I am content with my raise as long as it keeps up with the cost of living. In the past I have compared the percentage of my raise with the percentage that my rent goes up when it is time to renew the lease. The last percentage of the last cost of living increase in my job did not keep up with the increase in my rent. However, I did move to nicer apartment where the rent was even more than they were going to increase the rent at the apartment I was in at the beginning of the year. At my original apartment they were doing a 12% increase in rent and promising another 12% increase next year as a result of remodeling deal with the city housing agency. Although my new apartment has higher rent, I don't expect 12% rent increases.
Only one year since I've been here did I have a rent increase lower than the cost of living increase. However, averaging promotional salary increases and cost of living increases over the 4 years I've been on my own and comparing that with the average increase in my rent, the salary has increased enough to keep up with the rent increase. So overall I am satisfied, although a little concerned about what may happen when I hit the ceiling on the pay scale at my place of employment. I don't anticipate such a steep rise in rent at the next lease renewal. I am eventually thinking about buying myself a place, but that certainly does not stabilize housing costs. I'll have to worry about less predictable maintenance costs and property taxes then.