[bold]The Mother of the Lie...
sorry SS couldn't resist
how do you react when the brothers are quick to point out that the error of those in the org.
today who 'shrink back' on their faith and obedience to the faithful and discreet slave class are the seed of satan and rebels similar to korah ,dathan and abiram also miriam.
the inference is that the fate or end result for todays rebels will be similar to that of those rebels of old where they incurred 'god's wrath' upon themselves and their offsping which led to god's annihilation?.
[bold]The Mother of the Lie...
sorry SS couldn't resist
i admire the jw's who seem to be not too affected by what the society teaches.
for instance; my brother became a jw when he met his wife, who was born into the wts.
his wife and her family, always seemed to be very gregarious people, and enjoy life very much.
I found in some of the past congregations I have been in those one were often ones with a bit of wealth or the wife worked fulltime. Glamourous clothes lots of kids when they do go out in the field they only do an hour...
Sometimes I think the ones who are out in service all the time and doing everything the society wishes ie: all meetings pioneering, no college education no kids,get a little jealous that they can't feel that way. I have heard friends justify it by making comments about them in the same vein as some do if they are met with a major opposer "shake the dirt from your shoes" we come across at the doors.
[italics]So and So better be careful there won't be any fulltime jobs or materialism in the new system.
There -a-deaden at Armageddon[/italics]
Edited by - Maxee on 22 June 2000 20:19:30
dear fellow jw's,.
visiting this board and briefly viewing some of the comments here your probably wondering if this db is pro or anti-jw.. your probably asking yourself is this board for active, 'loyal' jehovah's witnesses?.
i'm not sure i can speak on behalf of the posters at this db, however from my perspective i will "try" to set this matter straight for you.. are those posting here current jw's or are they hiding that they are apostates?.
I guess I am guilty of negativity. My apologies to those who I have offended with some of my outspoken comments about the society and issues surrounding them and myself. I care about others and try to respect their beliefs.
IMHO if friends are utilising the net and going to discussions boards than they really should have an open mind. After all they are cyber rebels of sorts as far as the society is concerned.see Nov KM and May KM 99.
And to come to a conclusion on a matter you really have to see all sides.
here's some bumper stickers recently spotted:.
if you had sex with the president.
Heres a WT Prez joke/ illustration
[url] http://www.freeminds.org/bethel/toons/quak.htm[/url]
i'm not sure if its my limited perspective, but i have heard the saying "elder's kids are the worst".. from my perspective, the saying appears to have much merrit.
if this is true, why would those who seemingly are raised in the "best possible environment" and who would in theory be raised in harmony with the society's direction (good "spiritual routine" , meetings, service, family study etc) turn out the worst?.
could it be that an elder's schedule is too busy for his family?
The peer pressure especially on teenagers could propably have a live long emotional effect.
Frenchy Good food for thought
This is a lot of pressure. They want to be part of 'the crowd'. They are already denied this at school and now they are being excluded in the congregation by the other youths who feel that they may squal to their father if they see something not quite 'kosher'! Sometimes that is a little too much
Isn't it pretty usual that all the elders children are active and need to be good examples in the cong otherwise the elder has to step down.
I have seen this happen to an Elder who had 7 daughters. Poor man
On the other side of the coin I have seen a elder a target of gossip by members of the cong because he didn't have children plus a new wife who considerably younger than him.
Edited by - Maxee on 18 June 2000 9:53:23
as jehovahs witnesses we see blood as a sacred symbol of life.?
[leviticus 7:26 27][acts 15:28-29].
the majority of friends who have refused blood have done so sometimes in ignorance of what was allowable and why or purely on the trusted word of the faithful and discreet slave.
As Jehovahs Witnesses we see blood as a sacred symbol of life.?[Leviticus 7:26 27][Acts 15:28-29]
The majority of friends who have refused blood have done so sometimes in ignorance of what was allowable and why or purely on the trusted word of the faithful and discreet slave. Most of us Should blood as symbol of life take precendence of life itself?
