OMG They are doing commercials now!?

by flower 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • flower

    I just finished watching Martha Stewart and after it went off there was a set of commercials before the News came on and I swear I just saw a commercial from the Christian Congregation of Jehovahs' Witnesses!

    It was about raising your children with knowledge and love. It showed a teen girl on the internet in a chat room with a person who had become her best friend and wanted to meet her in person and they said something like if it seems too good to be true it is..'Love builds happy familys' was the slogan or something.

    I am just in shock. I am so pissed off. I cant believe they are gonna start bringing this shit into the homes of millions of people now without even having to go in service. I cant believe how angry it made me to see that!

    Did anyone else see it?

  • shamus

    No, but I have heard rumours that this was going to happen... it costs too much money to keep the corporation going, you see.. they need more effective ways to market their product.

  • blondie

    For your viewing listening pleasure!!!!


    Love Your Children (Public Service Announcement for Radio)

    Radio broadcast length: Available in 15- and 30-second segments

    English or Spanish
    28k/56k or ISDN

  • Xandria

    HFS! I heard rumors too.. but now I am going to have to put barf bags in the car just in case they go Radio next.


  • DFWnonJW
    and they said something like if it seems too good to be true it is..

    might this include the promise that "soon" the world will be a perfect peaceful paradise with no war, no sickness, no death, no religion and absolutely most definately no apostates?? Just wondering

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    I usually "mute" the commercials when watching a program. That will be one I won't forget to mute out! I listen to a progressive rock station on my radio so I doubt I will hear it there.....I hope....


  • Aztec

    Ummmm WHAT??????


  • luna

    Well, the Mormans have had commercials for years....I suppose the GB got jealous, and wanted to join in on the fun.

    That's crazy...I never thought that would happen....the TV being evil, and all.....

  • kj

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... Love your children. What a joke! How about some advice on how to protect them from pedophiles


  • flower

    We need someone to buy some commercial time to give a public service announcement about keeping your kids away from cults like this. they have commercials on keeping your kids away from drugs and ciggys why not cults?

    Theres too many people out there that dont know what the JW's are who will now listen a little more when they come to the door because of that commercial.

    Pisses me off.

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