Yadda, we are in a political correct World, our views will go unspoken of. I think the Media will avoid topics on Jehovah's Witnesses dealing with hateful practices with intra-family. The Media has more pressing concerns (Justin Bieber racing his car getting arrested) than unethical religions.
JoinedPosts by RottenRiley
Disfellowshipped daughter not told of father's death
by dozy inmy wife was informed by her father that an old jw friend had died so she decided to text his daughter ( who lives abroad & is disfellowshipped ) her condolences.
immediately the daughter phoned my wife in great anguish as she hadnt been informed that her father had died ( bearing in mind this event had happened 3 days previously.
) of course any chance that she might have had for coming over for the funeral had past.. her two brothers are elders and her sister is a regular pioneer but not one of them had thought to let their sister know.
Disfellowshipped daughter not told of father's death
by dozy inmy wife was informed by her father that an old jw friend had died so she decided to text his daughter ( who lives abroad & is disfellowshipped ) her condolences.
immediately the daughter phoned my wife in great anguish as she hadnt been informed that her father had died ( bearing in mind this event had happened 3 days previously.
) of course any chance that she might have had for coming over for the funeral had past.. her two brothers are elders and her sister is a regular pioneer but not one of them had thought to let their sister know.
To JWN members who have loving familes this topic might seem unreal but it's not! The Watchtower Leaders would be so proud the family of the Disfellowshiped or Disassociated Member was not told her father was sick and died! They love it when you find out six months later your Dad died! They get a Pharisee Hard-On when their Viagra ain't working, it's material the Governing Body use to get their little pricks hard, their wives read the most hateful stories and soon they get all creepy and hard hearted!
What happened to Lars58 and many other Bible Scholars?
by RottenRiley in.
i miss seeing lars postings and his bible interpretations, did he get re-instated?.
JW.ORG "We Don't Shun Anyone" to "We don't shun weak JWs who don't attend meetings". Notice how the Looney Toons (not fair to Bugs and Daffy) Organization evades the question and usually almost always distracts from the issue at hand. We know Lars58 needs help to cope with his Tour-de-Watchtower, don't we all need help after that PTSD religon.
I need to tell you later how the new DSM-Volume explains how religious groups create PTSD, it's not published yet but you will enjoy how Prophets and Fake Bible Scholars can cause people to get P.T.S.D. Syndome, it's gonna blow your mind!
Jealous Murderous OT Yahweh Jehovah really is Satan?
by Shanagirl ini would love to start a discussion (not a debate) with others that follow the gnostic writings from the nag hammadi library.
i am a believer that pretty much every belief has some truths and fallacies.
some say its a game of 'only taking what you like out of something'.....i say, its using discernment to find the 'pure nature' of what god would be and is.
I am not a fan of the Gnostic Gospels, I think if they had merit Eusebius would have added them to the Bible Cannon. Their content is diametrically opposed to Judasim and Christianity, closer to Islam than the first two. The book written by this guy looks good. I agree they are latter dated and forgeries and were used to control others with "mind control" not love!
Jealous Murderous OT Yahweh Jehovah really is Satan?
by Shanagirl ini would love to start a discussion (not a debate) with others that follow the gnostic writings from the nag hammadi library.
i am a believer that pretty much every belief has some truths and fallacies.
some say its a game of 'only taking what you like out of something'.....i say, its using discernment to find the 'pure nature' of what god would be and is.
Yadda, have you read "Against Heresies" by Church Father 2 century Ireaneus?
Like the Modern Day Gnostics (Governing Body), I avoid people who claim they have "special knowledge" without backing it up with proof!
"Gnostics claim to possess an elevated knowledge, a “higher truth” known only to a certain few. Gnosticism comes from the Greek word gnosis which means “to know.” Gnostics claim to possess a higher knowledge, not from the Bible, but acquired on some mystical higher plain of existence. Gnostics see themselves as a privileged class elevated above everybody else by their higher, deeper knowledge of God.
Read more:http://www.gotquestions.org/Christian-gnosticism.html#ixzz2s3Hi7hywPrinceton has a decent education program, I wonder if this book would be a good read to help the Christian Apologist attack the specious claims made by Rogue writers about the Gnostic Gospels? If all the Gnosis was closely guarded by the Gnostic Leaders, how can we really know if what they are telling us was the "special gnosis" needed to get saved from the evil flesh and Material Universe? Why did the Gnostics die off? I don't follow the link that Islam's God is the same as the God of the Jews or Christians, they worship a God who is 180 degrees from Judaism and Christianity.
