I remember seeing a post on H20 with a list of all their subsideries now I can back this up it may take a day or too but I will
[url] http://www.jesus-witnesses.com/bigbiz.htm[/url]
regarding the new light on blood and the different components we need to be aware of i think it will be very difficult for individuals to figure out what they can choose to take and what not.. regardless of the status the aithful and discreet slave has assigned each of these components one thing should still be kept in mind.
even the smallest amount of blood fraction requires a lot of blood most of this though blood donations.. for eg:.
albumin is often used to treat burns.
I remember seeing a post on H20 with a list of all their subsideries now I can back this up it may take a day or too but I will
[url] http://www.jesus-witnesses.com/bigbiz.htm[/url]
Frenchy has given a direct quote from the Watchtower now heres is an extract from an essay called "Why so many false alarms""
[url] http://www.geocities.com/osarsif/end1.htm#forced[/url]
In November 1954, the Douglas Walsh trial was held in the Scottish Court of Sessions, the Watchtower Society tried to establish before the British court that certain of its members were ordained ministers. High ranking leaders of the Society testified, including vice-president Fred Franz and legal counsel for the Society, Haydon C. Covington.[bold][italics]eg from court transcripts Haydon Covington being questioned[/italics][/bold]
Q. Back to the point now. A false prophesy was promulgated?
A. I agree that.
Q. It had to be accepted by Jehovah’s Witnesses?
A. That is correct.
Q. If a member of Jehovah’s Witnesses took the view himself that that prophesy was wrong and said so he would be disfellowshipped?
A. Yes, if he said so and kept persisting in creating trouble, because if the whole organisation believes one thing, even though it be erronious and somebody else starts on his own trying to put his ideas across then there is disunity and trouble, there cannot be harmony, there cannot be marching. When a change comes it should come from the proper source, the head of the organisation, the governing body, not from the bottom upwards, because everybody would have ideas, and the organisation would disintegrate and go in a thousand different directions. Our purpose is to have unity.
Q. Unity at all costs?
A. Unity at all costs, because we believe and are sure that Jehovah God is using our organisation, the governing body of our organisation to direct it, even though mistakes are made from time to time.
Q. And unity based upon an enforced acceptance of false prophecy?
A. That is conceded to be true
September 1, 1989 Watchtower page 19,“Only Jehovah's Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil.”
Can you imagine Jesus saying that?
regarding the new light on blood and the different components we need to be aware of i think it will be very difficult for individuals to figure out what they can choose to take and what not.. regardless of the status the aithful and discreet slave has assigned each of these components one thing should still be kept in mind.
even the smallest amount of blood fraction requires a lot of blood most of this though blood donations.. for eg:.
albumin is often used to treat burns.
I could be wrong about us being able to give to charities. The Society in its role asWatch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.
received $5000.00 from this group called the charitable gift fund. I think this is the fund who is looking after the Planned Giving for the Kingdom Preaching Work fund the society recomends. I posted on it in main
Here is link hope it works.
[url] http://www300.charitablegift.org:80/annual/index.shtml[/url]
if page turns up click annual reports then grant recipients, then click w,
Has anyone seen any thing in the publications considering this money is also contributing to our ministry work globally?
regarding the new light on blood and the different components we need to be aware of i think it will be very difficult for individuals to figure out what they can choose to take and what not.. regardless of the status the aithful and discreet slave has assigned each of these components one thing should still be kept in mind.
even the smallest amount of blood fraction requires a lot of blood most of this though blood donations.. for eg:.
albumin is often used to treat burns.
I could be wrong about us being able to give to charities. The Society in its role asWatch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.
received $5000.00 from this group called the charitable gift fund. I think this is the fund who is looking after the Planned Giving for the Kingdom Preaching Work fund the society recomends. I posted on it in main
Here is link hope it works.
[url] http://www300.charitablegift.org:80/annual/index.shtml[/url]
if page turns up click annual reports then grant recipients, then click w,
Has anyone seen any thing in the publications considering this money is also contributing to our ministry work globally?
this link has a scan of a printed by the society brochure planned giving to benefit the kingdom.
the faithful and discreet slave has a fund to enable us to contribute stocks and saving to the kingdom preaching work whilst both we and them enjoytaxation benefits.or if we want to bequest our properties etc to the preaching work via this fund.
we can get it out before hand if we want too.
This link has a scan of a printed by the Society brochure Planned giving to benefit the Kingdom. The faithful and discreet slave has a fund to enable us to contribute stocks and saving to the Kingdom preaching work whilst both we and them enjoytaxation benefits.Or if we want to bequest our properties etc to the preaching work via this fund. We can get it out before hand if we want too. But if we die it goes straight to the legal organisation which covers the corporate side of the societies business Watchtower and Bible Tract Society of Pennselvania (sorry I am Australian and cant spell a lot of US cities.) They will charge us a small fee for their finanacial advice.
