Something I was thinking about today was all the people I thought were very "spiritual" who ended up being the biggest frauds in life. It hurt to see the people the Congregation said were "Good people" getting arrested for corruption. The Watchtower had us judging Christendom while we were suppose to ingore all the wickedness happening in the Organization. Who was not a hypocrite while trying to become justified by the Organization? I am trying to destroy all traces the Borg has inculcated in my mind, it's really hard removing decades of false teachings and shitty people out of your life. I think of people who were quick to accuse the weak members not living up to their expectations while they excused or down played the sins of immorality, disobedience and pathological lying their Shining Witnesses were guilty of. This religion is a breeding ground of hypocrisy and feeds a large population of people who want to tell everyone else how good they are, "if you don't believe how good I am, look at my Field Service Card!".
JoinedPosts by RottenRiley
New Article: Jehovah's Witnesses a Study in Hypocrisy
by daringhart13 inwould love your feedback!. .
by steve2 inthere are many threads on this forum about the stultifying tedium of the conventions.
memories of one convention merge with every other convention over the years with few sticking out as high points.. in recent years, there have been lots of anecdotal reports (primarily from western countries) of an astonishingly low number of baptismal candidates at these conventions, and in particular district conventions - especially compared to the higher numbers who presented for baptisms in earlier decades.
is this decline also reflected in general attendances at the conventions?.
In 2013, I know two Convention Centers were half-filled, the brothers were planning on these Conventioned being "packed to capacity", we don't get the numbers locally so the Watchtower would not be quick to share a declining D.C. attendance because this would show they are losing their relevance. Good Post Steve, always enjoy your insights and wisdom!
Active JW's, can you defend "THE TRUTH?"
by DATA-DOG inas of yet, no member of the jehovah's witness faith can defend their unique beliefs.
when the dust settles, it all comes down to blind faith in men's ever-changing ideas.
this "unique belief" was not a "true teaching of the bible.
ProblemAddict: This answer they provided you, me and all the Friends is not satisfying, it's very disheartening to have bad men tell you to "Wait on Jehovah" eventually it morph's in to "Wait on Jehovah's Organization to clear this matter up!" meanwhile the friends are suffering from the false doctrine, bad conduct of power starved men and women trying to control their fellow! I witnesses members, people who waited decades for justice only to die a spiritual death of Watchtower size disappointment. The Friends who were waiting for clarification, truth and justice end up leaving the Watchtower because of the lies!
"Jehovah is using imperfect men, and they will make mistakes. However, to go against them is to go against God, since his son is in firm control. So while they can be wrong, and be forgiven, you will be held accountable for going against Jehovahs annointed." -
Statement by David Clohessy, Director of SNAP: JWs predator escapes consequences
by AndersonsInfo in .
pa--jehovah witness predator escapes consequences .
posted on snap website by barbara dorris on march 01, 2014 flag .
What if we could castrate the sex-offenders so they don't hurt anyone else? It seems every week we are coming across old Witnesses who are active Elders who practice "Child Rape" while ruling as "princes" in the Watchtower's Spiritual Paradise. I would like to make their "Pedophile Paradise" more public, how do we get the word out the Kingdom Halls are not safe places for the children?
Is Jesus Christ Your Mediator? Watchtower's Position is Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit!
by RottenRiley in2. p. 363; emphasis added) .
(ibid., p. 362; emphasis added) .. to say jesus is mediator only for the 144,000 is actually to deny the possibility of forgiveness of sins for any others.
; emphasis added) .
The Mahatma Gandi words about Jesus Christ are a different take from the usual words we hear. I think the following thoughts might provide a fresh outlook.
What percentage of JWs do you think actually know Jesus Christ did not die for them? They are guilty of the sins of denying Jesus Christ because they are too lazy to review their belief system and challenge a stagnant worship system that's long dead of spirituality!
Although this may or may not be true in my case, I have reasons to believe that it is an erroneous point of view. I believe that such an estimate is incompatible with the message that Jesus Christ gave to the world. For, he was certainly the highest example of one who wished to give everything, asking nothing in return, and not caring what creed might happen to be professed by the recipient. I am sure that if he were living here now among men, he would bless the lives of many who perhaps have never even heard his name, if only their lives embodied the virtues of which he was a living example on earth; the virtues of loving one’s neighbour as oneself and of doing good and charitable works among one’s fellowmen.
What, then, does Jesus mean to me? To me, he was one of the greatest teachers humanity has ever had. To his believers, he was God’s only begotten Son.* Could the fact that I do or do not accept this belief make Jesus have any more or less influence in my life? Is all the grandeur of his teaching and of his doctrine to be forbidden to me? I cannot believe so.
To me, it implies a spiritual birth. My interpretation, in other words, is that in Jesus’ own life is the key of his nearness to God; that he expressed, as no other could, the spirit and will of God. It is in this sense that I see him and recognize him as the Son of God."
