14 is too young, yes, but as I reflect back, I was only 15 when I started. I had to keep that all in mind when my stepson told us that he was sexually active. At first, my husband was really angry and hurt that he would act with impulse like he did, but after I told him to think about what he was doing when he was that young, the anger in the situation softened and we were then able to go through the steps of the next course of action. That was to make absolutely sure that he realized that if he got a girl pregnant, he would be wholey responsible for that child and that we were not going to offer financial aid to him, nor were we going to bail him out. He would pay child support from his own child support and he would get a job on the weekends to pay for pampers and daycare for the mother so she could also finish school. We bought him a box of condoms and gave him the address and phone number to the nearest Planned Parenthood in his area, where he could get condoms for free.
And, we were very thankful that he trusted us enough to tell us that he was sexually active. It means you have a very strong relationship with you child. Don't freak out. That's the worst thing you could do. They will think twice about coming to you again.