SO true. It does not take a rocket scientist to put things together.
The Elder suddenly starts researching X___________<insert random sin>, Then he has a mysterious meeting during the week maybe a couple meetings he may even mention it’s a JC, maybe a phone call or two comes in from some random person they don’t normally hear from… a few weeks later an announcement is made…
The wife puts 2 and 2 together and spreads the word.
The reality is you can only trust yourself. So if you want your discretions to remain confidential, don’t tell anyone.
Worst Thing Youve Done In A Meeting?
by chuckie77 inwhats the worst thing youve done during a meeting?
years ago, when i was a bit more wicked/naughty/younger than i am now, i thought i would take some drugs just prior to the meeting to see if it would make things any more interesting.
it didnt, but at least i enjoyed the kingdom melodies tapping my foot to the beat and bopping my head!!
I really don’t get the “baiting” thing. Our KH had some of the most uninviting bathrooms I have ever seen. They were also regularly patrolled by “that” elder who gets up in the middle of the meeting and carries his bible back with him as if he needs it to prove a point. (talk about a haughty display of faith) Every KH has THAT elder. Anyway, he would make his rounds a few times per meeting, at times even walking up and down the rows of chairs with his bible open as if he were following along. What exactly he was upto I will never know. He was also THAT guy who would randomly walk up to another elder or MS during meeting then bend down and whisper something in their ear, I was always under the assumption we had some sort of high level security threat that required immediate whispering over. Now however I know
THAT Elder in the ear of THAT other elder: “Psst, Johnson has been in the stall 8 minutes now you know what THAT means”
THAT other elder: “he had Mexican for dinner?”
THAT elder: “Nah bro, hes chokin the chicken”
THAT other elder: “When did we get a chicken?”
THAT elder: “no no no, hes jerkin a gerkin”
THAT other elder: “Gerkin is no jerk hes a nice guy!”
That elder: “SIR! He is self-pleasuring himself in the bathroom!”
That other elder: “Are all the children accounted for?”
Jerkin at assembly’s… well maybe but for the most part I was waiting to get back to my room… that I had carefully selected for Free HBO and PPV… that’s where the magic happens.
Worst Thing Youve Done In A Meeting?
by chuckie77 inwhats the worst thing youve done during a meeting?
years ago, when i was a bit more wicked/naughty/younger than i am now, i thought i would take some drugs just prior to the meeting to see if it would make things any more interesting.
it didnt, but at least i enjoyed the kingdom melodies tapping my foot to the beat and bopping my head!!
Looking back now…
Worst things ive done in a KH
#1. Played along
#2. Brought other people to meetings, by other people I mean “worldly folk”
#3. I was such a TOOL with my “privileges” holding the microphone made me superior to those sheep just sitting there…
#4. The last meeting I went too happened to be a memorial, and I went stoned out of my mind.
#5. Near the end of my run as a JW I was at a BS (book study but don’t let the acronym distract) the speaker said something that was completely beyond even normal bible cannon, l turned to my wife and whispered, well not whispered but in a low voice but still loud enough for anyone nearby to hear “That is complete Bullshit”
#6 I used to go straight from the hall to my favorite bar still in my dress cloths, this amused the shit out of me.
I never waxed the dolphin in a KH, that place was far from a sexy environment… unless of course you’re a 50 year old male and its kids day.
I took a leak out in the parking lot on more than one occasion while slaving away in mowing/weeding the grounds. I wasn’t worthy of a key and I had to go.
I would add making donations but I doubt I’ve donated more than $100 of my own money in my lifetime, in fact when I was a kid/teen and my mom would hand me cash to donate… the church got whatever the lowest denomination bill was in the wad. Daddy got the rest.
Funny JW rant on youtube
by baltar447 in
ok, the kid is a bit of an ass, but weren't we all at that age?.
This kid is a great example of why the WTBTS has no future. Kids of my generation and the next one in line behind me can and are willing to think for themselves! They see through he god fog and know they are on their own!
How Will They Keep JW Youths In?
by minimus inis it possible for today's youths to remain in the religion?.
Would you get in trouble if you pulled him aside and encouraged him to do research on Google about the JW's? He needs too before he commits or does not commit to college.
Memorial Anyone?
by Blind_Of_Lies inso who went?
did the numbers seem to be more or less?
i may have missed these threads a couple days ago but ive been busy lol..
Ummm,,, that song is awesome!
How Will They Keep JW Youths In?
by minimus inis it possible for today's youths to remain in the religion?.
I am curious as to why the sudden exodus from your class. Do you require after school activities for band member? Do you play holiday, religious or patriotic songs?
How Will They Keep JW Youths In?
by minimus inis it possible for today's youths to remain in the religion?.
The short answer is that they won’t/can’t keep the “young people”. Ive posted this story before in other threads but here goes again…
In the congregation I grew up in there were approximately 30 “kids” born between 1980-1990. These “Kids” would be somewhere between 20-30 years old today. They were all born into families with “spiritual” backgrounds. Some of them had elder fathers most of them had at least MS fathers at some point growing up but the ultimate point is that there were about 30 potential recruits born into my congregation over about 10 years. Out of that base set of say 30 kids I know of 3 who are even pretending to still be a witness. The rest quite literally ran out in droves. Now those 3 that are still going through the steps have all been DF’d or Repv’d at least once and 2/3 of them I know are leading "double lives" that would get them DF'd if truth be known, yet they just dont care. Being DF'd is not a good fear tactic anymore, its a nice change instead.
The group of kids born between 1990-2000 was much smaller, say about 10 kids altogether and none of them are still active and most of them didn’t even bother becoming unbaptized publishers . Granted the ones born in the mid to late 1990’s are still growing up and becoming young adults but out of that group I don’t know of any that I would expect to stick around once they are old enough to move out of their parents’ home or get thrown out.
I have noticed that for the most part the “kids” who decide to stick around have some sort of obvious personality disorder. You have the “Norman Bates” type who just wants to please mother… then you have the slow kid who is happy to hike his Dockers up to his belly button and go out in service with the popular elder… You have the attention whores and the whore whores and then you have the “special kids”.
Needless to say this religion is becoming more of a landing zone for the mentally ill and socially inept to have a place they feel comfortable and accepted. All they have to do is dress nice and hang out with likeminded people a few times a week and in return they get told nice stories and free rides.
Its sick.