We really are blessed that the faithful and discreet slave have confidence in a contribution fund that will encourage us to contribute our assets safely.
[url] http://www.truthexodus.homestead.com[/url]
regarding the new light on blood and the different components we need to be aware of i think it will be very difficult for individuals to figure out what they can choose to take and what not.. regardless of the status the aithful and discreet slave has assigned each of these components one thing should still be kept in mind.
even the smallest amount of blood fraction requires a lot of blood most of this though blood donations.. for eg:.
albumin is often used to treat burns.
This has a copy of the ad in the New York times
I am currently doing a search to get the information on the Cathlic Journal re The witnesses and France.
i wi;ll post it when I find it.
I am not very good at saving information.
regarding the new light on blood and the different components we need to be aware of i think it will be very difficult for individuals to figure out what they can choose to take and what not.. regardless of the status the aithful and discreet slave has assigned each of these components one thing should still be kept in mind.
even the smallest amount of blood fraction requires a lot of blood most of this though blood donations.. for eg:.
albumin is often used to treat burns.
Edited by - Maxee on 11 June 2000 11:10:44
regarding the new light on blood and the different components we need to be aware of i think it will be very difficult for individuals to figure out what they can choose to take and what not.. regardless of the status the aithful and discreet slave has assigned each of these components one thing should still be kept in mind.
even the smallest amount of blood fraction requires a lot of blood most of this though blood donations.. for eg:.
albumin is often used to treat burns.
It is staggering isn't it .Why are we not permitted to see both sides of the story? Why is it so hard for the writing dept to write an article with out being unbiased.
The Watchtower has some info:
(The Watchtower, June 15, 1985, p. 30)
"Each batch of Factor VIII is made from plasma that is pooled from as many as 2,500 blood donors."
(Awake! Oct. 8, 1988, p. 11)
"Dr. Margaret Hilgartner of the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center said: "A severe hemophiliac is exposed to the blood of 800,000 to 1 million different people every year."
Also the medical data came from was supplied to C. O. Jonsson by Kabi Pharmacia in Stockholm.
And this link goes into more detail on what blood fractions really are
As far as not donating blood I always felt it was one of those unspoken rules like not donating to charities or the UNICEF and the like due to the teaching in the bible that the world is fading away. I am sure I am not the only one who believed this. The attitude has always been we don't need to contribute to these funds because we know Jehovah is going to fix everything.
I hope this helps you out. If you want any more info I am more than happy to supply it.
regarding the new light on blood and the different components we need to be aware of i think it will be very difficult for individuals to figure out what they can choose to take and what not.. regardless of the status the aithful and discreet slave has assigned each of these components one thing should still be kept in mind.
even the smallest amount of blood fraction requires a lot of blood most of this though blood donations.. for eg:.
albumin is often used to treat burns.
Regarding the new light on blood and the different components we need to be aware of I think it will be very difficult for individuals to figure out what they can choose to take and what not.
Regardless of the status the aithful and discreet slave has assigned each of these components one thing should still be kept in mind. Even the smallest amount of blood fraction requires a lot of blood most of this though blood donations.
For eg:
Albumin is often used to treat burns. A typical treatment for third degree burns (30-50 %) requires 600 grams albumin. Producing this amount requires about 45 litres of whole blood. How can anyone call this "a small fraction?"1Hemophiliac preparations (Factor VIII and IX): We mentioned hemophilia earlier. Effective treatment requires a preparation called factor VIII, which assists in clotting and is made of the pooled blood of many individuals. How hopeless is the claim that these components are "small fractions" is shown by the enormous amounts of blood needed to keep a hemophiliac alive:
It takes about 9000 kilograms of whole blood to make one 0.1 gram dose of Factor VIII. A person suffering from severe hemophilia typically requires several doses a year.
This really brings into the question the GB now have to think about how the rest of the world will view what could looks like hypocrisy and selfishness due to the fact that witnesses do not donate blood. How can they point the finger at christendom without seeing the double standard that may come about from these blood changes. Its a wonder the Red Cross doesn't jump on them
With all these new lights does anyone think they are becoming more and more like mainstream religions ?
They seem to be able to hop in and out of bed with christondom at their will. Jimmy Swaggert Thát big full page advertisment they took in the New York Times which cost about $85,000.00 regarding the taxation problem in France and freedom of speech. The asking of the Catholic Church to support them in their battle for tax free status in France and allowing themselves to be advertised in a Catholic Journal.
Now with this blood thing.....I just gotta wonder????????