William J. Schnell
by Kenneson indoes anyone know when, where and how william j. schnell died?
there have been 3 rumors i read about him recently.
one states that close to his death he was trying to be re-instated, but the society refused him.
This Elder I know worked at Bethel for 40 years and said with a happy voice, Schnell, he died in a Insane Assylum! I was young and dumb, now that I reflect on his statement, he was happy Schnell died such a undignified death, his sources were Bethel, all I can share is what came from a man who was very credible and knew Mr. Schnell's life after writing his book destroyed him, he ended up "Poor and under great duress in a mental hospital.". It's sad this Elder was happy how things went, so much for praying for your enemy!
The Elder who said this, he died "poor and under great duress himself", he was living off the Government even though he never paid taxes in his life!
District Assemblies, Were they a Financial Burden to you? They Cost $1200 to $2000 in some lands!
by RottenRiley inwhy does the watchtower place a harsh burden on it's low-paid and low-skilled army of witnesses?
the district conventions don't really add much value, you have witnesses making minimum wage with both husband and wife working while the elite witnesses can afford to burn a ton of cash making the poor witnesses feel worse about themselves.
i remember, some of the really poor witnesses would bring their own "cooker" to the motel to make "top ramen" and mac&cheese" while the company men had the elites take them out for "surf and turf" and other great feasts, the poor witnesses get the shaft was they are told how lucky they are to financially struggle to afford to pay for their hotels.. .
Why does the Watchtower place a harsh burden on it's low-paid and low-skilled army of Witnesses? The District Conventions don't really add much value, you have Witnesses making Minimum wage with both husband and wife working while the Elite Witnesses can afford to burn a ton of cash making the poor Witnesses feel worse about themselves. I remember, some of the really poor Witnesses would bring their own "cooker" to the Motel to make "Top Ramen" and Mac&Cheese" while the Company Men had the Elites take them out for "Surf and Turf" and other great feasts, the poor Witnesses get the shaft was they are told how lucky they are to financially struggle to afford to pay for their hotels.
I remember when I first got married, the only vacations I could afford to take were these shitty Assembly Weekends, starting on late Thursday Afternoon through Sunday. We could not afford to take a decent vacation after wasting the money to attend the mindless Convention that repeated the same materials unless they released a new book changing a core doctrine or giving us some useless brochure to attract people who did not want to join the Cult.
Did the Assemblies cause any financial hardships for you when you were first starting out or did you have it made like the Elites who sat in the Bars at the Hotels and ran a tab of $300 to $500 buying drinks for all the Heavy Hitters? We had a brother run up his tab to impress the Elders in the Circuit who could help put in a good word for him, it worked, he was made a Elder after spending lots of cash on drinks and food!
Detroit DC is NOT filling up? Please book a hotel room!! -letter
by ?me? inwe have had a letter read the last 2 meetings to all congs attenidng the detroit dc's... seems people are not going, or not booking their hotels.
and the society is pissed!
they are imploring every one to not wait for a new list with new hotels, it is not happening.
Detroit had the worse of the Economic Meltdown, the jobs never returned pre-2008 Bail-out Nation, why does the Organization place this heavy burden on their Witnesses? The Friends in Detriot can't afford $500 for a worthless Weekend of the same shit they were taught since 1975, when will they stop torturing the Witnesses with useless conventions, I feel bad for many brothers and sisters who would rather spend their hard-savings on something for themselves instead of wasting it on a Watchtower Bragging Rights Numbers Game!
I think my D.O. Is a closet apostate. References Stanford Prison Study and hints he sometimes disagrees with the Branch
by kneehighmiah ini find it odd that the district overseer today made.
1. zero yes 0 references to the fds in any of his talks.. 2.he also told elders that the brothers worship god and not therefore the elders have no authority to order the friends around.. 3. he also talked about the stanford prison study and said that people who receive authority over others often abuse it.
4. he mentioned that when he disagrees with the branch (aka the fds) he's learned to just do what they say.
I am not impressed by a DO or CO who can parrot a Bible Dictionary but the Witnesses who don't study their literatrash, they are easily impressed and would not know if the DO was telling them in Greek, "You are fools!"
Top 10: Apostate Power Rankings -Who are/were the best apostates?
by kneehighmiah ini only know a few like franz.
i rank him #1. then theres that jwsurvey guy and jwfacts guy.
and the silent lambs lady.
Ray Franz never started a church did he? I thought he wrote his books and worked on odd jobs instead of doing the Church Circuit? Do you ever get the feelings Ray might have returned to the Watchtower if the Wicked Men who caste him out with the Sinners asked him to come back?
Ray's books are alive, sometimes I get the impression he is blasting the Organization while other pages show he does not want us becoming aggressive and greatly bitter against the Liars of New York, while other times he is sad they are all going to Hell! Hey, what did his writing style tell you about his personality? I don't think he had a ton of Ego or he would have stayed with the Watchtower and made President by 2000?