Ex-Military JWs collect money
by Jon Preston inisnt this somehing that would be against god or at least hypocritical?
jws who were in the military but quit still accept money from their jobs so they can pioneer and still get paid..... or am i being too harsh.. .
No, I know a few JWs who had 30 years in the Service, nothing wrong with collecting their pay that was part of their total compensation at the time. The Military Men and Women get a lessor paycheck in favor of better benefits, we should not be like the Hypocrites we are disappointed with, let's leave the pettyness to them. The Soliders deserve their pay even if they changed to a JW later in life, it would invalidate their hard service and the V.A. is already attacking our VETS now, don't give them any fire power to take away from the VETs.
Could You Beat Anthony Morris In A Bible Debate or Apologetic s Discussion?
by RottenRiley in.
do you think he really knows the bible like a hard-core christian apologist?
does he study non-stop or does use his head mining the internet looking up the latest homosexual conpiracies while wishing he could wear his wife's dress?.
We are in Times where JWs are hurting, suffering from terrible anxiety and fear they won't have enough to live on and Tony Morris is flying around in his Watchtower Lear Jet (Or First-Class, the GB deserve the best while unworthy lessor Slaves like St. Paul traveled least expensively on his own dime) spreading a Anti-Homosexual Message, what priorites!
There are many Jehovah's Witnesses who stay at home and miss lots of Meetings because they don't build you up, they tear you down! We could focus on Christian Matters but you said rightly, "Tony Tight pants focus is on Gay things!".
Could You Beat Anthony Morris In A Bible Debate or Apologetic s Discussion?
by RottenRiley in.
do you think he really knows the bible like a hard-core christian apologist?
does he study non-stop or does use his head mining the internet looking up the latest homosexual conpiracies while wishing he could wear his wife's dress?.
We are in Times where JWs are hurting, suffering from terrible anxiety and fear they won't have enough to live on and Tony Morris is flying around in his Watchtower Lear Jet spreading a Anti-Homosexual Message, what priorites!
There are many Jehovah's Witnesses who stay at home and miss lots of Meetings because they don't build you up, they tear you down! We could focus on Christian Matters but you said rightly, "Tony Tight pants focus is on Gay things!".
Should I Tell a Witness that I Am an Apostate?
by Band on the Run ini sometimes join discussion groups.
the witnesses do get mentioned.
i try to make it humorous but some bitterness seeps through.
If you want to tell a lie BOTR, your not an Apostate and we need to discredit this derrogatory term. No White brother enjoy's being called a Honkey, no black brother enjoys the "N-word" and my Asian and Mexican friends hate the terms "Yellow-Monkey and Beaner". We hate Racism on JWN, nobody enjoys being called a hateful adjective-verb combination, why can't we fight the A-Word instead of allowing them to label us? JWs hate being called a Cult or Jim Jone's-Grape-Kool-aid Guzzling-nutjobs, why allow them to pigeon hole you? Tell them you were a man who studied JW Theology and can't wrap your head around their BeBopping approach to serious Scripturual doctrines and matters! JWs flit get blown apart like Butterflies, lost in their own Economic and Social Misfit-Shit Storms. Who is the root cause, the Governing Body and their perpetually changing theology on a hunch over soft-serve Lunch-time ice cream.
What would our former brotherhood in Malawai knew the truth about the "Political Cards" and Mexico selling Military Cards allowing JW Pioneers and Mexican brothers to join the Military Establishment?
Letter From WTBTS Evidence of Mind Control Tactics
by Corvin inthe following is taken from ray franz's book, crisis of conscience, pages 341-344. this letter, sent out to all traveling representatives, circuit overseers, by the service department of the international headquarters, shows the society's demand for comformity no matter the cost to the rank and file.
jw lurkers: please read carefully.
the portion of the letter in blue is of particular interest, and franz's comments nails the governing body's intent.. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mind Control, if we believed it was Ok to get Blood Fractions in the 1970s, we were Apostates.
Generation If we believed the Generation was not going to end in 1992, we were Apostates!
Faithful Servant If we belived Jesus did not pick the Faithful Slave with Charles Taze Russel and Russel was part of the "John the Baptist Class' we were Apostates!
1878, 1897, 1914, 1918-1919, 1925, 1930s, 1975 and 1992, if those Dates were not proof God had come and begun to rule over mankind, guess what, we are Apostates.
Now if we were given New Light before the Nu-Lite offered by the self-appointed Slave, God was working through us and not the true Apostates.