Lets look at Exodus 12:5-30 here it tells us of the passover where God strikes every firstborn in Egypt. Blood over the doors of Jews enabled their firstborn to survive. Here this blood symbolised life.
The importance of blood as a symbol over that of life can be looked at
like a man who puts all importance on his wedding ring (symbolic of his wedded state) than on his marriage and even his wife, so if he were faced with either the sacrafice of his wife or the sacrifice of his ring he would choose the sacrafice of his wife.
We are no longer under the Mosaic law according to Jesus.
. Who do the Faithful and discreet slave choose to listen to ? Is it Jesus or the Mosaic laws set by Jehovah.
If life was at stake on the Sabbath for eg the Isrealites were not obliged to hold to that law even if it were a bull or ox. Luke 14:4
Don't you think it would seem logical to conclude that the same would apply to Mosaic laws on blood?In Mark 2:27 Jesus makes it clear that the mosiac law was made for man not man for law . If it meant sustaining life especially.
Since we are under.... law of love and law of faith... don't you think these points should merit serious thought and meditation?
Any thoughts
someone out there has a sence of humour.. [url] http://www.geocities.com/athens/atrium/4914/beliefsfaq2.html[/url].
[url] http://www.geocities.com/osarsif/end1.htm[/url]
Hope this isn't too late its sunday arvo in Aus
[url] http://www.geocities.com/osarsif/index2.htm[/url]
ok, since it was so easy to get on here i'm assuming that this place is also over run by wts critics...but anyway!.
i've read a plenty of wt mags and got sucked in enough by the whole thing to go to a few meetings and do a bible study( which i wouldn't really call a study, since we just read one of their books).i soon broke of the whole thing and didn't even read another mag for about 6 years...6 months ago i wandered into h20 out of curiosity and ended up reading up on the arguments against the wts.. i have a simple question, and its probably very naive to ask this...but why is wts so afraid of debate?...there are plenty of sites arguing against the wts...but none for, apart the official site which doesn't address the issues raised by so called "apostates" anyway.. if the wt has the the truth why dont they just refute the the arguments against them instead of shutting up shop and labelling anyone who questions them an "apostate?
" or from satan or something.. i'm really beginning to think that all this wt business is just waste of time, that if i were to go to kh and ask questions that i have, i'm more likely to be labelled a trouble making agent of satan rather than be taken at face value as someone with serious questions.
It's important for us to understand that a C.O. will never admit to you that they share any of your doubts about a certain doctrine. They may express it very diplomatically to the D.O. but never to you. Their job is to convince you that what you are being taught is true regarless of how illogical it really is in your own eyes. There can be no discussion with a C.O. or a D.O. or even with your elders who answer to these guys.So my question is: What is one to do?
Sometimes we need to be awakened
waiting heres the new link to shauns site[url] http://www.jwfiles.com/[/url] and the case you are talking about was in Scotland 1954 and Haydon c Covington? The full transcrippt is on the JW research link.
"Unity keeping control of the masses is the most important thing". WHAT FOR???? I know its unbelievable....!!!!
Where is the Christ likeness in those pursuits!
I have also go one for one I think you Frenchy will find will help soothe the pain without bitterness but love. It moved me because at times I find it so difficult not to be angry. We all need to keep faith no matter what .Faith in God and Jesus who empathises with us.
There is no such thing as new light. Who set that protocol. Light is light.
[url] http://www.jwfiles.com/[/url]
Edited by - Maxee on 18 June 2000 2:4:16
[url] http://www.ripnet.org/navoy.htm[/url].
i know there are examples of this type out here.
trust me i will find them
This is a joke surely?
[url] http://watchtower.observer.org/humor/salvation.asp[/url]
Edited by - Maxee on 17 June 2000 5:14:29
someone out there has a sence of humour.. [url] http://www.geocities.com/athens/atrium/4914/beliefsfaq2.html[/url].
Someone out there has a sence of humour.
[url] http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/4914/beliefsfaq2.html[/url]